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NXt Great American Bash Week 1 Review 30/07/24

Arran Hill

NXT presents night one of the Great American Bash. Our first night of the two-week show (airing on SFYFY, don’t forget!) will see Roxanne Perez defend the NXT Women’s Championship against Thea Hail. In addition, Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn are coming to Tuesday tonight to defend the WWE Women’s Tag Team Title against Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson, while Tony D’Angelo defends the NXT Heritage Cup against Tavion Heights of the No Quarter Catch Crew. Karmen Petrovic, Sol Ruca & Lola Vice will team up to take on Jacy Jayne, Jazmyn Nyx & Fallon Henley, and we’ll be blessed by JOE HENDRY in concert! Should be a really fun show.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

We start off with Tank and Hank outside of the PC and saying they need to get in there to host because it’s going to change the entire face of NXT. Tank says it will change the face of the world! They break in and Hank tries to hack the computer to do a security bypass, then they sneak into an authorized personnel area and pull a cord on the firewall. They leap through green laser beams and open the door together — which blew all the fuses. They crawl their way to the power switch and hit it. Okay then.

We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and kicking off with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match.

Match 1 WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match

Unholy Union vs. Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson

Isla and Alba attack during the introductions! They toss Lash to the outside and throw her into the guardrail, then Alba is in for the bell to start. Jakara with an inside cradle for two but Isla tags in, gourdbuster and double knee strike for two.

Isla throws Jakara into the ringpost and tags in Alba, who batters Jakara. Jakara whipped into a Tarantula by ALba and a superkick, cover gets two again. Alba beats on Jakara and tags in Isla, who drives her shoulder into the gut and tags Alba in — double snap suplex. But Lash is in now and takes out Isla with a pump kick, then knocks Alba to the outside. Jakara dives through the ropes on Isla as we go to break.

We’re back as Jakara goes for the tag, Isla grabs her foot. Enzuigiri and Lash gets the hot tag! She knocks Ilsa down with strikes and a clothesline, picks her up for knees to the side and swings her into a charging Alba, then hits a fall away slam. She grabs Alba for a uranage backbreaker, then hits a choke slam for two-plus.

Lash goes for a body slam but Ilsa slides down the back, she shoves Lash into a shot by Alba. Backbreaker into a senton, cover but Jakara breaks it up. Jakara tosses Isla to the outside and takes her down on the floor as Lash shoves Alba back in the ring. Alba with a tornado DDT! Cover gets two.

Alba with strikes to Lash’s chest, she goes to Irish whip Lash but the challenger blocks it and sends Alba into the corner. Shoulder thrust, she gets Alba on her shoulders and blocks a poisonrana, Jakara tags in. Wheelbarrow cutter, cover but Isla breaks it up at the last instant.

Lash sends Isla to the apron but Isla pulls down the ropes and Lash to the floor, leaping double knee. Alba with a superkick to Jakara, the champs wipe out Jakara and retain.

Winner: Unholy Union (9:54)

Rating: ** 3/4

Thoughts: Quite a solid match for the most part. Jakara had a sloppy moment late in the match but otherwise this was perfectly solid even if the ending was never in doubt.

Oro Mensah is consoling the challengers when Ethan Page’s music hits! He comes out and says the Meta-Four came up short and he hopes the ladies console Oro next week because there won’t be a fluke win or any 1-2-3’s. He gets in the ring and says he’s doing Oro a favor to give him a close look at the title — he swings, Oro ducks and rolls him up as Lash counts three! The Meta-Four bail and Page loses it.

Cedric is backstage earlier giving advice to trainees when Shawn Spears says he’s in no business to give advice. He says he’s making a difference in Brooks Jensen’s life and would do the thing for Cedric, but there’s no room for him to. Cedric says he’s not weak-minded and Brooks shows up, saying he’s not weak. Looks like we have a match.

Hank interviews Tavion Heights and asks him what his plan is for tonight. He talks about all the medals he’s won and says that Tony is a true grappler and a shooter, and he’s ready for that. Hank shoots to Tank who’s with The Family and asks about the match. Tony says the Olympics is big-time stuff but he doesn’t do it every four years, he does it every week and he’s going to show Tavion that.

We get a vignette from Pete Dunne talking about his experience and how the locker room is full of guys who can’t handle setbacks. He says the first time he went to someone advice he got stuck with a terrible nickname. He says you’d be bitter too. Sheamus went home, Ridge ran away and Tyler’s on the shelf. He recalls getting jumped by three geezers with hammers on a bus back home and how he put himself back together and handled business.

He says Trick is the face of NXT and has all the tools. He beat Ilja and beat Melo, and he should be able to trust his instincts but he came to Dunne for answers. Next week he forces Trick to figure it out.

