CM Burnham was introduced as special one night only EPW Commissioner. Lucian Loveless came out to address why the 5 on 5 is not occurring. He looks grumpy. Maybe needs to poo? Black Flag rising comes out right after Lucian says he is missing some messengers. They are strong in numbers. All six members are here. Sean Ryan, DAM, Badger James, Trench Blyth, Anarchy, and Faded Ghoul. Burnham jabs at DAM and his sexuality saying Jessie Jane was good in the pirate movie 20 years ago. Burnham sets up a best of 3 between messengers and Black Flag. If black flag wins it will be 5 on 3. If not 4 on 4 Burnham has a man to make 4.

First match Floyd Maystrom against trench Blyth accompanied by Badger James. Collar and Robin tie up. Maystrom gets the advantag. Trench quickly reversed and works the arm. A reversal and now Maystrom works the arm. Trench breaks out with chops. Big boss slam by trench no cover. Nice spinning kick to Maystrom. Trench hit him between the shoulder blades. Maystrom recover and starts a beat down in Blyth. Punches and kicks in a flurry. Blyth is down so Maystrom take this time to slap Badger James before continuing the beat down in Trench. 2 count off a scoop slam. Maystrom puts trench in a submission from which he fights out. Badger James is ineffective help on the outside. Spinning Death Valley Driver from Trench followed by a moonsault. Only a two count. Fisherman suplex by Maystrom. Maystrom missed a scissor kick. Trench hits a storm breaker for the win.
Gatekeeper with Lucian Loveless and his opponent Sean Ryan. All the Balck Flag take the stage. The ref send all but Dam to the back. The men circle. Gatekeeper goes behind. Sean grabs the rope to break it up. Gstekeeper beats Sean Ryan down. Gatekeeper keeps it up with punches in the corner. Sean Ryan dodges a splash. Gatekeeper has the power as he shoves Sean Ryan across the ring. Gatekeeper with a scorpion death lock. Gatekeeper lets out a maniacal laugh before releasing the hold on his own accord. Sean Ryan is not fairing well. Big splash gets a 2 count. Gatekeeper losses by DQ. Ignoring the 5 count. Gatekeeper is getting the better of both members of black flag.
Current best of 3 of series has Black Flag up 2-0.

Jack Talos against Faded Ghoul. Tue up and Jack easily puts ghoul into the corner. Tie up again and Jack throws ghoul down. Ghoul stomps the tire and then a series of shoulder tackle attempts. Jack big boot. Jack chokes ghoul on the middle rope. Ghoul looked like he was going to get offense but Jack does not want that. Jack is like an Andre the Giant in it only happens if he wants it to. Jack with a massive scoop slam. Anarchy foolishly says Ghoul can take out Talos. Talos with a massive powerbomb. Jack Lowe’s his straps before picking ghoul up and whipping him into the corner. The rebound allows Jack to do a side slam. Ghoul foolishly kicks out. Jack puts ghoul in a rear chin lock. Ghoul starts to fire out. Jack goes to one kneee. Ghoul tried the tackles again. Slightly more effective as Jack is worn out. Faded Ghoul with a Samoan drop for a two count. Jack googles ghoul as he stand choke slam for a 3. Talos wins.
Burnham comes back out. Burnham rehashes the matches. Chants of we want Erwin erupt. The ref is fired for taking bribes. The middle match. Is thrown out in regards to the series. Erwin will ref the rest of the show. Tonight’s main event will be 4 on 4.
Time for intermission.
CM Burnham comes out to end intermission. He calls out the Saints of pro Wrestling. These guys are not dressed to wrestler. One is wearing a Dragin Ball Z Captain Genyu Shirt. Burnham says it is swirling around the back about the Saint of Pro Wrestling not wrestling despite the match set last month.
Saints mention the best of EPW was supposed to face them. But they are the best. CSD made the match after he was fired. So the match isn’t happening. Their attorneys said it is within their legal rights to not take that match. Making their appearance for the night they try to exit the ring. Burnham stops them and makes the match for next month. Red James and a mystery partner against the Sanders Twins for the tag titles.
Almost Famous Ozzy Hendrix against Umbra. Umbra a newcomer to EPW wants to showboat a little before starting the action. Ozzy shows that he can do that also and the fans like him. umbra attack Ozzy as he is on the middle turnbuckle. Umbra drags Ozzy’s face across the top rope. Ozzy fights back with some punches. Ozzy is beaten down but can deliver a delayed scoop slam. Leg drop two count. Worker for Hogan but not Ozzy Hendrix. Umbra takes the eyes. Ozzy reverses a man Irish whip but Umbra delivers a sling blade. Umbra keeps using the ref’s count wisely. Two count for umbra off a sitting clothesline. DDT by Hendrix. Two count. Headbutt takes both men down. Both men beat a 10 count. Ozzy with a stunner for win.

Adrian Vega against DAM. DAM wants to be professional and called for a handshake. During the handshake he boops him on the head. Vega returns with fists. dam punched Vega into the corner. Ref slows the match down to check on Vega. German suplex by Vega knocks DAM loopy. Slap and DAM cries out loudly from the pain. Belly to belly by Vega. Delayed vertigo escaped by dam. Dam with a DDT. 2 count. Dam weakly slaps Vega. Rear chin lock by Dam to Vega. Vega wins with a small package. Shocking the crowd.
Main event time. Black flag against messengers with special partner Damien Marte all hell breaks loose early on. Badger James low blows Talos. The other pirates jump on. Talos throws them off. Talos gives a massive slam to Badger. Talos chokes Badger in their corner. Choas has been quelled for he. Gatekeeper tagged I. Badger gets taken down by a back heel kick. Badger takes down Gatekeeper. Badger tags I. Trench. Trench tags in Ghoul. Gatekeeper with massive spear to ghoul for a two count broken go by the ropes. Ghoul eliminated. Gatekeeper eliminated. Trench goes thru Talia’s legs. Talos throws tench into the corner. Massive choke slam nearly breaking the ring. Trench is eliminated. Morte tagged in. Badger James is the new pirate at the helm. Headlock take over by morte. Norte is beating the snot out of Badger James. Badger recover sand takes morte down with a lariat. Badger with a basaiko knee eliminates morte. Badger against Jack once again. Badger hits Jack with the title while anarchy distract the ref. Ref calls die the bell eliminating Badger James. Champion Malachi with a flatliner to Anarchy finished off the match.
Both teams take the ring after the match. Anarchy says it was a heck of a match and that it hurt. Wants to do this match again in the future. They all shake hands.