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WWE NXT Review 17/12/24

Arran Hill

Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your NXT Review. So let's get into it.

We’re on the way to the end of the year and we’re outside of the Performance Center for a change. In this case we are on the way to New Year’s Evil, with Trick Williams having to deal with the monster that is Oba Femi. Giulia is coming for the Women’s Title as well, which should make for a big title rematch.

We open with a look back at the history of WWE in Lowell, Massachusetts, including Shawn Michaels losing his smile, before moving on to a preview of tonight’s show.

Match 1 Oba Femi vs. Axiom

Nathan Frazer is here with Axiom. They start slowly with Axiom trying some chops but getting smacked in the back to break up a springboard attempt. We take a break and come back with Femi knocking him down again. Some rapid fire chops in the corner have Axiom in more trouble but he gets fired up. Axiom dropkicks the leg out and a basement superkick gets two. A missile dropkick connects but the Golden Ratio is countered. The Fall From Grace finishes for Femi at 10:22.

Official Result Oba Femi Wins

Rating: C+. This was Axiom trying to handle himself against a monster but not being able to hang in there that long. Femi knows how to do this kind of a match and putting him out there week after week should help give him some more experience. As usual, Axiom can work well with anyone and he did just fine here, even up against a monster.

Eddy Thorpe is ready for his title match but Ava comes in to say Thorpe took a shortcut. Thorpe doesn’t care because tonight, you’ll be calling him champion.

Karmen Petrovic isn’t sure what to do but Dion Lennox thinks she should apologize to Nikkita Lyons. They hug, so here is Ashante Thee Adonis to not be impressed. He’s off to text Lyons, with Lennox says he’s going to mind his own business. And read.

Match 2 Zaria/Sol Ruca vs. Meta Four

Jackson jumps Ruca to start but gets planted face first for her efforts. Ruca gets to surf on her back but it’s off to Legend to run her over. It’s off to Zaria, who actually gets slammed down by Legend in a bit of a surprise. Back up and Zaria lifts Jackson up onto her shoulders so Ruca can climb on top for a big dive.

We take a break and come back with Ruca rolling Legend up for two but Jackson comes in for a butterfly suplex. The crossarm choke goes on but Ruca flips out and hits a quick enziguri. The diving tag brings in Zaria to clean house, with a spear getting two on Jackson. Zaria eventually wins a fight over a suplex with Legend before Ruca adds a springboard splash for two. Jackson is back up with a dive onto Ruca though and Legend hits the Bully Drop (I think) to pin Ruca at 12:14.

Official Result Meat Four win

Rating: C+. Meta four gets a bit of a step up here after not doing much in the last few weeks. It was almost weird to see Zaria getting powered around but Legend is one of the few people who could make it work. At the same time, Ruca taking the fall is something of a surprise, as she was seemingly on her way into a title picture not that long ago and then it just stopped.

Last week, Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont argued over another loss but Wes Lee doesn’t see anything wrong with Igwe not being happy with a loss. Makes sense

Match 3 Jaida Parker vs. Wren Sinclair

OTM and the No Quarter Catch Crew are here too. Parker sends her into the corner to start but Sinclair is back with a shot to the face. The Tear Drop into a Falcon Arrow gets two on Sinclair, who is right back with a full nelson. That’s broken up as well so Parker cranks on both arms and even sits down on the shoulder blades. Back up and Sinclair wins a chop off, setting up a butterfly suplex. The teams on the floor get in a fight and brawl to the back before Parker elbows Sinclair in the face. The Hipnotique finishes Sinclair off at 4:33.

Official Result Jaida Parker wins

Rating: C. Parker continues her rise up the card and that could see her go rather far given the talent and potential she is showing out there. She really does have a lot going on and it could be a big deal when she puts it all together. Sinclair is back to making people look good and that should do well for her, though I could go for seeing her do something more important.

Shotzi, Tatum Paxley and Gigi Dolin are in the back and Paxley is glad she has someone new to play with against Fatal Influence.

Fatal Influence finds this funny but Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn come in to mock the team’s lack of chemistry.

We get a look back at the history of the Women’s Title, going from the Horsewomen to Asuka to Shayna Baszler and through everyone else up to Roxanne Perez. She’ll have to defend the title against Giulia in two weeks.

