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Arran Hill

Scotia Pro Wrestling Christmas In Rio Review

Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your Scotia Pro Wrestling Christmas In Rio Review. So let's get into it.

Match 1 SPW Defiance Championship Mercer(c) vs Falcon

Falcon came out first to a lot of boos from the fans Mercer then comes out but without his title then goes back through the curtain.

He gets the cheers from the fans then gave Ollie one of his old gloves and gets him to carry his belt for him.

The match starts and Falcon goes outside the ring and the fans started to call him a chicken and he's says I'm not a chicken.

He gets back in the ring both men lock up and Mercer pings Falcon's braces a few times which we did speak about when we had him on our Scottish podcast leading up to this event.

To which Falcon had enough of this and took the braces off and then threw them towards Craig the match continued with a bit of back and forth and Falcon runs towards Mercer and he managed to Jump over Falcon.

This continues for a few more minutes and Mercer then picks up Falcon and he asks to be put down to which Mercer does and boy that did look sore indeed.

The match continues with Falcon trying to get the upper hand but Mercer cuts him off when Falcon is at the turnbuckle to try and take it off Mercer motions to Ollie to give him the belt.

To which he does the Eddie Guerrero style fake like Flacon has hit him with the belt and the referee is saying I will have to disqualify you and Falcon continues his innocence when Mercer is sitting up with a smile on his face then when ref turns he's back to faking it.

The ref then goes to rule the match out via DQ but when the referee’s back is turned Mercer gets Falcon in the killswitch and gets the three count and the win.

Official Result Still SPW Defiance Championship Mercer

After the match Mercer gives kudos to Falcon and then he invites Ollie into the ring and let's him pose with the belt on the turnbuckle and puts him on his shoulders which I thought was a great moment.

The rest of ICR come out and say that Falcon is out of the ICR and Hatcher hits a George cross.

Thought this was a very good match with great interaction with Ollie and Mercer I am looking forward to seeing who Mercer’s next Challenger will be and see if they can dethrone him.

Match 2 SPW Tag Team Championship Knockout Kings (c) vs Nathan Reynolds & Luke Aldridge

The match started with all four men in the ring and then they all moved to the outside with Nathan going after Davey Blaze and Luke Following suit.

Back in the ring the Kings take over but are in the wrong corner for tagging and Nathan was telling the ref they are in the wrong corner.

They continue the fight with each other and are on the outside with Nathan and Davey right in front of us. Davey didn't look happy at all as you can see by his face

They get back into the ring and Davey makes a tag to Fite and Davey moves to the right corner for tagging in, the match continues with Nathan getting the upper hand Fite tags in Blaze who tries to build a bit of momentum but Nathan is too strong and hits a power bomb which looked sore as anything.

Blaze gets to the corner and tags in Fite and Nathan tags in Aldridge and Fite takes the fight to Aldridge and gets the upper hand.

Fite continues with the offence and then Hatcher and Munro appear trying to get to piper which causes Nathan to lose focus and then chase Hatcher and Munro out the build allowing the Kings to double team Aldridge and do there finishing move and get the win.

Official Result Knockout Kings win to Retain SPW Tag Team Championship

Post match a masked figure appears and then attacked Luke Aldridge and it was revealed that it was Alpha Male. Magners then appears and gets on the mic and says you were invited as a guest please leave the right and we will discuss things later.

Thought this was a very good match and if you add in Hatcher and Munro during the match to make Nathan abandon Luke their was only one way this match would end again I am looking forward to seeing who can dethrone the Kings as they are on a formidable run right now and also looking to see what this means for Alpha Male gong forward.

Bryan D makes an announcement that says it will change the landscape of SPW going forward in the New Year with the announcement of a two man commentary team Bryan was Interrupted by the Natural who I assume will be the heel commentator and no announcement on who the second man was as Bryan looked pissed at being interrupted.

Match 3 Open Challenge SPW Heavyweight Championship BT Gunn vs Xander Davidson

BT Gunn comes out to the fans cheering away and then Xander comes out and trash talks the crowd by saying I can do this all day long.

He goes to the top turnbuckle and BT goes to hit him and Xander tells him to get back

He continues to talk trash and then goes out the ring and the fans then call him a chicken. BT Gunn follows him and they start to fight outside the ring with BT getting the upper hand.

He continues the beat down outside the ring and then throws Xander into the ring post to which Xander did not like.

We get back in the ring and Xander tries to build a bit of momentum and gets on top of Gunn in the corner and tries to choke him out with his foot

He continues with a few chops and kicks on BT and tries to go for what looks like a modified Pedigree and tries to follow it up with a suplex which BT reverses.

BT now takes control of the match with a few chops and then a shoulder tackle the fans shout for him to finish it and he goes to go for his finisher but Davidson catches his foot.

Gunn continues on the offence with Davidson trying to get back into this match but Gunn is just too strong for Davidson and Gunn goes for his finisher and get the roll up for the win

Official Result Still SPW Heavyweight Championship BT Gunn

Thoughts this was a very good match and great to see Xander pushing himself against a talent like BT Gunn I am looking forward to seeing where this feud may go and if it will continue after the new year With Xander still the King of the Gauntlet holder

Match 4 Andy Roberts vs Tommy Kartel

Before the match started Andy Roberts is getting the hate from the fans and wanted to have a go at the fan right next to us he got up and took off his shirt Andy goaded him to getting in the ring and Tommy was willing to let the fan get in the ring.

The match starts and Andy has got the upper hand on Tommy. They continue to go back and forth with roll up after roll up on each other which was enjoyable to see.

