We are ready for tonights episode of AEW Collision and we kick things off with the Rated R superstar Adam Copeland. Before he can really get going he gets interrupted by Christian Cage
Cage is annoyed that Copeland is out here stealing his time. He walks out on Cage’s show and opens the show even tho Cage is in the main event. That doesn’t sit right with him, so his security detail are here for Adam’s protection – is the security guy in the suit Tyson Tomko? Please let me know in the comments because it sure looks like him.
Bryan Danielson makes his way out. Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne have been banned from ringside in their match tonight. Out next is Ricky Starks…hes had enough of other guys taking up his tv time and he won’t let it go on any longer. Starks wants Danielson to know that the difference between them is that Starks is a real AEW champion. Copeland takes some shots at Starks and calls him a vanilla midget Rock wannabe. This was quite amusing.
Before anyone else can talk FTR’s music hits. FTR stand beside Copeland and Danielson. Wheeler acknowledges that everyone in the locker room is banged up, just like they were last week. They want to earn their rematch. Dax says last week, one night only, Starks & Bill were better than them. Dax quotes Elton John and says Saturday night is alright for fighting. Danielson wants his match right now and it all kick off. Bodies flying everywhere
Copeland gets an Impaler DDT on one of the security whilst Danielson gets a LeBell Lock on another security guard. Danielson stares down Cage whilst the security guy taps to the Lebell lock.

Mack reverses an arm wringer in the early going. Joe goes for a shoulder block but Willie kicks him, but Joe tries again and knocks him down this time. Jabs in the corner from Joe, knocking Mack to the mat. Joe goes for an irish whip but Mack gets an arm drag, and nails a plancha to the outside on Joe. Joe and Mack exchange chops on the floor, before Joe rolls Willie back in the ring. Chop to the back of the neck, kick to the chest and a knee drop gets a 2 for Joe. Dropkick by Mack to give him some breathing room. Willie goes for the nipple twist in the corner, back elbow, and a running cannonball gets a 2 count. Willie Mack with a stunner but again only a 2 count. Mack goes high risk to the top rope but Joe cuts him off. You know what comes next. Muscle buster and that’s all. Referee counts to three.
Your winner AND STILL ROH World TV Champion by pinfall: Samoa Joe
No Suprises here. Joe was never going to lose his title here. Now we just have to wait to see who is going to step up next to Samoa Joe.
Lexi Nair is with the hot and flexible CJ Perry backstage. She wants to know what Perry would say to her future clients. CJ asks if they’ve ever felt angry about someone else’s spot. Perry is here to guide people. To get gold, to make champions, and to make stars. “Come find the woman that makes made men”. Action Andretti appears and says he would like her guidance, and tells her to call him. Perry seems interested.
After the break, we get a Danhausen video package! “It’s almost time.” Let’s just hope they actually do something with Danhausen this time because im a huge Danhausen fan.

Lockup to begin, Juice backs him into the corner, and gives a little slap in the face as they break. Juice regroups with BC Gold on the outside. Back in the ring, Juice fires off a chop, but receives a couple of arm drags from Daniels. Daniels goes for it one more time but Juice throws him throat first into the middle rope. He then chucks Daniels to the outside, distracting the referee and the bang bang gang get some boots in.
Running back elbow from Juice back in the ring, and he is rather pleased with himself. How entertaining is juice robinsonwe get some great back and forth action here. Christopher Daniels can still go. Its great to see CD still doing what he loves. Daniels with a clothesline and a double axe handle, followed by the STO. DVD! 1, 2, no. Daniels calls for Angel’s Wings, but Juice drives him into the buckles and gets a left forearm. Cannonball hits followed by a Front facelock falling DDT which allows Juice to pick up the win.
Your winner by pinfall: Juice Robinson
Post-match, Jay White gets down on one knee in front of Juice, and he has a ring. I don’t think this is a proposal though. The Gunns hold back CD and Juice nails him with the ring. Juice asks if MJF thinks he’s the only guy in the world to knock people out with a ring? Juice can do it without the ring, he’s been knocking people out for years. It’s not a ring that does it for Juice, it’s the Left Hand of God. White takes the mic. If Max wonders why this is happening, he only has one man to blame…MJF. White knows it was Max who blindsided him backstage the other week. White will be crowned the champion at Full Gear, and MJF’s world will crumble around him.
Dustin Rhodes is in a vignette, saying he is coming back to Texas this week and he is as good as ever in 2023 and he is coming to win the Dynamite Diamond Ring. And then he’s targeting MJF’s World Heavyweight Championship.
Backstage again with Lexi Nair and she is with Nick Wayne backstage. A sit-down interview is planned for him with Jim Ross and his mom. Wayne can’t believe he has to explain himself again. But he will, once more, next week on Dynamite.

