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Impact Wrestling Review 25/5/23

We kick off this week’s Impact with an exclusive match on BTI.

Sami Callihan vs Shogun

Callihan goads Shogun into a test of strength but instead delivers a straight right hand. Shogun bounces back with a big shoulder tackle. Callihan sends him toppling over the top rope to the floor. Shogun charges towards Callihan but he sidesteps, sending the big man crashing into the steel ring post. Callihan puts his strength on display with a powerslam on the floor. Back in the ring, Shogun hits a series of running splashes for two. Shogun hits a belly-to-belly suplex but Callihan avoids the follow-up elbow drop. Callihan hits the Death Valley Driver to win.

An OK match to kick off BTI. Not much to really say about the match. Looking forward to Callihan’s match at Under Siege. Grade C.

Impact begins now!

Match 1: Mike Bailey vs Chris Sabin

Sabin ties up Bailey in the ropes, then delivers a running dropkick. Bailey turns the tide with a handspring, followed by a single leg dropkick of his own. Bailey hits a running Shooting Star but Sabin cuts off his momentum. Sabin flies with a missile dropkick off the top, followed by a running boot. Sabin spikes him with a tornado DDT for two. Bailey drives his knees into the chest of Sabin. Sabin hits a flurry of knees but can’t put Bailey away with the follow-up powerbomb. Bailey soars with a springboard Moonsault to the outside. Sabin hits a Sunset Flip powerbomb as Bailey’s back collides with the floor. In the ring, Sabin launches him off the top with a German suplex. Bailey bounces back with a standing Spanish Fly for a very close near fall. Bailey successfully hits the Tornado Kick but Sabin evades Ultima Weapon. Sabin hits a Muscle Buster, followed by the Cradle Shock to win.

A brilliant match. Mike Bailey and Chris Sabin are excellent athletes. I always look forward to any match that these men are in. Can’t wait for Sabin to challenge for the X-Division title at Under Siege. Grade B+

Video Package: Trinity

Trinity has rocked the wrestling world to its core since making her arrival in IMPACT Wrestling. This Friday at Under Siege, she makes her IMPACT Plus debut as she battles Gisele Shaw.

Backstage Segment:

IMPACT World Champion Steve Maclin brutally assaulted PCO last week with the help of Champagne Singh and Shera. With their scheduled No Disqualification match just 24 hours away at Under Siege, what is the status of Perfect Creation One? Steve Maclin declares that PCO will be unable to compete at Under Siege and will name his replacement later tonight.

Match 2: Kenny King & Sheldon Jean vs vs Decay (Crazzy Steve & Black Taurus)

Nick Aldis joins the commentary table as he prepares to face Kenny King for the first time ever at Under Siege!

Taurus takes King off his feet with a running shoulder tackle. Taurus then sends him spilling to the outside before targeting the arm of Jean. Moments later, Jean gains control with a dropkick to Taurus. King taunts the bull before delivering a powerslam for two. Steve hits a running cannonball, colliding with King in the corner. Taurus then suplexes his own partner onto the body of King. Taurus flies over the top while Steve gets a two-count on King. Steve bites King but he counters into the Royal Flush for three.

Not the best match really. I’m disappointed in this, because usually I’m excited for a match involving either Crazzy Steve or Kenny King. It wasn’t the worst match, but I definitely expected more. Grade D

After the match, King gets on the mic and sends a message to Aldis. Moments later, Aldis fires back and takes out Jean at ringside. King dares Aldis to meet him in the ring but retreats at the last moment.

Backstage Segment:

The hourglass has nearly run out as Jessicka continues to wait for Rosemary’s return from the Undead Realm. Jessicka puts the hourglass down onto the floor and leaves to go to the ring alone.

Match 3: Jessicka vs Knockouts Tag Team Champion Taylor Wilde w/KiLynn King

Jessicka quickly falls victim to the numbers game as King provides a distraction on the apron. Wilde capitalises with the Witch’s Wrath to score the quick victory.

A shame that this was as quick as it was, but clearly it is leading up to something so I can’t be too mad at it. I just hope whatever it is working towards is actually good and worth it. Unfortunately though, it does get a low grade due to the quickness of the match. Grade D-

After the match, The Coven continue the assault on Jessicka until someone emerges from the Undead Realm – it’s Courtney Rush. Rush clears the ring of The Coven and stands tall with Jessicka.

Backstage Segment:

Courtney Rush explains to Jessicka that she’s not supposed to be here – but since she is, she’s down to go on an adventure. Jessicka asks Rush if she wants to be a Death Doll and she accepts.

Match 4: Angels w/The Design (Deaner & Kon) vs Rich Swann w/Sami Callihan

Angels uses the apron to his advantage as he trips up Swann and catapults him into the steel ring post. Angels remains in control with a half-and-half suplex. Swann fights out of the corner and creates separation with a neckbreaker. Swann launches himself off the apron with a senton to the floor. Swann hits a handspring cutter for two. Angels spikes Swann with draping DDT for a near fall of his own. Angels counters another handspring cutter into another half-and-half suplex. Angels soars with a Moonsault to the outside, followed by a top rope splash in the ring. Swann picks him off the top, then successfully hits the 450 Splash to win.

A good match. Angels and Swann are both really good wrestlers, so I had a good feeling about this match. This match has piqued my interest for the 6 Man Tag match at Under Siege. Grade B

After the match, The Design jump Swann from behind. Sami Callihan attempts to make the save with his baseball bat but also falls victim to the numbers game. Angels makes Swann watch as Deaner lays out Callihan with the bat.

