We are rapidly approaching Payback and the show does not have much set up as of yet. You can all but guarantee a few matches though, and that should be enough to build from over the next two Raw’s. Judgment Day did some smashing to end last week’s show and that is going to be an issue. Let’s get to it.
The opening recap looks at Judgment Day wrecking havoc to end last week’s show, despite having some problems.

Here is home province boy Sami Zayn to get things going, with the fans giving him a VERY long welcome. Sami soaks it all in for a special moment and FINALLY gets his first words in about nine minutes after the show came on the air. That would be a French greeting, but here is Judgment Day to interrupt. They surround the ring, but Sami says of course he didn’t come alone. Cue the returning Kevin Owens to clean house before issuing a challenge for a tag match tonight. One more French statement pops the crowd to wrap this up.

Match1 Matt Riddle/Drew McIntyre vs. New Day
Woods dropkicks Riddle down to start before it’s off to Kofi to face Drew. Kofi flips out of a clothesline and hits a dropkick, only to get tossed with an overhead suplex. The same thing happens to Woods so Riddle gives him a bit hug. Then McIntyre suplexes him over the top for an even bigger crash on the floor.
We take a break and come back with Kofi working on Riddle’s arm. Riddle fights up so Kofi fights him off, setting up a top rope splash to the back. A jumping knee drops Kofi though but Riddle won’t tag.
Instead, he hits a fisherman’s superplex to Kofi….and here is Erik of the Viking Raiders to jump McIntyre. Kofi didn’t see it and Trouble In Paradises Riddle for the pin at 9:27.
Official Result New Day Win
Rating: C+. The ending is interesting as it’s almost like they’re trying to work on something similar to a division. That’s almost hard to fathom around here but if they get a few more teams in there, they might just have something going on for a change. Then again I have almost no reason to believe that McIntyre and Riddle are going to be a long-term thing, so maybe this is yet another bit of false hope for tag wrestling.
Post-match the Viking Raiders attack New Day but Riddle and McIntyre make the save.
JD McDonagh is with Finn Balor and is asked about the Judgment Day. Cue Rhea Ripley to say there is a Judgment Day meeting, meaning McDonagh isn’t included.
Video on Shayna Baszler, who wants to burn everything down.
We look back at Imperium vs. Alpha Academy last week.
Gunther is ready to take out Chad Gable tonight, as Gable will not make his own name at Gunther’s expense.
Otis and Maxxine Dupri give Chad Gable a pep talk.

Match 2 Intercontinental Title: Chad Gable vs. Gunther
Gunther is defending and misses a chop in the corner to start. With that not working early on, Gunther takes him down by the arm for some early cranking. Gable slips out and manages to get to the apron, where a chop sends him hard to the floor as we take an early break. Back with Gable being sent chest first into the buckle but managing to kick his way out of the corner.
The armbar over the rope slows Gunther down, only to have him boot Gable out of the air. The big clothesline gives Gunther two but Gable’s crucifix gets the same. Gunther is right back with a sleeper but Gable powers up and grabs a belly-to-back suplex for a needed breather. A dragon screw legwhip sets up the ankle lock but Gunther kicks his way out.
Gable hammers away and now the German suplex gives him two. Back up and Gunther shoves him off the top for a crash into the barricade. Gunther follows him out and chops away but a big one only hits the post. Gable suplexes him over the barricade and wins by count-out at 13:03.
Official Result Gable Wins By Count Out
Rating: B-. That’s an interesting way to go, as Gunther is still on the way towards the record, but having him lose in any way is a big blow. There is a good chance that this is going to set up a rematch, likely at Payback, and that will now have some more stakes. The good thing is Gable didn’t lose here to wrap it up, so this could have gone a lot worse.
Judgment Day argues over who should face Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn tonight, with Rhea Ripley not liking the arguing. She says to figure this out or she’ll do it for them.
Gunther yells at Imperium about the loss and wants them to figure it out.
Cody Rhodes isn’t sure what’s up with the Judgment Day and JD McDonagh….but let’s take this interview into the arena.