They lockup, and Boulder shoves him back hard. Kyle grabs a headlock but Boulder flips him overhead. They trade forarms but a press slam from Boulder catches Kyle. Fletcher kicks him to the outside, and hits a running suicide dive. Back in the ring, Kyle goes for a suplex but Boulder reverses. The straps are down! He signals for a flip of some sort but Fletcher catches him on his way up the turnbuckle and nails a huge powerbomb. Dragon Sleeper applied! And Boulder has to tap.
Your winner by submission: Kyle Fletcher
Quick match this one. Theyre certainly building Kyle Fletcher strong atm. Samoa joe is looking for a new challenger? Could we build to this.
Renee Paquette is with the Trios Champs, The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass. They have been Trios champs for 48 days. Caster wants MJF to see the hard work they’ve been putting in. Bowens & Daddy Ass want to help Max Caster with his friendships and relationships. They want to try out him being nice. Max says to Renee “So about those ORAL Sessions, huh?” Garcia, Angelo Parker & Matt Menard appear and want a taste of the titles! A future match is signed. Same thoughts as I had yesterday for Rampage, what is the point of this trio now that the JAS has split up. Expect to see more friction between Menard and Garcia for this one. Once again Garcia has his dance interrupted, this time by Jake Hager.

Blue backs Statlander into the corner and pulls the hair. Kris didn’t like that. Wheelbarrow from Blue is blocked, and Kris gets a side headlock takeover. Shoulder block from the TBS Champion and a scoop slam. Headscissors from Blue…but Kris fights right back with a back suplex. Blue on the apron, neckbreaker across the ropes as we go to a break. Big stalling suplex from Kris when they make it back into the ring. Skye with a snapmare and a kick to the spine, gets a 2 count. Blue gets a chinbreaker and a clothesline but a legsweep from Statlander takes her out, following up with a somersault leg drop, a knee lift, and the Fisherman’s Buster. Superkick avoided, but Skye Blue nails a satellite DDT for 2! Blue goes up top but Kris cuts her off. Looks for maybe a Frankensteiner but Blue hits a powerbomb instead! Crossbody attempt by Blue but Kris catches her and hits a huge powerslam. On their knees, they battle back and forth. Superkick by Blue. Knee lift to the face! Step up kick but Kris catchers her again, no she rolls through into a pin attempt. Running drive-by dropkick by Skye Blue, satellite DDT is caught, and Kris hits the Saturday Night Fever. Heres the pin and the three count and that’s over.
Your winner by pinfall: And Still TBS champion Kris Statlander.
Skye Blue is looking great despite the loss. She didn’t need to win this as it will just further develop her new character. Im looking forward to seeing where this story goes. Im still calling it that she is heading to the house of black.
Kyle Fletcher addresses us from the backstage area, and he sends well wishes to Mark Davis. But he has an opportunity now he wants to prove he’s one of the best singles wrestlers. And he wants to be tested by the measuring stick in AEW. Fletcher is calling out Kenny Omega for this coming week on Dynamite. This is going to be amazing. Kyle Fletcher is one of the best up and coming stars and he will prove it this week on dynamite.
Video package for Rush. You must be uncontrollable, unruly, ungovernable to be Los Ingobernables. Rush says he’s back. With Dralistico and Preston Vance by his side, he will rule AEW. Lets hope they have a better showing this time round because not many people took this group seriously before.

