On Sunday, Rev Pro put on Live in London 87 as we pick up speed on the road to the 12th Anniversary show at the Copper Box on All In weekend.

Here’s what happened at the 229.

Leon Slater Vs Zozaya
If you’re reading this then you probably know what Leon Slater can do. 1 of BritWres’ top talents who is now showcasing his skills on TNA
Zozaya is less known but that might not be the case for long. He’s got the look, attitude and most importantly talent to get signed to a contract.
Both men put their bodies on the line in this one which went just over 17 minutes.
Strikes, high flying moves and counters were eventually won by Zozaya with a Death Valley Driver from the middle rope in what has to be considered an upset.
Ricky Knight Jnr Vs Jay Joshua
I was surprised that this was Jay’s Rev Pro debut. He works in most of the top Brit Wres promotions to a high standard.
This was always going to be a hard hitting contest with neither men giving an inch.

A German Suplex, Stomp and Rickyish driver was enough to give RKJ the win in just under 12 minutes.
The tone changed as the Cut Throat Collective of Alex Windsor, Lizzy Evo, Safire Reed and Mercedez Blaze made their way out. The 5th member of the CTC Nina Samuel’s is in Japan.
Safire Reed said they’d been asked to apolgoised so she said sorry “FOR ABSOLUTELY NOTHING”.

Windsor advised this is what happens when you don’t treat your Women’s division right. She said they got rid of Nightshade as they don’t tolerate failure and she only surrounds herself with the best. A little nod to Will Ospreay who is killing it as always (in AEW).
Alex introduced the Cut Throat Collective. “Lizzy Evo, “could put half the blokes in that locker room on their arse”. Mercedez with “a mouth that will get her into trouble but all the ability to back it up.” Next was Nina Samuels with “a bit of finesses and class” and “currently touring The Nina Samuels Show in Japan”. Safire Reed was last to be introduced, “my little devil. 20! 20 years old and with all the credentials to be a future Rev Pro Champion and me Alex Windsooooooooooor”.
The Cut Throat Collective put a challenge out to any 5 women for the 12th Anniversary show next month (Saturday of All In weekend).
Windsor kicked Andy Quilden off comms for this match. Reed and Evo stayed at ringside and although they didn’t physically interfere they must have been a distraction to Knocks.
Blaze hit a Curb Stomp before placing Ronnie’s legs on the top rope and hitting a cutter to get the 3 count.

Mambo and TK have said the next time they lose Sunshine Machine will disband in Rev Pro. They can’t avoid matches but this is one hell of a challenge to the teams future.
It’s great to see Yuto Nakashima back after almost 4 months out injured. The established New Japan team had its share of support in the 229 even with the consequences if Sunshine Machine lost.
TK and Mambo were able to get the win and continue on for the time being. Either they keep winning or it’s over. Are Sunshine Machine heading for a potential All In showdown with the Grizzled Young Veterans at the Copper Box 12th anniversary show?

An unannounced Michael Oku made his way to the ring to start the 2nd half. He hyped his match with Luke Jacobs at what he is calling “Copper Box weekend”. He said there’s a lot of shows before then though including Coventry later this month.
“Dijak feels as though he was dealt a bad hand. It’s almost as though he’s wanting to use me to get back at WWE. It’s like he’s looking for……………………retribution”.

Oku then promised at the HMV Empire you will see something that you will never forget.
The Cut Throat Collective then made their 2nd appearance of the evening. This time for Tag Team action.
Kanji and Rev Pro Contender Lucia Lee were the challengers to try and shut CTC up momentarily.
Lucia is getting her reps in both at Brit Wres shows and training seminars and you can see the improvements.

She was worked on for a large part of the match but didn’t give up. Kanji and Lee both had submissions on their opponents at one point. Lucia’s Cattle Mutalation had the crowd humming ‘The Final Countdown’ in ode to Bryan Danielson.
It took a DDT from Mercedez behind the referees back followed by a Shining Wizard from Safire and a Spear from Lizzy to finally put Lucia down.
CTC continued the onslaught after the bell before Kanji found a baking tray under the ring and cleaned house.
What looked to be a warm up match for the King of the Cruiserweights Robbie X turned into anything but.

Will Kavens win maybe shouldn’t have been as surprising to me. He’s beaten Fuego Del Sol before taking the Champion Neon to the limit in the previous 2 shows. Now he’s on his way to another shot at the Copper Box.
Meanwhile Robbie X is on a bit of a losing run. Could a change in attitude be on its way from 1 of Brit Wres’ most known talents?
This was 1 of the big matches that persuaded me to take the trek to London.

Callum wasn’t holding anything back and he couldn’t afford to.
After 10 minutes of battle the 2 were countering each other until Newman managed to lock in a pin and get the 3 count.

Mills attacked Newman afterwards before sarcastically wishing him well in the G1 and advising to go and speak to Ethan Allen if he needs some knee recovery tips. He then broke the news that Ethan was injured again and whether he has a match at the Copper Box or not, by the end of the night Connor Mills will be all people are talking about.
The crowd was split for this one. Jacobs has support but a lot of the crowd who see him whatever promotion they go to and familiarity can breed contempt.
JJ Gale is a talent that should be showcased at far more promotions than he is so feels like a special attraction at Rev Pro.
Forearms and chops galore in this one as both men’s bodies got battered and bruised.

The 2nd longest match of the night was won by Jacobs who took a mic and said he’d beaten Gale numerous times now and they were done. He pushed JJ to the mat disrespectfully. When Luke was leaving Gale took the mic and said at the 12th Anniversary show he was going to do the 1 thing that Jacobs couldn’t; BEAT TOMOHIRO ISHII.

Considering there was no title matches and little at stake this was a really good show as Rev Pro shows usually are.
I’m looking forward to Rev Pro Coventry, Summer Sizzler at York Hall and the 12th Anniversary show at the Copper Box. I hope to see some of you there.