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Clint McCormick

Progress Chapter 159 Wonder Brawl - 02 Ritz Manchester

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Hi all, it's Clint here with your weekly review. This week I was at Progress in Manchester for a dramatic evening with their biggest crowd in the venue since before the pandemic.

Atlas Title No1 Contender Match

Luke Jacobs Vs Yoshiki Inamura

Jacobs hometown but Inamura still had his share of support. Sweat went flying as both men traded vicious strikes. Jacobs won this 1 to set up an interesting battle Vs RKJ or Irie


Lizzy Evo Vs Kanji

I got more into this contest as it built. The end came when Kanji had Lizzy Evo in a triangle choke. Lizzy tapped but got the 3 count at the same time.

The match was declared a draw. Both women continued to fight after the match and had to be dragged apart.


ECW Legend Masato Tanaka was announced for Progress’s only scheduled midweek show in 2024 in March which got a pop from the Manchester crowd.

Robbie X Vs Jack Bandicoot

Jack is someone I wish I could buy stock in. He’s on the rise and has a great look and character on top of his ability. We know what we’re getting from Robbie X who never disappoints.

This high flying contest was won by the King of the Cruiserweights. After beating Danny Black, Maggot and Tate Mayfairs in a 4 way match in his last match; could Robbie be on his way to challenging for the Progress Title?


Charles Crowley Vs Matthew Rehwoldt

Where to start with this? We were warned this was going to be the most dramatic match of all time. The entrances were over the top and Rehwoldt had a big presence.

You may have seen some clips on social media which are without context. Both men traded shots and started overselling them but without putting themselves in jeopardy of losing the match. This built quickly until both men were throwing themselves around in a dramatic competition. This is drama chants went round the 02 Ritz.

The lights then went out and a message came up on the screen. Battle Royal mode - Release the ring crew. The top rope snapped in a massive coincidence which added to the drama as all the ring crew in red shirts tried to attack Crowley and Rehwoldt.

After the 2 cleared the ring, Matthew serenaded Crowley before going for a low blow. Charles span him around in the air dropping him face first for the 3 count.


As a wrestling match I can’t give this more than a generous 2 but as a spectacle it was unique and entertaining.

Robbie X, Lykos Gym and Inamura were around the ring during the interval selling Merch, chatting and taking pictures with fans.

Bryan Keith was announced for Super Strong Style before the 2nd half got underway. I believe tickets are on sale.

Leon Slater Vs Francesco Akira

This was the 1 I was most looking forward to. Impact Vs New Japan. 0121 Vs United Empire. There’s a reason these men have contracts elsewhere as they both showcased their array of high flying skills in front of a split crowd.

The Youngest in charge picked up the win and both men shook hands. Not counting the Battle Royal; Slater is on a 5 match winning streak and is another who must be in contention to challenge for titles.


Dominatus Regnum (Spike Trivet, Charlie Sterling + Bullit) Vs Lykos Gym and Warren Banks

In what is scheduled to be Warren Banks penultimate wrestling match, he got to team with No1 contender to the Progress Title Lykos and Lykos II.

As always Spike incited the crowd like only he can. Charlie Sterling had a lot of interaction with a section of the balcony that were trying to distract him with chants.

Lykos II got worked over for a portion of the match before chaos ensued. Spike Trivet hit Lykos with a double underhook neckbreaker to make sure he was the man going into the Title Vs Mask match in 2 weeks with the momentum.

Banks grabbed a mic once everyone had left and said he grew up near Manchester so this was home for him. He also said Lykos is going to be the next Progress Champion.



Ricky Knight Jnr Vs Shigehiro Irie

These 2 men have fought before so knew what to expect of each other as the momentum went back and forth. 1 fan make is clear he wasn’t rooting for RKJ who took great delight in hitting Irie harder and dedicating it to him.

The youngest of the Knights retained his title with a 450 splash. I think his title may be in more jeopardy in 2 weeks time.



Rhio Vs Lana Austin

The former Champion came out with her Lana Austin Experience entourage and James Drake. Rhio entered with both the Progress and ICW Womens title.

Lana controlled the match and when she didn’t Skye, LA Taylor and Drake were distractions.

Crowley and Alexxis Falcon came out to nullify Rob. Skye and Taylor didn’t seem to mind until Lana told them to help him.

This gave Rhio the 1 on 1 contest she craved and was able to come out on top of as she won the Main Event in arguably the biggest match of her career.


A decent show in a part of the Country which doesn't get to see Progress regularly. This helped set up Vendetta in 2 weeks which is the last Progress show before Unboxing.


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