First SWE Show Of The Year
Hello, Ladies and Gentleman, it's one half of you Irn Bruiesweight here bringing you another Scottish Wrestling Entertainment (SWE) Review so let's get into it.
I thought this was a good first match for David Drake and felt it was good to have in the pre-show, but I would like to see Scotty Riccio being pushed more for the World title.
The First match of the show was for the SWE Showcase Championship with the Champion The Original Craig Stephens V The Peoples Choice Brian Christie.
The match was back and forth with both men getting the upper hand on each other with heavy hits, The crowed when behind Brian Christie more which helped him for some time, Brian had the better of the upper hands but Craig Stephens was too powerful to not be kept down, and it showed near the end of the match when he was getting the upper hand on Brian Christie and hit his finisher on Brian Christie. The Winner of the Match and STILL your SWE Showcase Champion Thr Original Craig Stephens. I thought this was a really good match to start the night with as the crowd was behind it from the start and both men, put their all into the match. I would love to see Brian Christie be pushed for the Future Division Championship.
The Second Match was a Mixed Tag Match with Ace Anderson and Katia V Craig Forsyth and Iona Sky.
The match started with Katia V Iona Sky in the ring with both women going back and forth. Katia finally got the upper hand she then tagged in Ace Anderson, Ace Anderson wanted to go against Iona Sky but she tagged in Craig Forsyth. The men went back and forth with both getting the upper hand at times then as Craig Forsyth is setting Ace Anderson up for a move Katia comes in the ring with Iona Sky coming in to stop her, Craig Forsyth and Iona Sky both put Ace Anderson and Katia in the same move on there knees with their hands stuck between their legs at the back, Craig Forsyth and Iona Sky at the same time punted there bums to unstick them and both then hit their finishers, The Winners of the Match Craig Forsyth and Iona Sky.
I really enjoyed this match and thought that both teams put on a great show.
As the Third Match was being announced the door opened and The Alpha Male who is meant to be suspended was attacking Rory Shaw who was going up against Luke Aldridge later that night for the SWE World Heavyweight Championship, Alpha Male got Rory Shaw in the ring and gave him a chokeslam after attacking him The Alpha then walked through the back, the referees came out to help Rory Shaw.
I thought this was a good way if Alpha Male is back to bring him back from suspension.
The Third Match was for the SWE Future Division Championship with the Champion Johnny Thunder V Marc Munro
As soon as Johnny Thunder went in the ring Marc Munro got out of the ring, and as he was getting back in he tripped over the second row and the crowd started calling him a dafty, This annoyed Marc Munro so when the bell went he tried to get the upper hand on Johnny Thunder but it didn't work, Both men went back and forth on each other with both men getting the upper hand on each other, Johnny thunders high flying manoeuvre and quickness helped Johnny Thunder get the upper hand and use his finisher on Marc Munro. The Winner of the Match and STILL your SWE Future Division Champion Johnny Thunder.
I thought the match started off funny with Marc and Johnny then it turned into a good match with both men being quick and using their skilful moves.
After the Interval it was announced that Rory Shaw was away at the hospital to be checked over from the attack he had received.
The Fourth match was for the SWE Tag Team Championships with the Champions Jack The Jackle and Hugo Harris from Endeavour and were accompanied by Scotty Riccio V Joseph Biggs and Thaddeus Vogue who are Big Wood
The match started with The Jackle and Hugo Harris trying to attack Joseph Biggs and Thaddeus Vogue without them seeing it but Joseph and Thaddeus saw it coming and got the upper hand and went on the offence tagging each other in and out, Endeavour turned the match around getting the upper hand and having Scotty Riccio there helped them to by getting involved in the match at different times. This lets Endeavour hit their finisher. The Winners of the Match and STILL your SWE Tag Team Champions Jay the Jackel and Hugo Harris of Endeavour. When all Endeavour were celebrating Joseph Biggs and Thaddeus Vogue threw The Jackel and Hugo Harris out of the ring then when Scotty Riccio realised he was left in the ring alone with Joseph and Thaddeus he turned round and they did their finisher on him.
I thought this was a really good match there was a lot of back-and-forth action and it was the first time I had seen Joseph Biggs and Thaddeus Vogue and think they are really good wrestlers and would love to watch them wrestle again.
The Main Event was for the SWE World Heavyweight Champion with your Champion Luke Aldridge V Rory Shaw. Rory Shaw has the 2022 Fast Track Briefcase which he can use anytime for a World Title Shot, and this was him cashing it in.
Luke Aldridge was in the ring and Rory Shaw's music hit but he was not appearing this happened a few times, The music of the GM Breavheart started and he came out and announced if Rory Shaw does not come out he will not have another chance to cash in the briefcase and he will not be able to go for the World Title again while Breavheart is GM. He gives Rory Shaw, one more chance to come out and when they try the last time Rory show appears, the match starts with both men trying to knock each other over, there was a lot of heavy hitting with both men getting the upper hand and Luke Aldridge getting most of the upper hands and being in control more, the crowd where behind Rory more with a couple behind Luke Aldridge, during the match, the referee got knocked down. With the referee down, The Alpha Male attacked both men with chokeslams and then took the Heavyweight Title saying it was his, the referee got up and both men were down so she started counting to 10, both men got up with Luke Aldridge again getting the upper hand and getting his finisher. Your Winner and STILL SWE World Heavyweight Champion is Luke Aldridge.
I thought this was a good main event and both men gave it their all for the fans.
Overall, I thought this uprising was a very good show with loads of different wrestling styles on show. The crowd where behind the matches. Will be good to see how the stories continue and also hopefully see Joseph Biggs and Thaddeus Vogue back again soon.