Match 4 Tag Team Titles: Gallus vs. Axiom/Nathan Frazer

Axiom (banged up from earlier) and Nathan Frazer are defending and Joe Coffey is here with Gallus. Frazer, with his protective mask, is wiling to start but Mark Coffey elbows him down in a hurry. Wolfgang comes in for a shot of his own but everything breaks down. Axiom is too banged up for a dive and Wolfgang drops him with a spear as we take a break. Back with Wolfgang running Axiom over for two and working on his arm.

Axiom manages to get over for the tag off to Frazer to pick up the pace, including the springboard moonsault into the reverse DDT on Wolfgang. A frog splash gets two on Mark but the jumping enziguri/powerslam combination gets the same on Frazer. The Howling connects with Axiom having to make the diving save for a change. The Golden Ratio hit Frazer by mistake but Axiom is back with a Canadian Destroyer, leaving Frazer to grab a poisonrana on Wolfgang. Axiom tags himself back in for the super Spanish Fly on Wolfgang, setting up the phoenix splash to retain the titles at 12:02.

Official Result Axiom & Nathan Frazer Win still NXT Tag Champions

Rating: B-. They’re in a weird place with this story as it’s gone on for so long now that it’s almost funny to see the team retain so long. At some point, they are going to lose but it’s gone on for so long that I’m not sure how the reaction will go. It’s reaching the point of “what took so long” and that isn’t a great way to go. For now though, another nice match from a good team, but either split up or don’t already. Just fine something new.

Je’Von Evans praises Hank Walker and Tank Ledger and promises to do more himself in the new year. Ethan Page walks past and doesn’t look happy.

Lexis King has to complete Charlie Dempsey’s playing card workout to get a Heritage Cup shot next week. King does it and gets his shot. This was just a minute of the two of them working out together.

Here is Ethan Page to say he’s sorry for interrupting but he has to get something off his chest. No one here understands what he is going through but he has lost everything. He can’t keep his promise of winning the big one to his daughter and he has broken promises to his family. Right now, he wants to talk to his wife, who is the reason he’s here. His daughter can’t find the NXT Title in his bag and his son cries when he loses. For now, he isn’t sure if he loves this anymore and he has lost his smile.

Cue Je’Von Evans to interrupt saying this isn’t the real Page. The real Page loves his family and the smile that Evans saw when Page was with them was genuine. Now he needs to drop the All Ego thing and show us who Page really is. Page says he should be worried about taking Evans’ smile and the beating is on. Evans’ neck gets Pillmanized and he spits up a bunch of blood. I’ll take this over Page trying to turn over a new leaf or pretty much anything involving Evans so we’ll call this a double win.

Trick Williams is ready to fight. Oba Femi comes in to say he hopes Williams retains because he wants to face Williams at New Year’s Evil.

Stephanie Vaquer has her sights set on Cora Jade.

Match 5 NXT Title: Eddy Thorpe vs. Trick Williams

Williams is defending and takes Thorpe down with a headlock to start. Some running shoulders have Thorpe bailing out to the floor, where Williams chops him up against the barricade. Back in and Williams misses a side kick to crotch himself on the top. We take a break and come back with Thorpe working on a neck crank. Williams fights up and strikes away, setting up a Rock Bottom for two. Thorpe is back with a suplex for two of his own and they both get a bit of a breather.

They trade kicks to the head until Thorpe grabs a Randy Orton backbreaker. Thorpe tries the implant DDT but the referee gets dropped so there’s no count. Another referee comes in to count two off Williams’ rollup, followed by the Trick Shot for three…from both referees…as all four shoulders are down (Williams is on top but Thorpe does get a hand on his stomach to make it a double cover) and Thorpe’s foot is under the ropes at 11:19.

Official Result ended in a Double pin

Rating: C+. Not exactly a classic here, but it was similar to the ending of the Shawn Michaels vs. HHH match in San Antonio in 2003. Shawn has a tendency to book things he’s done over his career but waiting over twenty years is acceptable enough. That being said, I’m not sure why they’re doing this kind of an angle three weeks ahead of a Femi vs. Williams showdown. Odds are this is cleared up with a rematch next week, because they’re having a show on Christmas Eve.

Confusion reigns to end the show with Ava wanting explanations from the referees.

Overall thoughts

I wasn’t feeling this one as much as most recent editions, with the majority just not being that interesting. The ending felt like it was a way to set up next week, but that show is not likely to have the biggest audience so it feels like a stretch. Other than that, Axiom and Frazer had their usual match with the same story, which didn’t leave much here to really draw you in. Not a terrible show, but pretty skippable this week.


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