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ReRating WWE2K23

Since 2003's "Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain" wrestling fans have dealt with videogame developer rating wrestlers. "Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain" ended the era where Alex Wright could beat Sting due to both wrestler being on the dame digital footing. Rating of Superstars in video games is controversial. Some people believe certain wrestlers are either over or under powered. In this list I will provide ten examples of where I disagree with the ratings of WWE2K23. WWE2k23 is due out 14 March 2023.

1. The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin

These two are tied at 96. Both the Rock and Stone Cold were at the top of the card of the Attitude Era but do they really deserve this high a rating? I beleive not. I feel like the rating is due to the notalgia of the Attitude Era. I would drop them down to a 90. The Rock's strength came on the mic and not in the ring. That isn't to say The Rock is not talented in the ring. Stone Cold needed the right person to play off. If it was not for great selling, Stone Cold's in ring stuff wouldn't look as good. I feel like when looking at either of these men their memorable moments came from antics outside the ring and not inside them and that is why I think they are over rated on the game.

2. Chyna

The Ninth Wonder of the World has a rating of 88. She should be higher in my opinion. Her strength and power is why I would rank her higher. Bayley has a 91 and she is not as powerful as Chyna. Another variable for why Chyna needs to be ranked higher is the fact that she regularly competed against men winning the Intercontenintal Championship twice. At the score of 88 she is tied with ten men which would still keep her a viable option to compete against men but I don't neccessarily agree with the ratings of those ten men.

3. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan is on the roster twice. Once as the red and yellow Hulk Hogan (94) and once as Hollywood Hulk Hogan (92). Both of these rankings are overrated as much as the man himself. Hulk Hogan's peak was in the early 1980s. One of his biggest opponents of the era Hot Rod Roddy Piper is rated at an 85. With the two being presented at the same level in the 1980s, how can they have such different ratings?

4. Bella Twins

The first issue I have with these two ladies is the fact that they are listed as "Legends" but this article isn't about that it is about their ratings. (Not the Total Diva's ones either.) Nikki Bella is 90. Brie Bella is rated 87. Why is there a difference in the twins? Not only should they have the same rating but I feel they should be much lower. I would switch Nikki's ratings with that of Natalya (82). The Bellas seemed to only be the face of the women's division during their time because of Total Divas. Active female wrestlers have lower ratings while being more impactful than these two.

5. Same Person Multiple Ratings

Hulk Hogan's duel ratings was touched on earlier. The NWO members are the most prominent when it comes to the issue of multiple ratings for one individual. Hogan at 94 and 92. Kevin Nash with a 90, 87, and 88. The Bad Guy Scott Hall also has three ratings of an 87,90, and 84. Syxx aka X-Pac has both an 88 and 85. Other roster member who have different rankings are John Cena, Randy Orton, and Brock Lesnar. For the purpose of the Showcase, I will forgive John Cena having different ratings since the Showcase is meant to feature growth and important milestones in that person's carreer. So, John Cena as the prototype does not need the (overated) 94 ratings of the base John Cena. When it comes to the others they should be the same especially since the gaps in portraying each version of themself isn't that large. Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx went straight from the WWF to the WCW to portay their NWO persona's yet the NWO has a lower rating. Exceptions to keeping the same ratings would be Hulk Hogan and Brock Lesnar. I would argue that their younger versions should be ranked higer. Hulk Hogan by the mid-1990s didn't have as much mobility and wasn't performing at the same level as the height of Hulkamania. Granted 2K did give Hollywood Hogan a two point drop but that isn't a far enough drop. The second character whose ratings should be reversed is Brock Lesnar. Brock's 2001 DLC (90) should be higher than his base 97. Now I am not arguing to make the 2001 version a 98 or anything like that. I am saying drop his current version. Brock is still a beast but he doesn't have the same day-in-day-out domination he had during his first run. Brock's current rating should be lowered to maybe a 92 and his 2001 version raised to a 95.

6. Stephanie McMahon

The former Co-CEO of the WWE has a ranking of 77. This is in the ratings for the lower level of women in the game. It is also the same rating as Sonya Devile and Indi Hartwell. Eleven other ladies are rated below her. Howver, what gives her this rating at all? Yes, she is a former Women's Champion but that doesn't play into John Cena's Showcase. Granted she didn't have herself rated in the top ten or even twenty. I think she should have a lower score based of the caliber of people that have been ranked below her.

7. Andre the GiantThe former Co-CEO of the WWE has a ranking of 77. This is in the ratings for the lower level of women in the game. It is also the same rating as Sonya Devile and Indi Hartwell. Eleven other ladies are rated below her. Howver, what gives her this rating at all? Yes, she is a former Women's Champion but that doesn't play into John Cena's Showcase. Granted she didn't have herself rated in the top ten or even twenty. I think she should have a lower score based of the caliber of people that have been ranked below her.

7. Andre the Giant

One of the biggest men in wrestling history and not just due to size. Andre the Giant only has a 88 rating in the game. A drop from his WWE2k14 rating of 89. This is 11 points lower than the highest rating of 99 which belongs to Roman Reigns. Six points below Hulk Hogan who was his greatest foil in the 1980s. Andre should obviosly be rated higher. I would increase his rating to a 95 putting him level with The Undertaker. If these ratings were true to life, the scoop slam from Wrestlemania III in the Pontiac Dome would not have been as impressive because Andre would have been the underdog in that match.

8. Nikki A.S.H

Nikki A.S.H. has a ranking of 76. I believe that she should be higher. I think a good rating for Nikki would be 81. She has proven to be a person who can get her own gimmick over and provide solid matches. Nikki with her unpredictability as either the A.S.H. or Sanity persona proves she can exhibit some might. Additionally, this is a missed oppurtunity for the WWE to have an alternate for a female wrestler. Both Doudrop and Nikki have since dropped the superhero gimmicks that both seem to have been saddled with in this game. Sidenote, Doudrop is ranted at 81 in the game.

9. Eric BischoffNikki A.S.H. has a ranking of 76. I believe that she should be higher. I think a good rating for Nikki would be 81. She has proven to be a person who can get her own gimmick over and provide solid matches. Nikki with her unpredictability as either the A.S.H. or Sanity persona proves she can exhibit some might. Additionally, this is a missed oppurtunity for the WWE to have an alternate for a female wrestler. Both Doudrop and Nikki have since dropped the superhero gimmicks that both seem to have been saddled with in this game. Sidenote, Doudrop is ranted at 81 in the game.

9. Eric Bischoff

Who is the lowest rated member of the male roster? Eric Bishoff with a rating of 64. Three points lower than Shanky, who shouldn't even be included. Logan Paul who is making his second appearance in a wrestling game has a 84. When comparing Eric Bischoff and Logan Paul, I would argue that they should be roughly even. Neither of the two men chose being a wrestler as their primary job. Logan Paul, I can only assume, has such a larger score because of his boxing matches and wins. However, Eric Bischoff is a legit black belt. Maybe we should average the two and make Eric a 74.

10. Luna Vachon and Sherri Martel

Both are ranked at zero because neither are in the game. Luna Vachon is the first ever playable female wrestler in a video game (WWF Raw 1994). Which will give you an answer to on this quiz. Sherri Martel was a valet to seeminly all the great heels of the 1980s and 1990s. While the Showcase features John Cena and not any of the men Sherri managed I feel like she should still be included. Either of these legendary ladies would be a great addition to the game. Maybe next year WWE can showcase Legendary Women.


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