Things have gotten more interesting in the main event scene, as not only has Carmelo Hayes attacked Trick Williams and turned into a full on villain, but he has also set his sights on the NXT Title. We should be hearing more about that this week, plus all of the other things going on around here. Let’s get to it.
Meta Four is not quite taking Von Wagner/Mr. Stone seriously in tonight’s tag match but here are Stone and Wagner to jump them. Stone’s kids send Jakara Jackson and Lash Legend the wrong way as the guys fight into the arena. And we’re ready to go.
Match 1 Von Wagner/Mr. Stone vs. Meta Four
Stone knocks Mensah down to start but has to go after Dar, allowing Mensah to get in a kick to the face. Dar’s belly to back suplex gets two and Mensah’s bot to the face gets the same. Stone manages to clear the ring though and it’s Wagner coming in to clean house.
A double chokeslam sets up Stone’s splash off of Wagner’s shoulders but Mensah makes the save. Wagner comes back in but Lash Legend (who found the right path) offers a distraction, allowing Mensah to get in a cheap shot so Dar can get the cheating pin at 5:32.
Official Result Meta Four Win
Rating: C. Oh joy as Dar wins again because we haven’t seen that for the better part of ever. Unless they’re building up to a surprise Stone title win, I’m not sure why you have Wagner take the fall here. It was a bit nice to have this be something other than the Heritage Cup rules, but I could go for a long break from Dar.
We look at Carmelo Hayes’ explanation about attacking Trick Williams and then attacking Ilja Dragunov last week.
Chase U gets is stuff back, including Duke Hudson’s MVP trophy. Thea Hail has a date with Riley Osborne and Jacy Jayne doesn’t seem thrilled. Riz from the D’Angelo Family comes in and Jayne pays her off (with a bonus), but mentions Chase U for a possible Tag Team Title shot.
Match 2 Ridge Holland vs. Gallus
This is a gauntlet match and Wolfgang starts for Gallus. Holland stomps away to start but a distraction lets Wolfgang rip away at Holland’s face. Wolfgang fires off right hands in the corner before they get in a fight over a suplex. Holland’s suplex puts Wolfgang down and we take a break.
Back with Holland having pinned Wolfgang during the break so Mark Coffey is in to take out Holland’s knee. Mark cranks away at the leg but Holland is fine enough to pull him out of the air and hit a swinging Rock Bottom.
An overhead belly to belly and spinebuster both plant Mark, setting up Northern Grit. Joe Coffey pulls Holland out at two and that’s a DQ at 10:40…which seems to end the match, even though it should have just ended Mark’s fall.
Official Result Ridge Holland wins by DQ
Rating: C. I’m not sure what they were going for at the end there, but at least Holland got a nice moment and didn’t get pinned. Holland could go in a few different directions but hopefully he isn’t put into another team. He’ll need some friends if he’s going to fight Gallus, though hopefully it’s just a temporary association.
Post match Gallus brings in some chairs but Holland fights back and unloads on Joe. Holland suddenly realizes what he’s doing and backs off.
Lexis King mocks Mr. Stone and Von Wagner, saying Stone’s kids can look up to him. Wagner has to hold Stone back.
The No Quarter Catch Crew checks out the Heritage Cup when Noam Dar comes in to take it back. The Crew wants a shot.
Match 3 Lola Vice vs. Tatum Paxley
Vice takes her to the mat to start but an early choke is broken up. Paxley starts fast with a rollup for two but Vice is back with a kick to the ribs. The chinlock doesn’t last long for Vice as Paxley rolls her up for two more.
Paxley hits an enziguri as Lyra Valkyria is out to watch. Vice kicks her into the ropes for two as Paxley gets a foot on the ropes. That’s fine with Vice, who grabs a headscissors choke for the tap at 3:57.
Official Result Lola Vice Wins
Rating: C+. Vice is starting to get it together with the MMA style stuff and that is a good way for her to go. At the same time, we could be seeing Vice getting a singles shot against Valkyria after the cash in didn’t go. You also have the Paxley/Valkyria stuff, which could be going in a few directions. Vice seems to be the longer term story though and that should make for a nice future.
Luca Crusifino (the wrestling lawyer) gives Tony D’Angelo a pep talk. Then D’Angelo gives the rest of his family a pep talk.
Lyra Valkyria checks on Tatum Paxley when Shotzi, who got into it with Valkyria over the weekend, comes in to ask for a title shot. It’s on for next week and with Shotzi gone, Paxley pops up and is suddenly fine.
Match 4 Riz vs. Jaida Parker
Parker swats away a dropkick to start but Riz hammers away in the corner. A missed charge sends Riz shoulder first into the post though and Parker sits on her in the corner.
Riz fights up and fires off some uppercuts to the ribs, only to get planted with a spinebuster. Riz says bring it so Parker hits a forearm to the face for the pin at 4:03.
Official Result Jaida Parker
Rating: C. Riz isn’t exactly a polished star yet but she is already figuring things out with what she is doing. Putting her into the team is a good way to start and now we can see what happens to the team in the future. At the same time, you have Parker, who is looking more and more like a monster every times he’s out there. Give her some more experience and a win or two and she could be on her way.
