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Writer's pictureJohnny Aman

EPW Retribution Review

This month EPW was held outside in Mid West City Oklahoma. Being outside is a nice change of scenery and doesn't limit the wrestlers on how high they can fly. Now this isn't a complete review of the show as I was not able to take notes as usual. But sit back relax and enjoy.

The opening match was a four way match involving Bud Barnes, Duncan Kincade both of the Saints of Pro Wrestling. Giganto, and Tyler Watts. Duncan and Tyler Paired off for most of the match. If you remember correctly Duncan turned on him last month. At times when the two members of Saints of Pro Wrestling attempted to double team Tyler would go below the belt to fend them off. The match was eventually won by Bud Barnes.

Father Padge faceed off against Simon the Elegant. Simon was able to hold his own for the most part of this match. By hold his own I mean for a lot of the match this rookie controlled it. His high paced action was no match in the long run when facing Father Padge. Padge won with a Sister Abagail

Also on the card was a rare ladies match. This was a great match. Nibira of the Psychotic Messengers against Mindy Grace. Mindy gives off a very Mickie James vibe. This was Mindy's first time in front of the EPW crowd. Mindy seemed to have control for most of the match. Nibira even look like she might tap to a leg scissors. Nibira would eventually win. After the match Nibira would raise Mindy's hand and show respect.

Native Law (Nashoba and Sherriff) against The Sanders Twins. This was a quick match. These men are not paid by the hour. The Saints won sending a statement to the Psychotic Messenger as they have their sights set on the EPW Tag Titles.

Maddox Jones versus the MERC brought us back from intermission. MERC comes out and slaps Maddox in the butt. Maddox shoves MERC into the corner and slaps his chest in anger. MERC is able to get upper hand. He during this period he would stomp Maddox in the back of the head and shun him. Members of the crowd would join in on the shunning. MERC getting very cocky. Maddox will not let that stand as he takes back over with a vertical suplex for a 1 count. Both men would go to the outside to battle it out. When the two men returned to the ring Maddox would perform a double arm vertical suplex. The crowd angers Maddox by shunning him. The shunning powers up the MERC who gives a HUGE open fist slap to the face of Jones… that echoes even in the outdoors in the middle of a city. MERC going up top for a elbow drop and gets a 2 count. The ref did count 3 but Maddox's foot was on the ropes. MERC goes for a maneuver from outside over the top from the outside but Maddox reverses into a pin. Maddox Holds the ropes for the win. MERC with superkick after the bell…not happy at his loss.

Red James would face off against Sabretooth Lewis. Red brought a chair to the ring as a potential weapon. Sabretooth started out wanting to shake hands. However, before the match could begin James put on some brass knuckles which the ref was able to easily see. Once James was relived of the knuckles the match began. Throughout the entire match James would cheat by choking Sabretooth and using the ropes for pins. However the cheat that won the match came from Ozzy. When Red went for the chair the ref stopped him. At that time Sabretooth was able to grab the knuckles from Red's pants. So we may want to hold our wallets a little tighter around Sabretooth Lewis with those pick pocket skills, but I digressed. Sabretooth Lewis would give Red James a massive upper cut with the brass knuckles to win the match. Red James was knocked silly for quite a long time.

Montego Seeka vs. Devion Black for the All American Championship had a big match feel for his first defense. Seeka talking some trash to start this off. Missed kick from Devion. Both feeling each other out. Big shoulder block from Tego. Reverse dropkick from Devion. Montego Seeka goes outside for a breather. He lays on the table that is outside. Huge dive to the outside from Davion. The two would get back in the ring and Tego would choke Devion in the corner, shot after shot, absorbing, wait, tornado ddt from Davion. Seeka regaining control, putting Devion in a clutch. No giving up. Off the ropes, Tego catching with a samoan drop getting a 2 count. Davion makings some offense out of the corner. Insane inverted blue thunder driver by Devion. Devion goes to the top, knee buckles Seeka would then toss Devion into the corner, Montego with a get over here pop up back breaker. Tego goes to the ropes, Devion with a huge kick, falls off the ropes. Sabertooth Lewis comes out, talks crap, Devion almost gets distracted, Tego lands some offense but Devion hits a quick roll up! Marce and Tego beats down Devion after the match. Montego holds up the belt as if it is only a matter of time until the belt is his. While Mindy Grace and the ref was helping Devion to the back Montego Seeka and Sabretooth Lewis decided that they were not done. They beat up Devion more. Mindy would eventually be able to get between the two and hold her ground to back them off. In Oklahoma men cannot touch women due to the Oklahoma Athletic Board.

The main event was The Psychotic Messengers represented by Malichi and Tank Bryson against San Muerta and Trench Blyth for the EPW Tag Team Championship. Double Russian leg sweep from the Messengers followed up byShing wizard from Malachi. Tank with a drop down jawbreaker. Big hurricaneranna from San Muerta Trench and San Muerta wear Tank down, Trench really wrenching a vice in on Bryson. Tank turns an armbar around and cinches in on the ground. Trench is able to get out of it. Trench would pick Tank up in a wheelbarrow. San Muerta would first his a Code Breaker. In one smooth motion Trench would pick Tank back up for San Muerta to do a face smash. After enduring more offense Tank would eventually be able to get ama angel's wings on Trench. Both Tank and Trench would be ablt to tag. This allowed the Psychotic Messengers the much needed offence. Psychotic Messengers would hit their Shattered Dreams into the Shattered Code Breaker combo. Malachi would knock Trench out of the ring as Tank went for the pin…..Messengers retain.


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