Backstage Interview:

Alisha interrupts Gia Miller’s interview with Knockouts World Champion Deonna Purrazzo. Alisha tells Purrazzo that soon, she’ll see Jordynne Grace’s true colours. Purrazzo and Grace are set to clash for the Knockouts World Title tomorrow night at Under Siege and if Grace doesn’t win, she can no longer challenge Purrazzo as long as she is champion.

Backstage Segment:

We are taken to the backstage area and we see Killer Kelly and Masha Slamovich brawling. They brawl around the backstage area until Slamovich puts Kelly to sleep.

Match 5: Jordynne Grace vs Alisha Edwards

Grace makes quick work of Alisha as she spikes her with the Grace Drive to score the dominant victory.

Again, another match where there isn’t much to say about it. A complete squash match. I’m a little confused about the involvement of Alisha Edwards in the Deonna/Jordynne situation, but I’m assuming this will all come to light, possibly at Under Siege. Grade D-

Promo Segment:

Dirty Dango believes that he’s the biggest star in IMPACT Wrestling – unlike Joe Hendry, who he will challenge for the Digital Media Title tomorrow night on Countdown to Under Siege.

Video Package:

Moose, Yuya Uemura, Jonathan Gresham, Frankie Kazarian, Alex Shelley and Eddie Edwards collide in #1 Contenders match at Under Siege. Who will earn a coveted opportunity at the IMPACT World Title?

Match 6: World Tag Team Champion Chris Bey w/Ace Austin vs John Skyler w/Jason Hotch & Brian Myers

Skyler retreats to the outside but Bey follows him with a dropkick through the ropes. Skyler avoids a slingshot crossbody, then drives him face-first into the steel ring post. Back in the ring, Bey hits a slingshot DDT to regain control. Bey misses an elbow drop, allowing Skyler to capitalise with a spear from the apron. Hotch gets up on the apron but Austin neutralises him at ringside. Bey takes out Myers with a dropkick then transitions into The Art of Finesse on Skyler to win.

A decent match. I think the joining forces of the Good Hands and Brian Myers is a really interesting one. It looks to me like they could be challenging for the tag team titles at some point soon and having the mentorship of Myers might help them to win the titles. Grade C+

Tomorrow at Under Siege:

Trinity makes her IMPACT Plus debut vs Gisele Shaw. Nick Aldis battles Kenny King for the first time ever. The Design go to war with Sami Callihan, Rich Swann and a mystery partner. ABC will defend the IMPACT World Tag Team Titles against SUBCULTURE. Chris Sabin challenges Trey Miguel for the X-Division Title. Moose, Eddie Edwards, Jonathan Gresham, Yuya Uemura, Alex Shelley and Frankie Kazarian clash to become #1 Contender. Deonna Purrazzo defends the Knockouts World Title against Jordynne Grace and if Grace loses, she will not receive another opportunity as long as Purrazzo is champion. Plus, PCO challenges Steve Maclin for the IMPACT World Title in a No Disqualification match.

We will also see Knockout's World Tag Team Champions The Coven battle Jessicka and Courtney Rush of the Death Dollz. Plus, Joe Hendry defends the Digital Media Title against Dirty Dango on Countdown to Under Siege.

In Ring Segment:

IMPACT World Champion Steve Maclin is in the ring and declares that the match against PCO is not happening at Under Siege because he “killed” him. However, Maclin says that he will defend his title against an opponent of his choosing – Champagne Singh. Singh and Shera join Maclin in the ring when IMPACT President Scott D’Amore interrupts. D’Amore overturns Maclin’s decision to have Singh challenge for his title. D’Amore says that he’s happy to have Maclin as the IMPACT World Champion – as long as he’s a fighting champion. D’Amore tries to strike a deal with Maclin, promising that if Maclin beats his opponent at Under Siege, he will personally hand him the IMPACT World Title like he said he would at Rebellion. Maclin ups the ante and D’Amore agrees to the terms – if Maclin wins at Under Siege, D’Amore will put the title around his waist. D’Amore reveals that PCO will still be his opponent as the lights go out and Perfect Creation One appears in the ring. PCO takes out Singh and Shera as Maclin retreats up the ramp. PCO stands tall with the World Title as IMPACT! goes off the air.

Overall, not a bad episode of Impact. It’s a shame about the squash matches as I’m not a fan of them, but hopefully, they will lead to advancing the storylines. Under Siege is Friday 26th May and I shall be back with a review of that. I shall make my predictions here and we shall see if I am correct in my review tomorrow.

Under Siege Predictions:

Joe Hendry vs Dirty Dango - Joe Hendry

The Coven vs THe Death Dollz - The Death Dollz

Steve Maclin vs PCO - Steve Maclin

Deonna Purrazzo vs Jordynne Grace - Deonna Purrazzo

Trey Miguel vs Chris Sabin - Chris Sabin

Alex Shelley vs Eddie Edwards vs Frankie Kazarian vs Jonathan Gresham vs Moose vs Yuya Uemura - Eddie Edwards

Rich Swann, Sami Callihan & TBA vs The Design - Rich Swann, Sami Callihan & TBA

Trinity vs Gisele Shaw - Trinity

Nick Aldis vs Kenny King - Nick Aldis

ABC vs Subculture - ABC

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