Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiser weights bringing you your NXT Review. So let's get into it.
We’re done with No Mercy and that means we are about a month and a half away from Halloween Havoc. That should be a big enough show, but we also have the first show on the CW in about a month, which is going to have its stacked card. The NXT Title will be on the line on that show, with Ethan Page defending after retaining it on Sunday.
Long No Mercy recap.

Here is Trick Williams to get things going. He is out here to finish things with Pete Dunne (fans: “WHOOP THAT BUTCH!”) but here is Ethan Page to interrupt. Page says he might not be Dunne, but he is the NXT Champion, with Williams raising his hand at No Mercy. Williams says he was a man of his word and called the title match down the line but for now, he has to get rid of Dunne. Page teases violence and here is Dunne to jump Williams, with referees breaking it up.
Hank Walker and Tank Ledger nearly get into a fight with Gallus.
Fatal Influence is rather mean to Jaida Parker.

Match 1 - Rascalz vs. Gallus vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger
For a future Tag Team Title shot. It’s a big brawl to start with Miguel being sent into the corner but coming back with a rollup for two. Miguel hurricanranas Walker down but gets stomped by Mark Coffey as the fast start continues. Mark runs Miguel over with a clothesline, only for Wentz to come in with a Motor City Machine Guns style Dream Sequence to put Mark down. Hank and Tank come in and wreck everyone as we take an early break.
Back with Walker clotheslining Mark and Wentz, allowing the tag off to Ledger to clean house. Miguel kicks Walker in the face and makes him DDT Coffey for two but cue Je’Von Evans to jump Joe Coffey and the Good Brothers to go after Walker. Miguel’s top rope Meteora into Wentz’s Swanton finishes Ledger at 11:02.
Official Winners - Rascalz
Official thoughts - They didn’t waste time here and were flying through everything with this one, including the interference from the OC. Why Walker/Ledger vs. the OC needs to continue is beyond me but at least it isn’t near the title picture at the moment. The Rascalz should make for a good set of challengers and when the champions aren’t on the best footing at the moment, there will be just enough of a reason to believe the titles could change hands.
Axiom and Nathan Frazier are ready for the Rascalz, who come in to say they’re ready to take the titles back to TNA next week.
Trick Williams and Pete Dunne get into another fight in the locker room.

Match 2 - Oro Mensah vs. Lexis King
The rest of Meta Four is here with Mensah. The fight is on to start with Mensah knocking him into the corner and hitting a forearm to the back for two. King is sent out to the floor and slammed off the barricade for a crash. Back in Mensah’s springboard is broken up with a shove off the top and King hammers away. A running shot to the back of the head gets two so King yells about Mensah’s father, which sends Mensah into a rage. The beating is on but King rolls him up with feet on the ropes for the pin at 4:49.
Official Winner - Lexis King
Official thoughts - King is settling into the role of a guy who knows how to push buttons and get under his opponents’ skin. He still isn’t exactly lighting the world on fire but it’s an improvement over where he was before. Mensah was showing some fire here but he still feels like he’s kind of going through the motions until Noam Dar gets back to bring Meta Four to full strength.
Post match Mensah chases King to the back.
The D’Angelo Family threatens Oba Femi, who doesn’t think much of Riz. Tony D’Angelo assigns Stacks to deal with this.
Gallus rants about Je’Von Evans when Wren Sinclair comes in to ask them to be quiet because Miles Borne has sensitive ears. Gallus says they’re coming for the Heritage Cup, with Charlie Dempsey asking Sinclair to calm down.

Match 3 -Tatum Paxley vs. Rosemary
Wendy Choo is here with Rosemary, who takes her into the ropes for an early Upside Down. The neck crank is broken up and Paxley hits a clothesline but Rosemary snaps off some suplexes for two. A quick facebuster rocks Rosemary though and the Psycho Trap gives Paxley the pin at 3:45.
Official Winner - Tatum Paxley
Official thoughts - Erg I was hoping this would be Rosemary’s chance to make up for a less than great outing last time but here she is looking like even more of a jobber. I understand that you don’t want TNA stars going over NXT names over and over but there was no one better to lose like this than one of the most successful Knockouts in recent years.
Post match the beatdown is on but Lyra Valkyria runs in for the save.
Pete Dunne and Trick Williams fight again. Ava is done with this and sends them to the ring right now.
TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace will be defending in an open challenge next week.

