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Craig Inglis

NWA Powerr Review 25/07/2023

Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your NWA Powerr Review. So let's get into it.

Match 1 - Heavyweight Exhibition Match - Damage v Jax Dane

The match starts with a stare down and shoving each other then both men lock up with Jax getting the upper hand and getting Damage in the corner. Damage comes out and puts Jax in a headlock, Jax gets out of the headlock by hitting a suplex and Damage goes to the corner, Damage gets a boot up in the corner, Damage goes for a couple of shoulder tackles but it doesn't knock him down, Damage hits a standing drop kick which takes Jax to the mat and he rolls out the ring. Jax hits some heavy hits on the outside before Damage gets him back in the ring and hits a splash in the corner on Jax, Jax turns him around and hits a belly to belly suplex. Jax gets the upper hand for a bit with some big hits and moves, Jax throws Damage back in the ring but Aaron Stevens stops him and hits him with the loaded glove. That keeps Jax out of the ring for the 10 count.

Official Winner - Damage

Match 2 - Knox & Murdoch v Russ Jones & Schaff

Knox stars the match with Russ Jones, both men lock up showing strength, Knox gets Russ in the corner and punches him but Russ then got some hits in on Knox before Russ hits a pump kick on Knox taking him out of the ring, Murdoch comes in but Russ dodges him and both Russ and Schaff share hits on Murdoch. Knox gets the upper hand on the outside. Knox stays on the upper hand and he tags Murdoch in, Russ hits a suplex on Murdoch and tags in Schaff who stays on the offence with heavy hits and quick moves. Murdoch moves from the corner and Schaff goes shoulder first into the post. Murdoch stays on top with heavy hits. Knox comes in and stays on the offence with heavy hits. Murdoch comes back in staying on the offence with heavy hits. Knox and Murdoch hit a double team move high and low to get the three count.

Official Winner - Knox and Murdoch

We get a backstage interview

Match 3 - Blake Troop v Mims

The match starts with both men trying to get each other in locks, Both men keep trying to get each other in locks but both men keep stopping each other. Mims hit a hiptoss and get’s Troop on his shoulders and keeps spinning around, Mims hits a big closeline from the ropes, Troop hits a kneebar but Mins gets to the ropes and Troop holds on for as long as he could before the referee DQ's him, Troop keeps going after the knee has just injured. Both men keep trying to get the upper hand on each other, Troop gets Mins in the kneebar again in the middle of the ring and holds it in till Mins passes out.

Official Winner - Blake Troop

We get a backstage interview

Match 4 - The Country Gentlemen v Odinson & Jordan Clearwater

The match starts with AJ getting Clearwater in a headlock and taking him to the mat. Clearwater throws AJ into the ropes but AJ hits a shoulder tackle and makes the tag. Anthony stays on the offence and tags in AJ again. The Country Gentleman Club keep making quick tags and staying on the offence with heavy hits and double team moves. Clearwater racks the eyes and manages to get the tag. Odinson gets the upper hand with some heavy hits and big moves. Odinson and Clearwater stay on the offence with quick tags and heavy moves. The Country Gentleman get the upper hand for a bit until Odinson hits a flying punch. Odinson hits a massive spear off the ropes and gets the three count.

Official Winner - Odinson & Jordan Clearwater

We get a DLZ promo

We get a backstage interview

Match 5 - NWA World Junior Heavyweight Championship Match - Matt Vine v Kerry Morton

The match starts with both men trying to get each other in holds, Matt hits a shoulder tackle off the rope which knocks Kerry to the mat, Matt hits a splash in the corner then throws Kerry across the mat, he then hits a couple of arm drags, Kerry dodges another arm drag and hits Matt with a kick in the ribs. Kerry stays on top with some heavy hits and holds, Matt hits a backdrop on Kerry, Both men share the upper hand with heavy hits. Kerry Morton gets more of the upper hands, Kerry hits the kiss a goodbye then hits the show steller for the three count.

Official Winner - STILL NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion - Kerry Morton


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