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Scotia Pro Wrestling Nemesis Review 16/11/24

Arran Hill

Updated: Nov 20, 2024

Match 1- SPW Tag Team Championship Match - Knockout Kings v The Underdogs

The kings come out first to the usual heel heat and Ollie tries to trip up Davey Blaze and Kid Fite tells Ollie to sit down and Davey says it's ok I know him he's a future knockout king.

The Underdogs come out to the fans right behind them and then they in the ring on to the top ropes and the Dave tries to knock Sam Taylor off to which sam realises.

The match starts with Davey Blaze and Sam Taylor they go back and forth with a few lock ups and Davey whips Sam into the corner he tags in Alex and Davey builds a bit of momentum before he slaps him across the chest which leaves a very big hand print on Alex's chest which looked pretty sore.

The kings isolated Alex thought the match with tags in and out between both and using the usual heel tactics by speaking to referee so they could double team.

This frustrated Sam Taylor as he kept shouting to the referee about them cheating and fans also got involved with the kings tell fans to be shut up.

Alex makes to his corner and makes the tag and sam gathers a bit of momentum and takes it to Dave blaze who then tags on Kid Fite and they take it to the outside and Sam gets his through into the wall and Blaze hits Clark head off a table.

Back in the ring the kings take control and do a double and then hit there finisher a DM 3 count and the win

Official Result Knockout Kings win and Still SPW Tag Team Champions

Overall thoughts this was a very good Match and enjoy the interaction that Davey is having with Ollie at shows and really looking forward to seeing them continue this run with the belts I really felt for the Underdogs as they are an upcoming tag team and will reach for the stars.

Next up we have Commissioner Magners with a few announcements

He said who ever won the match with ICR, Luke Aldridge and his Partner they would face the knockout kings for the tag titles at Christmas in Rio.

We also touched on the going for gold rumble in the new year, where Kasey Owens will face Angel Haze for the SPW women's Championship.

Match 2 SPW Defiance Champion match - The "Knightmare" Mercer v Xander Davidson

The match Stared with Mercer saying That Davidson had a boo boo and the fans kept booing Craig then shouted Xander needs a hair cut to which he replied I do to fair.

Both men try to lock up and one-up each other, with Xander trying to get the upper hand, but Mercer takes control and does a few clotheslines and a few punches.

Xander tries for a lock up and goes to rake the eyes to which the referee doesn't see and says this is easy and tries to continue with the beat down.

They head to the outside and trade blows back and forth and at this point the referee isn't count and Ollie asks me why I said I had no idea.

Referee then says to both to get back in the ring and the starts his count Xander hits mercer a few times and they head towards the food stand and gets mercer gets his head hit off a table the continue to fight outside the tong where the referee is now up to a 7 count.

Both men continue to brawl outside the the round ref gets to the 10 count and calls for the bell and declares the match a no contest.

Mercer Still Retains SPW Defiance Championship

Overall thoughts I thought this was a very good Match and great to see both opponents trying too one up each other and looking forward to seeing this feud continue with both Mercer and Xander Davidson as myself and Craig don't think this is finished yet.

Match 3 SPW Women's Champion match - Kasey Owens v Daisy Jenkins

Kasey Owens enters first and I enjoy how she always does her upside down entrance before getting in the ring.

The match started with the fans on daisy side and others on kasey side and one fan said that Kasey would won.

Kasey asked what they said and said that she would win this is what I enjoy about SPW shows the fan interaction between fans and wrestlers adds to the dynamic of the show.

On to the match a bit back and forth trash talk from Kasey and both women trying to get the better of each with Daisy building a bit of momentum before attempting to do a 619 to Kasey.

Kasey then takes over the match and does the 3 amigos and goes for the pin to only get the two count a bit back and forth again here and now Kasey sets up Daisy for her own 619

The match continues with kasey not letting daisy gather any momentum in the match and goes to go for her finisher and pin but only gets the two count.

Fans start to rally behind daisy as she goes for a few kicks and punches and try to go for a suplex but Kasey reverses this and hits her finisher and gets the 3 Coint.and the win

Official Result Kasey Owens Wins and still women's SPW Champion

Overall thoughts I thought this was a very good match along with the fan interaction for both women and was great to see them put on a show I also loved how after the match Kasey actually chase after me as I was giving her crap throughout out the match.

Match 4 Tag Team match - ICR v Luke Aldridge &???

Before the match started Luke Aldridge got on the mic and said he couldn't find a tag team partner and would take on both ICR in a handicap match as he couldn't trust anyone.

Magners comes to the ring and said he has a lot respect for Luke as he's know him for years and also has his back and found him a tag partner out comes piper Reynolds still injured after the affects of George Hatcher attack last month.

Magners then introduced the newest addition to the spw roster and Luke's tag partner Nathan Reynolds before the match started Nathan signed the contract.