Match 4 - Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne
It’s a brawl on the floor before the bell with Williams taking over before they get inside for the official start. Dunne hammers away until he is sent into the corner so Williams’ jumping neckbreaker can connect for two. Williams knees him down and hits a running neckbreaker but Dunne gets in a crotching onto the ring skirt. A stomp onto the steps rocks Williams and we take a break.
Back with Williams getting two off a Rock Bottom but Dunne German suplexes him right back down. They go back outside with Williams missing a big boot and the fight going onto the barricade. A crash sends them through the announcers’ table and it’s a double countout at 11:20.
Official Winner - Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams went to a double countout
Official thoughts - This felt like a fight as these two wanted to get to each other that badly. There is a good chance that this is designed to set up a rematch for the CW debut (perhaps in a cage) and that makes things more interesting going forward. If these two are still fighting each other, who goes after the NXT Title? Joe Hendry more than likely, but I’ll take these two in another big fight first.
Post match the brawl is on again, with security not being able to do much about it.
Ridge Holland isn’t sad about what he did to Andre Chase and talks about how Duke Hudson criticized everything he did. Holland got the gold back in Chase U but mediocrity took it away. He starts destroying Chase U next week, but this week he starts with Hudson’s trophy.
An injured Shawn Spears thanks Brooks Jensen for saving him. Spears thanks him for being there and leaves when Dion Lennox comes in, saying Spears is psychologically manipulating Jensen.

Match 5 - Joe Coffey vs. Je’Von Evans
The rest of Gallus is here with Coffey. Evans shrugs off some right hands to start and hits a running hurricanrana. Coffey catches a running forearm with a Regal Roll into a Vader Bomb for two. Evans is sent outside but here is Cedric Alexander to cut off the interfering Gallus. Back in and Evans’ springboard spinning splash finishes Coffey at 2:30.
Official Winner - Je’Von Evans
Lyra Valkyria didn’t want to come back to NXT but had to help Tatum Paxley against the weird girls.
Ava makes Pete Dunne vs. Trick Williams in a Last Man Standing match next week, with the winner getting the NXT Title shot on the first CW show. As long as it doesn’t end in a draw, sure.

Match 6 - Oba Femi vs. Stacks
Non-title and the rest of the D’Angelo Family are here too. Stacks slugs away to start but gets driven into and thrown out of the corner. Some elbows, with a glare at Tony D’Angelo, have Stacks in trouble and his comeback attempt is easily cut off. Femi hits him in the back of the head a few times for two but Stacks strikes away, including a dropkick to put Femi down. Not that it matters as Femi is back up with the toss powerbomb for the pin at 4:31.
Official Winner - Oba Femi
Official thoughts - Femi is such a force these days that it is hard to imagine him losing any time soon (or anytime at all for that matter). He has found his groove as the unstoppable monster and the more people he runs over, the better of a monster he’s going to be. Stacks was a good designated victim here and that’s all he needed to be.
Ashante Thee Adonis hits one more of the women but Eddy Thorpe breaks it up.
Je’Von Evans thinks he should get a Heritage Cup shot and Wren Sinclair grans his request. Charlie Dempsey comes in and isn’t pleased so he blames Miles Borne, who didn’t hear a thing.

Match 7 - Jazmyn Nyx vs. Jaida Parker
The rest of Fatal Influence is here too. Parker shoulders her down to start but stops to favour the bad ribs. Nyx is back up with a running kick to those ribs and we hit a bodyscissors. Parker powers out and puts her on the corner for the seated senton. The running hip attack finishes Nyx at 4:40.
Official Winner - Jaida Parker
Official thoughts - This was Parker getting her win back after a big loss on Sunday, which isn’t a bad way to go. Parker vs. the team is something that could go on for a few weeks and build her back up, though she’ll need some friends on the way there. For now, though, Parker continues to feel like she is rising up the ranks and that could be quite the ride going forward.
Post match Fatal Influence beats Parker down.

Here is Roxanne Perez to brag about her success and even the women on the main roster can’t stop talking about her. People fantasize about beating her but then fantasy meets reality. It doesn’t matter if you are a hot prospect or a big star from Japan…and here is Chelsea Green to interrupt.
Green doesn’t like how the fans smell but they cheer for her anyway. She is here to interrupt the fun sized champion because she is the new #1 contender. Cue Giulia to interrupt and the fans seem impressed. Giulia wastes no time in dropping Green and then issues the challenge for the CW show. Perez seems to accept to wrap it up. You had to know that was coming and that’s not a bad choice to make.