Nothing really to say on this one. Just a quick opportunity to show how strong keith lee is. What is the plan for Keith Lee. He has so much talent but just hasn’t been given the opportunity. One of the best big men in the business right now. He needs to get more chances to shine.
Your winner by pinfall: Keith Lee
A Miro vignette plays, and Miro says the last few weeks have been testing. Evil seduces you under the bright lights, and CJ will once again be consumed by it all. Miro has a warning to any future client of CJ. He will be there at every step to stop them. He has a helpless Andretti with him and throws him to the floor. This is the promise of the Redeemer. This could be a load of fun if Miro just shows up to take out her clients and play spoiler at every turn. I’m on board. Miro needs something for the fans to get behind again and I think this could be it.

Its main event time. Strong collar and elbow tie-up, with neither man getting leverage at first. Test of strength but they break. Another lockup, down to the canvas, and Cage gets a side headlock. Shoulder block by the champ, but a headscissors from Danielson keeps Cage grounded.
Danielson gets an armdrag and tries to transition into the LeBell Lock but Cage hightails it out of the ring and escapes to the floor. Cage walks around the ringside area. He takes his time to gets back in the ring but cuts off another test of strength attempt with a boot to the gut. Cage wraps Bryan’s arm around the rope and tugs on it. Big chop in the corner, followed by a series of uppercuts, but Danielson flips positions and chops Cage in return.
Bryan grounds Cage and locks the legs in the surfboard, pulling back the nose before locking in the surfboard stretch. This hold will never not look uncomfortable! DDT to Danielson’s previously-injured arm, and Cage locks in an armbar. Danielson escapes and heads up top now for the diving headbutt but only gets canvas. Cage has a hold of the injured arm and immediately targets it. Danielson sends Cage outside and goes for the suicide dive but Cage saw it coming and hits a hard right hand to cut him off. Both on the apron now, Danielson is looking for a German suplex off the apron! Cage with the pendulum kick assisted by the ropes, and shoves Danielson into the turnbuckles. With the arm trapped, Cage drops Danielson with a hammerlock slam on the edge of the apron, and Danielson sells the pain tremendously. Can we just take a moment to appreciate these two men are both over 40 years of age.
Bryce Remsburg is making the count but the fans at ringside help Danielson to his feet and he manages to get back in the ring. Cage treads on the arm, and then bends it back, almost in a modified kimura. They battle by the announcer’s table, bouncing Danielson’s arm off the desk. Heading back in the ring, Christian sits Danielson on the top turnbuckle and heads up to join him. Superplex attempt but Danielson headbutts his way out of it. This time the Diving headbutt connects. Why are we still doing this move?
More headbutts and forearms from both men. Yes kicks take Cage to the outside. Suicide dive attempt again to the outside and this time he nails it. Danielson with a dropkick off the top rope, 1, 2, no. Cage with the jumping sunset flip but Dragon rolls through. Flying kick in the corner. Danielson sits Cage on the top rope, top rope frankensteiner, but Cage rolls through! 1, 2, NO!
Cage up top of his own accord now, frog splash! 1, 2, no. Killswitch attempt by Cage but Danielson steps on the back of the legs to counter out of it. Yes kicks follow, misses the last one. Reverse DDT with the arm trapped!! Cage is looking for the spear but Bryan kicks him. Big roundhouse kick, 1, 2, NO.
Danielson shouts it’s time for Cage to get his f’n head kicked in. He traps the arms and starts the stomps, then lies in wait in the corner. Busaiku Knee but instead cage hits the spear. Killswitch! It’s over. 1, 2, but Danielson kicks out. Spear attempt again but dodged, BUSAIKU KNEE! 1, 2, KICK OUT!! Danielson locks in the LeBell Lock but Cage is near the ropes. Cage manages to get a foot on the bottom rope. But Bryan drags him to the center! The damage to the arm though, he can’t keep the hold applied. Big Bill suddenly appears, allowing Starks to hit Danielson with the belt. Cage covers and we get the 1, 2, 3.
Your winner by pinfall and STILL TNT Champion: Christian Cage.
An overall not bad show here on Collision. Few story lines heading in the right direction. Lets see what Dynamite brings us on Wednesday and you can join me next Friday for Rampage.