Cody, in French, asks what the fans want to talk about but first, he introduces himself to the new commentary team. As for tonight, he wants to see Judgment Day fall to Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn and hopes the people will be in their corner. Like him or not, Cody feels like a star no matter what he is doing and it’s a great thing to see.
We get a video from Shinsuke Nakamura, who explains what he said to Seth Rollins last week. Rollins is someone who has everything he wants, but Nakamura said “I know about your back”. Nakamura knows how much pain Rollins is in and talks about the code tattooed on his back. As in the same back that is hurting. Is Rollins satisfied with his life? Watch your back. This was rather awesome and a very different side of Nakamura, in a good way.
John Cena is back on next week’s Smackdown.

Match 3 Candice LeRae vs. Rhea Ripley
Indi Hartwell and Dominik Mysterio are here too. Ripley starts fast and runs her over, setting up an early Riptide. LeRae manages to counter into a DDT but Ripley is back with the Prism Trap (which Cole thinks is new) to finish LeRae at 1:15.
Official Result Rhea Ripley Wins

Post-match here is Raquel Rodriguez on a crutch, which she throws at Ripley and then uses the bad leg to kick her down. Rodriguez takes her inside for the beating before announcing that she is cleared and the match is set for Payback.
Tommaso Ciampa is tired of being so close to title shots but never getting there and that needs to change.
Here is Miz for a chat before his match. He talks about how he is a trendsetter around here and will be spoken about in twenty years. On the other hand, you have LA Knight, who will be remembered as a flash in the pan. For now though, Miz gets to pick his own opponent, so here we go.

Match 4 Miz vs. Akira Tozawa
Before the match, Miz says that it’s a shame the 24/7 Title, which Tozawa held, isn’t around anymore, because it’s perfect for LA Knight: an Attitude Era throwback. Tozawa says YEAH a lot and gets into a YEAH/REALLY duel. Miz kicks him in the face and now we can ring the bell. Cue LA Knight so Tozawa can dropkick Miz to the floor. Knight throws Miz some tissues and tells him to cry about that before Tozawa low bridges Miz outside. There’s the big suicide dive and Miz is in early trouble.

We take a break and come back with Knight on commentary and Miz firing off the kicks. Tozawa gets knocked outside for a dropkick through the ropes, but Miz stops to yell at Knight. Back in and Tozawa drops Miz with a kick, setting up a top rope backsplash. Miz gets the knees up but stops to yell at Tozawa, who rolls him up for the surprise pin at 7:11.
Official Result Akira Tozawa Wins
Rating: C. The match itself wasn’t the point but there is nothing wrong with a storyline advancement loss. This was about Miz getting too cocky and costing himself what should have been an easy win. You can always get something out of a loudmouth getting what is coming to him and that is exactly what we got here as Miz vs. Knight continues to loom in the future.
Post-match Knight lays out Miz with the BFT.
Drew McIntyre is ready to split up the team with Matt Riddle but New Day comes in to talk them out of it (and dub the team McRiddle). New Day already has the Viking Raiders next week but Riddle and McIntyre can have them next. McIntyre doesn’t say no and Riddle will take that.
Rhea Ripley yells at Judgment Day again.

Here is Becky Lynch to be rather pleased with facing Trish Stratus in a cage match at Payback. For months, people have talked about the real difference between herself and Trish, and it all comes down to legacy. So what defines her legacy? It won’t be wins and losses or accomplishments, but rather survival. You can beat her but you cannot stop her because she will always fight.

