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Writer's pictureJohnny Aman

Dynamite with a New Color Scheme

An era ended last Sunday with the retirement of Sting. Now Dynamite has a new look to it. Dynamite emanated from Atlanta, Georgia. Tonight looks to be heavy on the promo work with The Young Bucks, Darby Allin, and Swerve Strickland all slated to speak.

Prince Nana and Swerve kicked off he night with a promo hosted by Tony Schiavone. Swerve is dressed to wrestle and starts his promo by saying he wasn't fit to call hit his house since he lost Sunday. He is doubting himself. He vows to continue gunning for Samoa Joe. A humbling tone to his promo.

Samoa Joe's music then hits and Joe enters. Joe is also dressed for a match. As could be predicted by their attire the two men try to fight. Undisputed Kingdom prevents the fight by their music hitting. Adam Cole Bay-Bay says they accomplished their goals at Revolution. Instead of Swerve and Joe fighting it is going to be Joe and Swerve against Bennet and Taven. Immediately.

Joe starts the match by punching Matt Taven and Mike Bennett. Swerve stands on the outside. Samoa Joe looks like he may be able to do this match without the help of Swerve Strickland. He even refuses to tag Swerve. When Swerve finally becomes the legal man he has a hot tag style offense. Joe feigned surprise he was tagged out. Strickland attempted to do the Swerve Stomps but the biggest issue was he tried it from the Kingdom's corner. Obvious struggle incoming there. Swerve wins with Big Pressure. Both Swerve and Joe worked alone for this tag win. Swerve Strickland gets distracted by Wardlow walking down the ramp. Samoa Joe then chokes Swerve out. Overall not a bad way to start the night. There was also the announcement of at Big Business next week Wardlow will get his title shot.

The Ocho interrupts Hook and Rene to tell him that he respects him after Sunday. Just felt like a filler.

The Young Bucks are continuing their overall story arc for episodes with a fake out on making their two huge announcements.

This match is being contested under FTW Rules. Hook goes in fast but Brain Cage uses his power to take control Hook will have the speed advantage and Brain Cage the power. The Swolverine seems to be wearing a Wolverine inspired trunks. As this is a hardore match Hook is the first to use a weapon and it is a fire extinguisher. Hook follows up with the usage of a trash can lid. Hook gets caught when he attempts a crossbody. Cage delivers a powerslam. Cage is sent into and breaks the barricades near F1 section of the arena. Brain Cage struggles with a microphone cord when attempting to attack Hook. The joys of being live. Hook reverses an F5 with a DDT. Hook is then able to deliver his T-bone suplex the first time this match after several failed attempts. Kazadora into a neckbreaker by Cage did not look good. Looked like Cage did not make contact but faked it. Brain Cage introduces the thumbtacks. Hook is able to T-bone Cage into the pile of thumbtacks. Hook latches on the Red Rum. Cage drops onto the tacks. Hook holds on. Cage passes out while both men are laying in the tacks.

Gates of Agony attack after the match. Jericho and his bat Floyd comes out to save Hook.

After a vignette for the Tag Team Titles and their history it goes to Best Friends in the back. The combo of Orange Cassidy and Trent will be in the tournament for the titles. Their first match will be Friday on Rampage.

Killswitch against Daddy Magic Matt Menard; Daddy Magic catches the big dinosaur by surprise. Menard keeps the pressure on the beast. One chokeslam seems to turn the tide completely against the injured Matt Menard. Killswitch just plays with the defeated opponent before making the pin. Daniel Garcia comes out to prevent a further beatdown. This is not successful. A squash match like monsters need.

Adam Copeland does return and chokes out NIck Wayne at the top of the ramp. Mother Wayne is blocked at a low blow attempt. Adam Copeland then chases Christian Cage out of the arena. Copeland then lays out the challenge for an I Quit match in Toronto. Instantly made official by Tony Khan via Excalibur.

Rene is backstage with Kyle O'Reilly. A grateful man who says he needs to do it on his own. He is still friends with members of the Undisputed Kingdom but wants to do things on his own. I am so happy he is back ReDragon was an amazing tag team. I also love the style of wrestling that Kyle does. We as fans will just have to wait and see how the returning Kyle O'Reilly performs.

