Rampage wasted no time getting the action started with their Trios match. This match was obviously going to go in favor of LFI. The other trio did show some fight with bludgeoning offense. LFI kept tags going letting all three of their members shine. JD Drake did get a surprise spinebuster to tag in Beef. When Butcher tagged in this kept it from looking too much like a squash match. Rush dispatched the match with a Bull's Horn.

Taya Valkyrie's opponent is a local who has also wrestled for Stardom according to Excalibur. Quick match. Taya wins with a curb stomp. Tia would attack again when her opponent was at the top of the ramp.

This is the first what I would say is a competitive match. Not that there wasn't time in the first match where the losing team shined but they were destined to lose because of how the other team is booked. Both of these ladies are booked relatively good. Leila teases a win with a crucifix. Running Air Raid Crash by Aminata almost wins the match. The Bulldog out of the corner looked very Dustin Rhodes inspired. Leila hits a neck breaker off the top rope. If Buff Bagwell had done that it would have been a Block Buster. Queen Aminate wins shortly after that with a submission.

Without letting the ladies from the previous match the competitors for Dark Order against Top Flight enter the ring. Alex Reynolds and Dante start the match with some chain wrestling. Reynold seems to hurt himself off a shoulder tackle. Reynolds tags in Uno. Dante tries to shoulder tackle Uno but fails. Darius had Silvers in a pin but Reynold turned it into a pin. Who was legal who knows but that should not have been a pin on one of them. Pendulum Bomb failure due to Reynolds being injured. Dante and Action Andretti get into a fight because Action Andretti goes for the injured ribs. Nice selling by Alex Reynolds. Action Andretti and his more aggressive attitude won the match for Top Flight.

Komander's poncho looks fly to steal a term from the 1990s. Lio wants to start the match with a hand shake but Komander refuses. Both men are quick footed. Komander tries for the handshake but Lio throws him out. Komander with a massive thrust kick. Komander almost wins with a moonsault press. Rush hangs on after a stunner but Komander fights out of that. Lio goes to the top and Komander rolls to the apron. Rush drops off the top and Komander takes control. A backtabber before they return to the ring. Lio Rush missed a frog splash. Shooting Star Press by Komander wins.