Your Irn Bruiserweights were at Scotia Pro Wrestling Takeover in Dundee.

Kick Off Show Match 1 - SWA Scottish Jr Heavyweight Championship - Derren J Bair © vs Mercer
In this match, Me and Craig went against Each other, but we don’t normally do as this was to faces vs each other. I chose Mercer so Craig had Derren for the chants we even confused one of the fans as it threw him also as we normally back the same person in the match.
Getting to the match
This started with Mercer asking if the belt would fit him and some from the crowd said need extra-large. Mercer then locked up with Derren a bit of back and forth between both. Derren then took control of the match with a few punches and then a hip toss to Mercer.

At this part, Mercer was trying to rally and get the crowd with him managed to counter and get Blair to the corner and does the shhh and hits Derren across the chest I shout 1 more time to which Mercer does.
Derren takes over with a punch and kick of his own then hip tosses Mercer to the corner and then goes for an uppercut connect then asks the fans should finish him and again Mercer counters goes to go for his finisher and Colton Davis music hits which Mercer is waiting for him to arrive turns round and gets given a suplex and then a roll-up for the win

Official Result - STILL SWA Scottish Jr Heavyweight Champion - Derren J Blair

Overall thought - this was a very good match, but it also felt weird going up against Craig for the chants I like what I see with Derren as a competitor but also with Mercer and Colton Davis, I want to see where is going.

Match 2– SPW Tag Team Championship - Koe © Vs the Young Team
There was a stipulation for this match if the Young Team lost, they had to disband as a tag team.
This match started with the crowd booing Koe and the young team getting the cheers, Logan went to the corner and the crowd cheered him Marcus from Koe did the same, and then he got booed this went back and forth for a few minutes with both sets of partners.

It started with Jimmy and Adam, Jimmy did some press ups before he started the match and then Adam got Jimmy in a Headlock, Jimmy then hit, a shoulder tackle this match continued with them going back and forth and show casing Each other’s moves.
Adam then tags in Marcus, and they keep control of the match and keep stopping Jimmy from making a tag to Logan a few punches and kicks from Marcus and Jimmy manages to reverse and make the tag to Logan.

Logan comes in and starts to build some momentum, gets Marcus in a headlock Logan then tries to get Marcus over his shoulder manages to counter and tags in Adam now in control and punches Logan and then goes for a cover and only gets the 1 count.
This is where KOE both manage to keep Logan away from Jimmy and the match goes to the outside Logan and Adam are fighting outside then get back in the ring and tag in Jimmy as both members of KOE are outside the ring the young dive straight through the ropes and take out KOE.
Back in the ring, KOE set up Logan for their Finisher they hit it and went for the 3 count Jimmy managed to Break it up and then the young team took both members Koe out and Jimmy then rolled up Adam for the 3 count and the win.

Official Result - NEW SPW Tag Team Champions - The Young Team

Official thoughts - I thought this was a good match. Both teams showcased what they could do and it was also good to see The Young Team as 2-time SPW Tag Team Champions was good to see the crowd getting involved too

Next, we get a Commissioner Reynolds Segment

Match 3 - BT Gunn Vs Glenn Dunbar
Originally this match was to be BT Gunn Vs CJ Banks, but this changed due to personal circumstances.

Before the match started Glenn Dunbar got on the mic and wanted the crowd to stand for him but the crowd were having none of it always chanting for BT Gunn and saying we weren’t quite sure he wouldn’t fight him.
Dunbar eventually gets in the ring and the match starts with Dunbar talking trash to BT Gunn but BT Gunn is having none of it and punches him in the face and kicks him a few times Dunbar reverses and builds up a bit of momentum. Gunn then throws him out of the ring few kicks and punches from both men.

Then Gunn Pushes Dunbar towards the fans and he lands a slap bang right next to Craig Gunn Hits Dunbar right next to us then hits Dunbar on the ring post gets him back in the ring goes to the top rope hits his finisher and 3 count and the win

Official Winner - BT Gunn

Official thoughts - I thought again this was another good match. Some of the chants throughout this match had me in absolute stitches

Match 4 - Marc Munro, & Knockout Kings vs Alex Clark, Danny K & Danny Clarke
Alex Clark & Davey Blaze start the match and Blaze throws Alex towards his corner and Blaze says this was too easy to which Kid Kite agrees and says let me get some of this. Alex then tags in Danny Clarke and builds up a bit of momentum and Fite takes over and tags in Munro.