The time comes to hear from the EVPs in the ring. Again they put the Young Bucks with Tony Schiavone. Tony is a little antagonistic. Young Bucks say that Sting and Darby cheated due to all the help they got. The Young Bucks declare themselves in the tag team tournament. That makes two teams in the bracket. First announcement by Matthew Jackson, Hangman Adam Page is suspended indefinitely from The Elite without pay. Also announced is them firing Kenny Omega from The Elite.

Eddie Kingston interrupts. He throws money at them to pre-emptively pay the fine. Young Bucks then take cheap shots against Eddie. Coins drop. The Rainmaker Kazuchika Okada is All Elite. HE is aligned with The Young Bucks.

WIth no WIll Ospreay and No Okada it makes watching NJPW a little harder. Additionally I have never seen a heel Okada. I am super excited for this prospect.

Statlander has the easy advantage. Riho is always fighting from an underdog position. Riho is one that I find hard to watch. The reasoning is 90% of her offense relies on countering moves. She isn't a horrible wrestler and like I said on the Roundup you have to be talented to get to this stage of the game. Riho is getting some offense in that is not based off countering. Statlander did an awkward clothesline. Mainly because of Riho's height. Riho is able to get an area code kick in. While diving off the top Statlander catches Riho. Dragon Suplex by Riho almost gets her the win. Statlander almost gets a pin off a powerbomb. Stokely puts a chain in the ring. Kris Statlander picks it up but throws it out of the ring. Statlander delivers a deadweight german suplex. Riho with a quick pin for the win.

Rene is at it agains. This time a quickie with Toni Storm. Nothing of substance. Toni just plugs a new shirt available on

Darby is announced as still one half of the AEW Tag Champions; even though they have been vacated. Darby comes out with the bat. What is next for Darby? After next week he is going to climb Mount Everest. There is no guarantee he comes back alive. A beautiful promo.

Unfortunately it is ruined but Switchblade coming out to build towards their match next week. Jay is mocking in his compliments of both Sting and Darby. Jay White gets to the heart of the promo calling Darby lost without Sting. Darby retorts with saying Jay has done nothing in AEW. Darby then puts the bat up to Jay White's neck before White could attack. Reminiscent of Sting and his various opponents.

Did Buddy Mathews just hint at a fire match between Mark Briscoe and member of the House of Black. Cut to Mark Briscoe and he says lets have an Atlanta Street Fight. Jay Lethal then offers to help and bring a low down bastard like Jeff Jarrett.

While I will enjoy this main event, I am against it. Why pit United Empire members against each other when the roster is so deep. Is this to break Ospreay away from the Don Callis family and leave Kyle Fletcher there? If so, there are other ways. One fall 30 mins and 15 min left in the show.

The two men start the match with a hug. How long will that last. Will wanted 100% of Kyle. Basic chain wrestling to feel each other out. Both men are looking evenly matched. Ospreay does seem to always get the slight edge. Thunderous chop to the chest. Ospreay then showed signs from the brainbuster to the turnbuckle. After this Fletcher has control. Ospreay does a dab which Excalibur notes is a shout out to the departed Mad Kurt, check out a documentary on him by clicking his name. Fletcher off a telegraphed Oscutter delivers a snapdragon. Kyle Fletcher's strength and height slowed a hurricanrana. HIdden Blade ducked. Oscuter to Fletcher on the edge of the ring. A series of tombstone reversals ends in Ospreay delivering a poisonrana. Ospreay escapes a half and half from the top rope. Fletcher is then forces to kick out of a Liger Bomb. Ospreay hits a Cheeky Nandos before another poisonrana except this one was from the top rope. Fletcher then kicks out. After several exciting reversals, Will hits a Oscutter for a two. Kyle then sits up enough and tells Ospreay to hit him with the Hidden Blade. Ospreay Wins.

Danielson comes out after the match. Then it goes off TBS.

I loved this match more than the one against Takeshita. It was worth the overrun on TBS.


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