EPW Thirst for Gold Review
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EPW Thirst for Gold Review

This was a very special night for EPW and their fans as they honored the late Oklahoma Hardcore Legend Kareem Sadat. Kareem was a founding fixture of EPW. After a year long battle Kareem departed on April 1, 2024.

Mitch Onxy with Guy Sterling and EPW Heavyweight Champion Montego Seeka.  Guy kicks it off with introducing his man and his group. Mitch makes a reference saying Kenny a fan needs suspended. Mitch claims it is special cause he is here. Says it is sad because Malik Mayfield is here tonight. Guy gets the mic again. He addresses OSAC the crowd erupts in OSAC suck. Guy pulls a Billy gun with the two words. Thanks them for enforcing rules. But unhappy Malik’s suspension was lifted. Guy wants to work for the commission. 

Malik comes out accompanied by Cam carrying the Coda brand belts. Imagine FTW but less anything goes. 

Bell rings. Onyx goes to the outside. Mitch wants the ref to hold the ropes so he can go back in. Erwin does so Mitch gets in. He just to roll back out. Seeks gets up on the apron. Mitch Onyx re-enters the ring. Mitch goes for a tie up twice. Third time he gets a hammer lock on Malik who easily turns it into an arm drag. Mitch rolls out. Headlock by Mitch. Shoulder tackle takes the bigger Malik down. Mitch has the advantage. Malik gets a series of arm drags before Mitch escapes the the outside. Malik follows. Mitch dodges and Malik uses his cheerleader background to dodge kicks by putting his legs on the apron. Guy gets in Malik’s face. Mitch kicks the ropes as Malik is getting back in then a springboard drop kick. A super loud chop to Malik’s back. Mitch puts Malik in the corner and stands on his chest. Onyx chokes Malik. Gets off at the 4 and tells fans he has until a 4 count. Malik has had very little offense. Uppercut off the top by Mitch. Ref misses a pin but the pin is just Onyx’s foot in the chest. Snapmare into a chin lock. Mitch mocks Mayfield's cheer leading background which gives him time to recover and a massive slam get a two count for Malik. Malik puts Mitch in the corner and delivers a massive chop which echos the arena. Repeat in a different corner. Malik chokes with a good split. That gets a 2.9999 count. Samoan drop to Mitch. Both managers are on the apron, Mitch knocks Cam down. Malik does a lethal injection. Two count before Mitch gets to the ropes. Super kick to Malik. Busaiku knee. Onyx gets a cutter off the top. He grabbed the hand and pulled Malik into it. Only a two count. Mitch goes to the top and dives for a cutter. Malik is able to dodges and hits Mitch with a right hand. The ref stops the match. Malik wins by TKO. Malik and Monteego stare down in the ring. 

EPW All American Championship match Shadow Gemini v Rick Russo(c). Tie up the gun show Rick Russo pushes Gemini it to the corner. Russo backs out of the corner. The men tie up and Russo puts an arm wrench on Shadow Gemini. Working the arm over good. Shadow Gemini reverses. Break up both men hit the ropes. Russo takes Gemini down with a clothes line. Russo gets Gemini in a corner to splash. back to back in different corners. Gemini gets Russo down and delivers an elbow. Gemini got to the outside. 7 count and the men get back in the ring. Shadow hits Rick with an elbow as he gets in. Suplex. Russo recovers and hits a DDT. 2 count.  Russo goes to the top and misses an elbow; Gemini looked to set up for a 1% but Russo escapes. Russo with a series of shots to the gut. Then a Russo wins with a Russian Leg sweep variation.  The two men shake hands after. 

Red James agaisnt Dominique Whitehart with CM Burnham was the next match for the crowd. Bell rings and they circle. Red ducks out of the ring. Red picks on Burnham. 8 count before he gets back in. Another 8 count before he gets back in. Red wants Burnham ejected. Whitehead calls for a handshake. Red slaps Dominique's hand and hooks on a headlock. Headlock take over. Whiteheart gets a scissor lock on Red James. Both get up. Headlock again by James. Whiteheart pushed it off and delivers a couple of arm drags before James executed a delayed spine buster. James is just abusing him by stomping on his limbs. Red is beating Dominique in the corner. Ref gets him out but not cleanly. A jab to the eyes. Red tried the same clothes lines as Rocky Romero not successful. Hanging DDT by James. James calls for a leg drop m. He missed. Whitehead is making a comeback punctuated with a Powerslam. Frog splash then a curb stomp by Whiteheart gets him the win. 

Burnham grabs the Mic. Burnham talks about family. Sadat was family for him. Kareem supported him. Now Burnham says all are family. Guy comes back out. Guy Sterling has apparently been hiding a secret from fans. Guy and Whiteheart are brothers. Burnham says he won’t let Guy corrupt Whiteheart.

EPW tag champion the Sanders v Trench and DAM of Black Flag. Sean starts the match. He out powers his opponents DAM. Shawn slaps DAM and he shrills. After every chop. Shawn runs DAM into Scott’s boot. Tag. Scott chokes DAM with his boots. Duncan then chokes as the ref is distracted admonishing Scott for the illegal actions. A punch to the gut of DAM in the corner before choking again. Dam tries to fight back but nothing. . Sean tagged in. Double knee. Rear chin lick. Shawn tags in Scott. Double chop by both takes DAM down again.  The Saints of Pro Wrestling has been successful in isolating DAM so far. DAM with a jawbreaker gets enough space to tag Trench in. Snapmare takes Scott over. Knee by Trench. A Flipping Senton by Trench on the downed Scott. Two count. Trench keeps kicking the downed Scott. Elbow drop for a 2 count. Chop to Scott. A series of well placed chops and kicks before placing Scott’s leg in the ropes and delivering a running drop kick. Trench starts working the leg. Trench tags in DAM. They miss a double crossbody intended to squash Scott. Scott tags out. Saints row by the sanders brothers wins the match. 