Andy took control of the match and gave Tommy a few chops to the chest and then delivered a few punches to Tommy.

Andy continues the beat down on Tommy who can't seem to be able to build any momentum Tommy tries for a suplex which Andy reverses and throws Tommy to the turnbuckle.

Both men continue to slug it out with Tommy jumping off the ropes to connect with Andy and goes for a pin and gets a two count.

Andy then goes up to the top turnbuckle and jumps off and hits a splash Tommy for another two count.

Tommy tries again to get back into this match but Andy is far too strong and he continues his dominance in the match and does his finisher and get the 3 count and the win.

Winner Andy Roberts

Thought this was a very good match with both men going for it and Tommy didn't put a foot wrong and I am looking forward to seeing where and who Tommy will face next

Post match Andy Roberts got in the face of the fan and goaded him in to hitting him and omg he didn't half hit him and it took us all by surprise at this happening

Match 5 ICR w/Alpha Male vs Meat Factory

ICR came out first with Alpha Male which was very good to see Alpha and ICR came our way and George Hatcher wiped his nose on our Scottish flag playing the evil English man that he does so well.

Meat factory arrived for their SPW debut and were looking like they had it against them with there be an extra man at ringside but that didn't seem to bother them.

The match started and fans shouted welcome back and John Kerr says was that for me or Alpha and me and Craig said both as we knew them both for another promotion so it was good to see both in SPW.

To the match Munro, Alpha Male and Thatcher are in the ring with Craig Berry saying 3 of them but only two of us.

Kerr and Munro started the match with Munro trying to build up a bit of momentum to which Kerr cuts him off and gives him a few chops.

Munro tags in Hatcher and he takes control of the match and throws Berry towards the corner and stomps on him in the corner with Munro and Alpha looking on.

Munro gets tagged back in and Berry continues to beat him down and tags in Kerr and they continue this double team giving ICR a taste of their own medicine from when they had done it before to others at previous shows.

Kerr continues to show dominance and chopping Munro a few times and Thatcher was about to make the tag but that was halted by the involvement from Reynolds and Aldridge on the outside by taking out Alpha male leaving Munro to fend for himself.

With Munro now alone the Meat factory combined few double team moves then hit their finisher for the win

Official Result Meat Factory win

Post Match Magners comes out and says he gave Reynolds a clause in his contract that he gets Hatcher when he wants and needs to hear when it is and where it will be.

Nathan gets on the mic and say I don't think you know what I have been through but I even reached out to the fans about what match to have some came up with great Ideas I even thought about an old fashion falls count anywhere match.

He told Hatcher it would be 3 stages of hell that you will endure first blood, falls count anyway where and last man standing and it will be on January 31st and Reynolds will makes sure Hatcher can't get up.

Thoughts I thought this was a very good debut for Meat Factory and good to see them go up against ICR and what looks like a new addition to their ranks too. I like how this match also had the elements of Nathan causing Hatcher to leave to I really can't wait until January to see Nathan finally get his hands on Hatcher

Match 6 Main event Logan Smith vs Jimmy in a strap match

Jimmy Pierce came out wearing a young team top which I thought was weird but for a lot of boos from the fans due to what he has done to Logan the last few months.

Logan cane out and fans were all ready for his music but it was cut off and the fans continued to dance and Jimmy was like what is that.

Logan’s music was played again and fans got on board again but music was cut again and the fans shouted to Bryan D to play it again and Jimmy goes over to try turn it off and the fans shout again one more time.

Magners is also still in the ring to attach the strap to both men which doesn't happen both men start pushing each other and they then take it to the outside.

Jimmy gets Logan a good one and Craig shouts ouch the biscuits and I’m not going to lie Logan did look sore.

The match still hasn't officially started as both men don't have the strap attached they get in the ring and Logan now attached the strap to both him and Jimmy's hands and the match is officially on.

Jimmy tries to leave the ring and Logan goes to pull the strap to get Jimmy back in the ring to which he does and they continue to hit each other.

Jimmy tried to get the upper hand but couldn't build any as Logan really wanted his revenge for all that Jimmy has done to him the past few months.

Jimmy then whips Logan with the strap and takes the ref out with a running knee and Logan regains control and goes for the cover and with the ref still down gets to 5/6 count before he realizes the ref is still down.

Jimmy then goes to go for the cover and gets the ref and calls him dafty and slaps him to get him to make the cover on Logan who then goes for the cover and Logan kicks out to Jimmy's disbelief.

Logan then gets Jimmy in a submission and he gets to the ropes Logan then pulls him and ties the strap around his head and Jimmy frantically taps out.

Official Result Logan Smith wins

Post match Logan says it’s done and put his hand out for a hand shake but Jimmy leaves. Andy Roberts then attacks Logan Smith and the fans all shout on Jimmy to help him and he walks out and then contemplates helping Logan and gets back in the ring and pulls Andy back which Andy hits Jimmy. This allows Logan to recover and attacks Andy and both Jimmy and Logan do the double team and Logan calls for the young team top Jimmy looks as much to say ok then both hug and it looks like the Young team are back together or as Craig said our boys are back together

Thoughts this was a very good match and good to see that they worked well together with knowing each others styles so well and also great to see the Young team back together

Overall thoughts I thought this was a very good show and showcased a lot of the talent at doing what we know they can do best and the surprise of Alpha male being a guest at SPW was a surprise also very happy that the young team are back together.

I am also looking forward to the New Year to see what is in store for the SPW Roster and which guests that they may bring In

The next show is in the Blyth Hall on Friday 31st January 2025


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