Luke then started a chant no Nathan no party and the fans joined in and Nathan stared the match with Falcon and never have him any chance as was all over him but her really wanted George.

Nathan then tagged in Luke and he had his fun with falcon too then get him to the outside and fans pull at falcons braces .

Falcon then returns to the ring and gets luke to the corner for the 10 punches to which luke reverses and throws falcon out the ring and him and Hatcher discuss strategy.

Falcon then gets back in the ring and Nathan starts chatting stuff to George and then goes for his finisher and 3 count.

Official Result Luke Aldridge & Nathan Reynolds won and new #1 contenders to SPW Tag Team Champions

Post match Hatcher is looking towards piper and Nathan said I wouldn't if I were you as with his contract he gets to his hands on Hatcher once more. He will find out what the stipulation is once he finds Marc Munro and that Hatcher is now Nathan's Nightmare

Overall thoughts I thought this was a very good match and also a great way to keep the feud between Nathan and Hatcher going and looking forward to Christmas at Rio to see how this all plays out.

Match 5 Logan Smith v Andy Roberts

This was meant to be a tag match but Tommy Kartell wasn't available and before the match started it was announced that Jimmy Pierce wasn't here so was to be a one on one match with Logan and Andy.

Before the the match started the fans were getting on Andy Roberts back and he invited a young fan into the ring to and Logan asked his name to which he replied Owen. Logan told Owen to stand on the apron and put his hand out for a tag Logan went for the tag and Andy got out the ring all the fans started to call Andy a chicken.

Logan then got the fans to chant for Owen and the match then started with Andy getting the upper hand and he used his wrist tape around Logan's neck whilst he made sure ref checked the turnbuckle.

Logan then built a bit of momentum and got the fans on his side and Andy kept shouting at Owen saying not looking so good for Logan now and I'm the man.

This continues with Andy getting the upper hand and Logan said should o go for the RKO and got the fans to Start Chanting RKO Logan goes. To do this and me and Craig said this is where Jimmy would appear but didn't.

Andy continued with the beat down and Logan again tries for the RKO Jimmy's music hits and Logan is looking for him which distracts him and and gets the roll up and 3 count

Official Result Andy Roberts wins

Post match Logan gets on the mic frustrated and says who do I speak to about that wee weasel not showing up and I want to fight him.

Magners comes and says you had your chance and didn't get it done last month but that wee weasel not showing up doesn't wash with me and will be actions taking.

You want your match you have got it and he won't be able to run away as hands will be attached to each other in a good old strap match to which Logan likes and can't wait get his hands on him.

Overall thoughts I thought this was a very good match and great to see both men showcase what they can also looking forward to seeing Logan get his hands on Jimmy at Christmas in Rio in the strap match

Match 6 SPW Heavyweight Championship Title match - BT Gunn v Lucha DS

The match Started with lucha ds giving BT the lob low and look like that lucha is now a heel which I really didn't expect.

The match starts with lucha getting the upper hand and taking it to BT and say I'm bringing my belt back home with me to which the fans disagreed.

BT builds momentum and gets in a few punches against lucha then then end up out side and Bt Goes to the merch table to grab and lucha mask and puts it on.

They continue to fight outside the ring and lucha throws popcorn over BT to which Craig shouts that's a good waste of popcorn to which BT agrees.

They moved more towards us now and BT Goes to hit lucha chest lucha moves and BT hits his hand off the ring post.

Lucha gets BT back in the ring and he continues his heel tactics and tries to go go for the moonsault from the top rope to which BT moved out the way.

BT the takes over control.of the match and then goes for his finisher and he takes out the referee so lucha then takes control with his heel tactics and get the upper hand for a bit them bT manages to reverse and hit his finisher and goes for the pin and gets to a 7 count before he realises the ref is still out cold.

He goes to get the ref back up and then lucha produces the brass knuckles and then hits BT with them and gets the 3 count and win.

He then puts the knuckles away and as ref is raising his hand the fall out referee realises what has happened and then restarts the match to which BT Gunn then hits his finisher and gets the 3 count to send the fans home happy.

Official Result BT Gunn wins and Still SPW Heavyweight Champion

Post match lucha Ds is not happy and the guys are setting up for the meet and greet he's not in the mood and between Logan Smith, Sam Taylor, Nathan Reynolds and Alex Clark they all give Lucha there finishers and I can see them all being in trouble with management for this as looked like a spur of the moment between them

Lucha was that pissed off with what happend he has created a hit list of Scotia Pro wrestling and looking forward to seeing if he manages to get his hands on any of them

Overall thoughts this was a very good match a as I said I didn't except the Lucha heel turn a bit it worked in this match and was good to see Lucha as a bad and and looking forward to seeing where this leads too

Final thoughts I thought this was a very good show and was great to see stories being built for the next few months ahead and I am looking forward to Christmas at Rio

The next SPW show is Christmas in Rio on 14th December


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