Dijak isn’t happy with Joe Gacy costing him last week and looks into a bag of goodies.
Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin seem to be ready for their Tag Team Title shot but have to bicker a bit anyway. Corbin will say the team name if they win.
Match 5 Carmelo Hayes vs. Joe Gacy
The fans say Hayes sold out as Gacy snaps off a backdrop and backbreaker. Hayes pulls him down by the leg but gets flipped away but Hayes is back up with the springboard clothesline. Gacy chops Hayes down and grabs the chinlock, followed by another backbreaker for another two. The frustrated Hayes fights back and hammers away but stops to check under the ring.
Gacy cuts him off with a dive and we take a break. Back with Gacy seemingly enjoying being in a half crab until he fights up and grabs a suplex. The swinging Rock Bottom gives Gacy two and a Samoan Driver is good for the same. Hayes’ suplex cutter gets two but Gacy fights back again. The Upside Down is broken up though and Nothing But Net finishes for Hayes at 12:46.
Official Result Carmelo Hayes
Rating: B-. Who would have thought that the solution to making the most annoying talker that much easier to watch was to not let him speak? Gacy is far from some kind of a star but he’s far easier to tolerate when he isn’t doing his cult deal. Hayes gets a win to show that he still has it as a villain and I’m sure he’s up for something big in the short term.
Post match Dijak comes in to put Gacy in a straitjacket. Gacy smiles anyway.
Some women are giving Brinley Reece a pep talk but the women of Meta Four come in. Lash Legend and Kelani Jordan get into an argument over respect.
Roxanne Perez rants to the women’s locker room about Lola Vice and Shotzi. Wren Sinclair tries to calm things down and gets hit in the face.
We get another vignette about being evil but no name is given.
Here is Oba Femi for a chat. He talks about how dominant he is and how he’s ready for anyone. Send anybody, as long as you don’t want them back. Cue Lexis King to say that he’s impressed. Femi is the ruler, but Lexis is the king, so they can do this next week. King strikes away but Femi blocks the Coronation and sends him running.
Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen get in a fight but Ava says do it in the ring.
Match 6 Kiana James vs. Brinley Reece
Izzi Dame is here with James. Reece snaps off an armdrag to start but gets shouldered out to the floor. Back in and James snaps off a swinging neckbreaker for two. The quickly broken chinlock sets up Reece’s cutter for two but James hits the 401K. James Bankrupts her for the pin at 3:12.
Official Result Kiana James
Rating: C-. Not much to this one as Reece is little more than a wacky backstage character and another athletic newcomer. James and Dame aren’t exactly coming off as the next big thing as James gets a somewhat random win over someone beneath her. They didn’t waste a lot of time on it though so it’s hard to get overly annoyed.
Roxanne Perez isn’t happy with Wren Sinclair but Ava says Sinclair has already asked for a match next week.
Edris Enofe and Malik Blade are worried about what happened to Brinley Reece, who cartwheels in and is rather excited to train harder. The guys aren’t sure what to do.
Here’s what’s coming next week.
Match 7 Tag Team Titles: D’Angelo Family vs. Bron Breakker/Baron Corbin
Breakker and Corbin are challenging with Breakker powering D’Angelo into the corner to start. They trade shoulders until Stacks comes in, only to get pulled into the wrong corner. Corbin cuts off a springboard with a right hand but it’s right back to D’Angelo for a double suplex. Breakker comes back in to fight back but D’Angelo cuts him off with a sitout powerbomb as we take a break.
Back with Corbin hitting Deep Six for two on Stacks, who manages a middle rope elbow to the jaw. D’Angelo comes back in and spinebusters Breakker out of the air before throwing Stacks onto both villains. A powerbomb/neckbreaker combination gets two on Breakker but it’s back to Corbin for a suplex cutter.
Stacks manages a sunset flip and rolls over for the tag to D’Angelo, who is Boss Man Slammed for two. Everything breaks down and they fight to the floor, where Breakker is sent through the announcers’ table. Back in and the End of Days hits Stacks, leaving Breakker to spear him down for the pin and the titles at 12:28.
Official Result Bron Breakker &Baron Corbin win and New NXT Tag Champions
Rating: B-. I was a bit surprised by the title change as Breakker doesn’t seem long for NXT, but there can always be something of a gap. At the same time, it’s hard to imagine this is a long term reign, but giving Breakker one more accolade on the way out is only going to make him feel stronger. I’m not sure who is coming for the titles next but Corbin and Breakker holding them beyond Stand & Deliver is hard to fathom.
Overall thoughts
Not the strongest wrestling show in the world but the title change is what matters here and now we should be on the way to some bigger stuff in the coming weeks. NXT seems to know that we are on the way towards Stand & Deliver, which should provide some major showdowns.
There is still time to set that up and this was a show that seemed to help set the stage in multiple stories. We’ll get some more steps next week and as tends to be the case with NXT, they set some of that up in advance.