She has some issues with Zoey Stark so cue Trish and Stark to interrupt. Trish talks about how thankful she is to this city….for nothing. It’s not like this is Montreal or Toronto so we get some Canadian jokes. Now she has a cage match with Becky and yeah she’s scared, but that has been the case before and she’s killed it.
Now Becky is going to see a new side of her, but wasn’t Becky going to say something about Zoey? Becky was indeed going to because next week it’s a falls count anywhere match with Stark. They got the point across but there were some weird-sounding parts to this. I’m not sure if they got lost in the script or what, but Trish sounded like she was on another planet at times.
Piper Niven again tells Chelsea Green that they’re partners and that’s that.
Video on Piper Niven.

Match 5 Piper Niven/Chelsea Green vs. Kayden Carter/Katana Chance
Non-title. Green knocks Chance off the apron to start so Carter forearms her in the face. Niven tags herself in but gets kicked off the apron as she tries to come in. That leaves the illegal Green to get superkicked, setting up a splash off of Carter’s shoulders. Niven comes in and crossbodies Chance for the easy win at 1:24.

Official Result Piper Niven & Chelsea Green Win
Rating: No Rating as the match was only a Minute I thought we had gone away from women's matches only being this long
Seth Rollins confirms that his back injury is rather serious, with two fractured vertebrae and he doesn’t know how long he can keep doing this. If Nakamura wants to bring Rollins’ family into this though, he better be ready to face him man to man. Nakamura isn’t even here tonight, but next week, Rollins will be in the ring as the people are singing his song. This was a rather intense promo from Rollins and that was nice to see.

Match 6 Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens vs. Judgment Day
Non-title and it’s….Damian Priest/Finn Balor, as per Rhea Ripley’s orders. This was so hard to figure out. Judgment Day runs into the ring and starts the brawl, complete with the opening bell. Zayn and Priest slug it out and head to the floor, where Zayn beats Balor up as well.
Back in and Zayn suplexes Balor before handing it off to Owens for the rapid-fire right hands (the fans approve). Owens flip dives off the apron onto Priest and hits the Swanton on Balor back inside. The Stunner is broken up though and Balor hits the Sling Blade. Zayn fights back and takes down Priest but here is JD McDonagh to throw in the briefcase. Owens picks it off though and hits Balor for the DQ at 2:35.
Official Result Judgement Day Winner By Dq
Rating: No Rating as the match was too short
Post-match the beatdown is on until Cody Rhodes makes the save and I think you know where this is going.
Match7 Sami Zayn/Kevin Owens/Cody Rhodes vs. Judgment Day
Joined in progress with Cody uppercutting Dominik before it’s off to Zayn. Balor hammers away in the corner but gets dropped with a clothesline. Owens comes in but gets taken down as well, allowing Dominik to grab a chin lock. They go to the floor where Owens knocks him out of the air, only to have Rhea Ripley get in a slam to drop Owens again. Back in and Priest hits a clothesline for two as we take a break.
We come back with Owens dropping Balor onto the announcers’ table. They get back inside and Owens gets taken down again, this time for a chin lock.
Owens fights out of that as well and hits a superkick, allowing the hot tag to Zayn to clean house. The tornado DDT gets two on Priest, leaving Ripley rather scared. South Of Heaven gives Priest two but he gets his knees up to cut off Dominik’s splash. Cody comes in for the Cody Cutter and it’s the Helluva Kick into the Stunner to finish Dominik at 14:24.
Official Result Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn and Cody Rhodes Win
Rating: B-. As you might have expected, the match was pretty good but I’m having a hard time caring about these Judgment Day tag matches anymore. It feels like something that has been done to death and there isn’t much left to get excited about from them. They’re far from bad, but how many times now does it seem like we’ve seen the same thing over and over again?

The good guys celebrate to send the fans home happy.
Overall Thoughts
This was the moving day edition of the show as they set up a bunch of stuff for Payback. At the same time, there was a lot of stuff that felt like it was designed to be used later rather than being important here. It’s not a bad show, but it’s the kind of show that really needed to be trimmed down with someone asking “And what about this person” during the writing process. It helped boost up Payback though, and that’s what it needed to do most.