Clarke also tags in Danny K and he then slugs it out with Munro and then he slaps his bum the knockout kings ask him what he's doing and sat he will enjoy it. The crowd then start shouting baldy and Blaze says to me check out that bald spot and sure your not John Cena I then give Blaze the U Cant see me.
The crowd then start chanting baldy to Fite, the match continues with Munro and the knockout kings getting the upper hand and then Clarke starts to hit Munro back and Clarke power slams Munro and then goes top rope to do frog splash but Fite pushes him off the turnbuckle.

Danny K then gets involved and throws Munro and the knockout kings out of the ring, Danny K hits a baseball slide to them before Alehe jumps off the back of Danny K and flies over the top rope and takes out Munro and Knockout Kings this continues for a few minutes with both teams and Kid Fite hits his finisher on Danny Clarke and gets the win

Official Winners – Mark Munro & Knockout Kings
Official thoughts - I thought this was a good match and all men had their parts to play and showed what they could do in their teams. I also loved the interaction that we had with the knockout Kings I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

After the match, The Knockout Kings get on the mic and ask for what is rightful a tag title match and tell Commissioner Reynolds to get his arse out here. Reynolds comes out and the knockout kings get in his face. He said lucky that the wife said no to him fighting.
Also told them he didn’t know who they thought they were dealing with, and he said it was not how we do things around here, but they are right they didn’t get their opportunity but will have to face TJ Rage & Krieger in a number ones contenders match. The Young team then came out and held up their titles to end this segment.

Match 5 - Women Tournament Match - Rosie Nyte Vs Piper Reynolds
This match was originally to be Nyte vs Taylor Valentine, but this also changed commissioner Reynolds got on the mic and said Valentine couldn’t be here but knew Rosie Nyte was was ready for a fight and announced the one to watch Piper Reynolds in her SPW debut.

We were not expecting this as we know Piper well and we were so happy for her to make her debut tonight.
The match started with both ladies shaking hands Nyte got the upper hand with a few punches and Piper got back into it with a few punches and kicks of her own.

Nyte then started the heel stuff and the crowd started to shout we used to like you and she reacted to this very well Reynolds hit a few more punches and kicks and then went for a pin but Nyte kicked out.
Nyte rolled Piper up for the pin for the win to advance to the next round of the women's tournament, Piper was shocked and confused what happened.

After the match, Nyte went back into the ring and shook hands with Reynolds

Official Result - Rosie Nyte advances to the next round of the tournament
Overall Thoughts - I thought this was a very good match and a good debut for Reynolds and really a surprise and am looking forward to seeing her more in the future

Match 6 - SPW Heavyweight Title Match – Lucha Ds Vs George Thatcher - Special Guest Referee Steven Magners
The match started with Lucha Ds trying to rally the crowd then Thatcher closes through hell and punches Lucha a few times.
Lucha then whips Thatcher to the corner and as Thatcher was wearing braces pulled them twice which Thatcher wasn't happy.

Thatcher takes over control and gets in a punch and a kick goes for the cover only a 2 count and then gets in Magners face telling him to do his job.
Thatcher continues with the beat down and goes again for 2 further pin falls gets the two counts again and tells Magners it was three.
Munro came out to distract Lucha DS and Thatcher told him to get the chair Magners then said this is happening put the chair back under the ring.
Thatcher is set up for the 619 Lucha DS and goes to hit Thatcher with it but as a magners is trying to get back into the ring he gets taken out.

Munro then pulls a ref shirt out and puts it on Thatcher and Munro starts a beat down on Luch DS and Thatcher hits his finisher Munro tries a fast count but Lucha DS kicks out.
Munro was shocked at the kick out and Lucha DS then threw Munro out the ring and whipped Thatcher to the other side to set up for 619 and hits and then went over to Magners and said come on ref Magners great back in the ring pin by Lucha DS and won

Official Result - STILL SPW Heavyweight Champion - Lucha DS

After the match, Munro gets in Magners face and tells him Thatcher should win Lucha DS hits a superkick and passes Munro to Magners and he hits his finisher to Munro, Thatcher gets back up and Magers also hits his finisher on Thatcher

Official thoughts - this was a very good match both told a very good story adding in the special ref and the sports with this too I'm looking forward to seeing how this story Develops and continues and what's next for Steven Magners
Overall thoughts - I thought this was a very good event especially with it being SPW's event in Dundee there were a few changes to the card but this didn't disappoint and good to also see a new star debut.