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Writer's picture: Johnny AmanJohnny Aman

The last taping from Arlington, Texas for now. Not certain when it was taped but it is not live.

Kyle O'Reilly and Johnny TV start it off. O'Reilly is ont allowing Johnny TV much space to do his more lucha influenced moves. Ishii tagged in. Beast Mortos and Ishii start trying to take each other down with shoulder blocks and failing to do so the start exchanging blows. Briscoe tagged in to face off against Brain Cage clad in his Wolverine trunks. Kyle O'Reilly starts to get beat down by all of his opponents. Ishii and Mortos square off again and Ishii gets the better of it. Cage then comes in to get his share of abuse from Ishii. Briscoe may have inadvertently distracted the ref preventing the pin for Beast Mortos. Hot tag to Mark Briscoe. Briscoe chops and punches Brain Cage and Johnny TV. It is now time for everyone to hits their special moves. Beast Mortos hits Kyle O'Reilly with a pop up Samoan drop after O'Reilly hit his knee. Taya Valkyrie stops Briscoe from using the chair to propel himself momentarily. Kyle O'Reilly would eventually win with an armbar. Overall a good match. I never seen it coming out any other way.

From commentary to ring Roderick Strong faces off against Fuego Del Sol. Strong beats down Fuego. Kyle O'Reilly has joined commentary for this match. Commentary is really hyping the perils of the gauntlet match. Fuego reverses a Gory Special. This gave Fuego space to do some flippy moves. The comeback was thwarted with a jumping enzuigiri followed by a back breaker for the win. Your winner in this quick match is Roderick Strong.

This is a bit of a meaningless match. Mina should be part of the Women's Title storyline and not on her own right now. I feel like she can still play a better supporting role there. The fans are chanting "Let's Go Mina!" Both ladies are fast and furious. Mina does a tilt-a-whirl type thing into a Russian Led Sweep. This is a good competitive match. Mina locks on a Figure Four for the win. This is the second submission victory this shows.

Damn. I feel sorry for Shida. However, this promo makes me want to see what they have in store for her in the future.

Booking like this make me wonder what is going on in the AEW creative. Why was Cage not with them for the opening match since they are his normal trios. Bronson easily pushes Bishop Khan into the corner. Khan chops his way out of this. Punishing back and forth blows in the opening of the match. Bronson tags in Bronson. Leona tagged in by Khan. These two men just club each other and neither move. Uppercut by Leona finally gives one man the advantage. Quick Samoan drop on Boulder. Both men tag in their teammate. Gate of Agony end the match.

I am not sure if both teams have some momentum or if it is just The Outrunners with the momentum from fans. The Von Erichs may just be over since it is close to Katy, Texas. Ross and Truth Magnum start it off. Marshall and Turbo Floyd get in but not for long. Turbo Flyod is able to tag in while Ross is attempting a sunset flip pin. Quick tags are occurring by the Outrunners. Weird double team by the Outrunners. Floyd put Magnum in a headlock and then Magnum pushed off towards Ross. Marshall gets tagged in and does a cannonball to Turbo Floyd followed by a moonsault. Truth Magnum and Turbo Flyod both get a claw. The Von Erichs win.

The Kingdom distracts the Von Erichs after the match. Gates of Agony attack from behind, The RoH tag division seems to be out for a brawl,


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