Resurgence has always been different from other promotions in that it is a theatre led contemporary promotion.
They run events quarterly with a 18:30 start and 21:30-22:00 finish. Adults tickets are from £15.
Let’s see what Saturday night had to offer.
A friend who was there before me text to say the Taskmaster match between Amira and Hustle Malone had already started before doors opened. They fought in the street and as I entered they were fighting on the stairs and into the back.

Bullit Vs Brady Phillips
Brady put up a good fight and was in control for more than his share of the match but it was the Champion whose power came out on top as he retained.
Bullit got on the mic after the match and said the title will now be known as the Kurtis Chapman Arthouse Title (in tribute to former Champion Mad Kurt who passed away since the last show).

Evil Shred Vs The M62 Wrecking Crew
However dastardly they are, there is a portion of the crowd who will back Skye Smitson and L.A.Taylor due to their ability and charisma.
Alexxis Falcon and Lizzy Evo have been building a reputation around the Country as a team in recent months and looked to have good chemistry.
The turning point in this match was when Falcon went for the tag and Evo dropped down from the apron in quite a surprise.
No-one is going to beat Evil Shred 1 on 2 and Alexxis succumbed to the pin shortly after.
Lizzy seems to get a kick out of riling the crowd and her next appearance at Resurgence is going to provoke a hostile response.

Charles Crowley Vs Luke Jacobs
2 men who don’t struggle for bookings around the Country and abroad.
A mixture of styles as Jacobs power had to contend with the twats cunningness including a low blow behind the referees back. It was feet on the ropes in the end from Crowley that kept down the man from the North West.
During the interval the Taskmaster match continued although Skye O Shure who was trying to follow the carnage lost them both at one point.
There was also a raffle with a £5 Greggs voucher amongst the prizes and a Taskmaster challenge to be completed by the next show. A social media post since suggests it is a jigsaw with the edges missing.

Alex Windsor Vs Mike Bird
A back and forth sportsmanlike contest ended when Crowley reappeared to push Windsor from the top rope. Bird picked up the win.
After the match the iron willed one told Mike what had happened and he apologised if that happened.

Amira Vs Hustle Malone
At this point of the evening the Taskmaster match continued? Started? My Brother loves that show so I’ve seen the format.
The task before the show was to get something cool from the crowd. Amira got a flat cap and Hustle Malone brought a microwave. I’m skeptical about a fan bringing that kitchen appliance to a show.
A second task was to do as many wrestling impressions on cards as possible in 90 seconds. Amira impersonated The Rock, Becky Lynch (with an Irish jig) and Man Like Dereiss. Hustle Malone lost this round with just 2 impressions to equal the score at 1-1.
The final round was to pin anyone. They decided to fight each other. I did contemplate lying down for Amira to get the win but I don’t want to have the wrath of Michael Oku any time soon.
Both competitors were reminded a few minutes in that they could pin anyone and asked members of the crowd to lie down. They battled each other and while both were down the crowd cheered for O.Shure to pin 1 of them. He had a better idea and invited 2 twins (who were celebrating their birthday) to come and pin Hustle and Amira. They did and were declared the winners after Skye said the final round was double points.
I hope the twins don’t have to fight Evil Shred for the Tag Titles in June.

Man Like Dereiss Vs Michael Oku
A torn crowd for 2 men who have multiple titles in multiple promotions. A short train ride from Birmingham and a Y Theatre regular meant the man from the 0121 had the majority on his side but Amira rallied Oku’s fans.
Dereiss retained when he hit his 450 splash.

After praising Michael Oku he spoke to the camera and specifically to Charli Evans who is returning in June. Dereiss said Evans is also a good wrestler but she’s not a good person. She thinks she can just turn up and have a title match while he has been busting a gut.
We now await what Australia’s Charli Evans has to say in response.