AEW held Title Tuesday on October 8th. So, if you forgot to ensure your DVR was going to record it or just like my take on things here is the Dynamite review for the week.
The night is starting off with three back to back promos. At least Darby and Brody King was a live segment. Darby's promos boiled down to having a long history with Brody going back to the independent scene. Darby claims that King wants his spot. I think it is nice that Brody King is getting something outside of feuds mixed in with the House of Black. Darby breaks out of a rear choke with a rock blooding Brody King.
Fifteen minutes into the show and the first match is Hologram's Dynamite debut. The two start off with some very gymnastic wrist locks. The counters they are doing are so elegant that they would fit in with a ballet. The Suicide Dive looked like it may have gone a little off; just the distance that it took for Komander to hit the barricade. Komander's reversal of the leg lock was superior. Seldom does an audience see reversals like that in the American Style of wrestling. The rope hoping of Komander into the hurricanrana was very impressive. Luchadors are generally impressive. The reverse Spanish Fly was cool but neither an could pin after that. The 450 Spash hit knees. Reverse Poison Rana by Komadner seemed to get him the advantage late in the match but no. Hologram catches Komander and executed a ariplane spin into a slam. Hologram gets the victory.
Jake Roberts is part of LIG!
Mercedes Mone cuts a promo about going to take out a returning Ei Sakura. The more important thing is immediately after that it looks like Shibata and Garcia will have a match assuming Shibata wins.
Unfortunately the above image was not the card we got. Britt Baker was not cleared for travel. Instead fans got a fatal four way. Jamie Hayter v Nyla Rose v Willow Nightingale v Saraya. Everyone seemed to want to target Saraya but she rolled out of the ring. Willow then attacks the two still in the ring. Hater takes advantage of Nyla taking down Willow and attacks from behind. Willow tries to hit a corner powerbomb but Nyla reverses into a hurricanrana. Saray and Harley Cameron attack Willow and Hayter from behind. Nyla playing it smart lets them brawl for a bit before hitting a massive cross body off the top rope to the outside. Willow's spine buster did not get much air. Hayter is taking out everyone with a steel chair. Harley Cameron gives her a forearm from behind. Then a returning Penelope Ford distracts Hayter and she chases her to the back. Harley Cameron continues to pay dividends as she pushed Nyla off the top rope. Saraya almost puts the match away with a cradle DDT. Willow puts Saraya thru a table and wins.
Jay White is given a squash match against Cody Chhun. Chhun gets the advantage of the tie up but White obliterates him with a shoulder tackle. Chhun gets an atomic drop and single leg drop kick. Chhun is doing more offense than I figured he would get. A Bladerunner ends the match.
Having both Penelope and Kip both on screen in the same night was nice. Now we just need a intergender tag division built around them.
It would be nice to see a title change on Title Tuesday. This is the only match where a title is on the line for the night. A bit of a let down for a show entitled Title Tuesday. I would really like to see Sakura with a title but she is just enhancement talent for AEW. As Excalibur said she is a great trainer. Emi ducks a tie up. Interesting placement for Sakura for her to get chopped on the top rope she has to use the bottom rope to stand. Machine Gun chops by Sakura. Mone halts Sakura with a jaw breaker. Both ladies are equal when going for shoulder blocks. Mone pulled off something innovative when Sakura was in the ropes. It looked like a cutter but could have been a stunner also. Sakura splashes both Mone and Kamile on the outside. Sakura showing her strength by holding her upside down before hitting a back breaker. Statement maker gets Mone the win after Kamile interfered once again.
Kris Statlander comes out to save Emi Sakura. The face turn of Statlander continues.
Ospreay's segment with Don Callis fell flat for me this week. Don Callis slapping Will was alright. I am glad that Kyle is put in a position where he is torn between Don Callis and Ospreay.
Danielson ignores PAC in the ring to hit Claudio with a running knee. Wheeler gets in with a drop kick from the top to PAC. Tag makes Yuta the legal man and Yuta agains hits a drop kick. Yuta and Danielson doing classic tag team tactics by keeping PAC in their corner and frequent tags. Danielson leaves the corner and PAC is able to take control and tag out. Claudio and PAC now follow classic tag team antics. Yuta in and hooks a Cattle Mutalation. Claudio softly stops the hold. Castagnoli also refuses to hit Yuta after Yuta slapped him. Danielson is not as lucky getting two Neutralizers on the floor. Yuta hits a thrust kick as PAC jumps back into the ring. Claudio tagged in after an eight count. Yuta fights back. Claudio still very reluctant to attack Yuta. I have a feeling that Yuta will turn on Danielson at some point. Danielson tagged in and hits a series of running knees then blows to Claudio Castagnoli. Danielson nearly steals a victory with a backslide. 450 Splash nearly ends the match. Marina Shafir gets on the apron. PAC gets the hammer but Yuta prevents the usage of the weapon. Danielson locks in the LeBelle Lock. The winners are Wheeler Yuta and Bryan Danielson.
After the match, Yuta and his fellow trios champs have small face off before Shafir lays in knees to Yuta. Danielson kicks the crap out of Mox up the ramp and into the back. Back in the ring. Claudio finally betrays Wheeler Yuta by striking him in the gut with the hammer multiple times. Mox stumbles back into the ringside area. Danielson takes out all of his nemesis in the ring. Title Tuesday Dynamite ends on a high of Danielson warding off the victims.
Overall this go home show for WrestleDream sucked in my opinion. Too many promos. It felt like they were just trying to cram story into the show like they are a college student writing their midterm last minute. The in ring action was good. If this wasn't a special themed show it would have been good. However, the added gravitas of the show just fell flat.