EPW Internet TV champ Duncan Kincade with Christopher Samuel Dean and Scott Sanders on the outside against champion Badger James accompanied by Trench Blyth. Badger ducks under a tie up attempt. Repeats the roll thru to the outside. Scott wipes his ass with the pirate flag. Near ten count the two Duncan shoulder tackles Badger. Badger kicks Duncan in the gut as he gets backing.  The two exchanging blows. Arm drag take over by Duncan. Duncan attempts to put Badger in a. Dragons sleeper. Badger escapes with a blow and put a camel clutch on the Jabroni. Not as good as Iron Sheik; no ones camel clutch is as good as the Iron Sheik. Red has to pull Badger off. Duncan charged Badger and pushed him into the corner. Badger reverses him into the opposite high knee. Cartwheel into a low drop kick. Badger misses a senton. Kincade to the outside. 7 count but right back out. Badger thrust kicks Duncan. Duncan pulls badgers legs out from under him. Ducks throws badges head I got the steps. Jump in for a two court. Leg on the rope. Dragon sleeper. Time limit has expired. Badger James is still the champ. Commissioner Christopher Samuel Dean restarts the match with 5 min. He also ejects Trench. Match restarted. Immediately pinned for the 3. 

Red James comes back out. The commissioner stopped him of the Internet TV championship after a conference of 90 days. He is now gunning for the title and the Saints of Pro Wrestling. 

Martin Slaughter of CAPW comes out to tell Skidz he is not worth to face the CAPW Texas champion. CAPW #1 contender Texas Title. Skidz against Sean Ryan. Ryan attacks from behind. This is the start of a CAPW Heavyweight Championship tournament. Ryan beats Skids in the corner. Atomic drop. Ryan gets some speed by hitting the ropes and clothesline from behind for a 2 count. Sean Ryan missed the senton. Skidz pins for a one. Sean Ryan is able to get Skids in arear chin lock. Sean Ryan pulls at the nose. Erin pulls Sean Ryan off. Skidz dodged a corner splash and hits a clothesline followed by a DDT. Sean Ryan recovers and does a drop kick to the back of Skidz. Ryan picked skids up for a move but countered into a DDT. Skids puts Ryan in a STF. Tap out. Martin Justice comes in and attack Skidz on the outside. 

CAPW tag championship. Champions Voiceless Society Tyler Watts and E-Bone. E-Bones says they get a night off since Tank Bryson could not make it. Malachi comes out. Malachi pulls Ozzy Hendrix from the back. Ozzy and Malachi will be tagging. A strange tag team. E-Bone started with a poke to the eye then headlock. E-Bone tried twice to no avail to shoulder tackle Ozzy. Ozzy on the third time does a spine buster. Hip toss to E-Bone. Ozzy tags in Malachi. Near fall for Malachi. Tag again brings Ozzy in.  Tyler grabs Ozzy’s boot. This gives Voiceless Society the advantage. Hanging neck breaker by E-Bone. Tyler is tagged in. They split Ozzy’s legs. Tyler is working the limbs. Near fall after a drop kick. Series of clothes lines by Malachi after a tag. Flatline then the victory. New CAPW tag team Champions. 

Tyler says they got lucky. Says May 18 he wants a triple threat. Then if they get is back no more for this team. 

Main event.  Montego Seeka against Kevin James Sanchez with Kevin unable to use his DDT. Seeka is brought out by Guy Sterling. Seeka jump starts the match. Kevin blocks and delivers some dusty punches. Belly to belly suplex by Kevin for a 2. Seeka low blow. Also Guy put the match under GBK rules. They can do whatever they want. Seeks spits in Kevin’s face. No count out. Seeka goes for a piledriver on the outside but Sanchez reverses into a back body drop. Sanchez runs Seeka’s head I tot the post. The two men get back in the ring. Seeka leans in the corner for to catch his breath. Kevin goes for splash in the corner but Seeka moves. Kevin falls to the center with a massive thud. Seeks double stomp for a two. Seeka starts to work on the braced leg of Kevin. Kevin starts to undo his brace. Seeka stomps him. Seeks focuses on the leg. Seeks finishes taking the brace off and hits him with it for a 2 count. Guy gets I the ring while Seeka chokes Kevin. Seeks puts Kevin in the corner and works over his leg. Dropkick to the knee wrapped in the ropes. Two count as the pin was attempted. Seeks stays focused on the leg. Kevin I. Great son gets up. He flips off Guy. Seeks starts to punch him. Kevin with a spine buster. GEM Mitch onyx comes out to distract. He gets hit off the apron by Kevin. Seeka put a bag over Kevin’s head. Cutter by Onyx. Pin only a two. Malik spears onyx. Malik follwos that up with a Blue Thunder Bomb onto Seeka. Two count. Kevin will not give up on this night honoring his friend Kareem Sadat. Both men get up and trade blows. Guy grabs the belt as Kevin makes a pin for two. Erwin starts to count. As both men are down. Belt is thrown in. Seeks misses. DDT by Kevin. Three court.  New champion. Kevin James Sanchez. 

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