Trick says they’ll see who figures it out next week. Forget whooping that Trick, he’s whooping that ass.

Match 2 NXT Heritage Cup Match

Tony D’Angelo vs. Tavion Heights

Round One (0 – 0)

Circle and lockup to start, they jockey for position and break at a stalemate. Lock back up, they break again and go back into it — Tavion gets Tony against the ropes, they trade position, back to the center of the ring, Tony with a takedown that Tavion reverses. Back up, they muscle against each other, fireman’s carry by Tony, back up, and Tavion hits an arm drag. He showboats and turns into a takedown and another, Tony runs him over and puts him on the mat with a headlock takedown.

Tavion gets to his feet but gets taken down again, back up, Tony shot into the ropes and locks in a sleeper. Tony escapes and they try to gutwrench suplex each other, Tony locks in an ankle lock, the bell rings.

Round Two (0 – 0)

All but 18 seconds of Round Two took place during the break, and Tony has Tavion on the top — SUPERPLEX but it’s too late and the round is over.

Round Three (0 – 0)

Tavion nails Tony as he comes in, picks him up but Tony turns it into a slam for two. They collide awkwardly, That’s the fall.

Round Four (Tony D’Angelo 1 – 0)

Wren Sinclair hypes up Tavion in the break and Tavion charges at Tony for a big lariat! Off the topes for a neckbreaker, belly to belly and gets the pin!

Round Five (1 – 1)

Tony nails Tavion as the round opens and batters him, whips him into the corner and charges but Tavion moves! Press slam, suplex and a cover gets two. Tony battles back but gets sent into the ropes for a release belly to belly for two-plus!

Tavion off the ropes and leaps but Tony ducks and Tavion hangs himself on the middle rope. Tony off the ropes and takes Tavion down, belly to belly, spinebuster! He sends Tavion into the ropes for another spinebuster! Cover gets three.

Winner: Tony D’Angelo

Rating: ***

Thoughts: I hate that these things always lose a full round to the commercial break. But this was quite good, the lost round didn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things and Tavion looked great here despite taking the loss.

We get a video of Jacy, Jazmyn and Fallon complaining about Sol Ruca and Karmen getting a tag title match and then response videos. We see Lola suggesting the six-woman tag match and that’s how the match was set up.

Match 3 Books Jensen vs. Cedric Alexander

This match saw the two go back and forth a bit, with Cedric using his speed and Mountain Man Brooks using his power. We’re back and Cedric ducks a clothesline, then hits a rana off the ropes.

Cedric hits a charging Brooks with a raised boot and comes off the top to take Brooks down. They end up spilling to the outside, Cedric rolls Brooks in but pays for it as Brooks kicks Cedric on his way in and then hits a knee to the jaw. Brooks with mounted punches as Spears comes out to watch, cover gets two.

Whip across the ring by Cedric, he tries to go up and over Brooks but is caught and put in the Tree of Woe. Charging elbow to Cedric and a cover for two, before Brooks locks in a headlock on the mat.

Cedric gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker to break the hold. He knocks Brooks down off the ropes, dodges a charge and hits a German suplex. Big high knee in the corner, leaping kick to the back and a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall.

Cedric gets pushed by by Brooks in the corner, he goes back in and gets kicked in the face. Brooks to the top, Cedric goes up but takes a shot to the throat, Brooks with a leg drop off the top and covers almost three! Brooks is livid and throws Cedric to the outside, he follows and front suplexes Brooks on the commentary booth. Jenson onto the apron, he leaps off Cedric moves! Cedric gets Brooks in, Lumbar Check, that’s it.

Winner: Cedric Alexander

Rating: ***

Thoughts: Another good effort here. Cedric needed a win and a loss plays into Brooks’ storyline, so it’s a good fit. No complaints.

Je’Von Evans talks about his earliest memories of wrestling and how he remembers his parents fighting, but they would stop when WWE came on. His mom was a Cena guy, his dad was a Booker T guy. He was into Jeff Hardy. He recalls climbing a wall in grade school and leaping into his friends, which he got in trouble for. He used to tell his teachers to suck it and would wrestle on his neighbors’ trampoline while they were out. He says wrestling brings him joy. To be continued…

Joe Hendry is talking with the ladies backstage that are super into him. He walks toward the ring and Ashante picks up on the ladies.

The Rascalz take a seat in their Treehouse, and Wes is surprised that they’re there on a Tuesday. Wes doesn’t get how it looks the same and Trey starts to talk about light refracting and shit but gives up and says it’s magical. Trey and Zach talk about celebrate with a little something, but Wes says absolutely not; it’s a little PG around here. Wes and Zach talk about how they never lost the NXT Tag Team Titles and that burns a little. Zach says that they won in the main event last week and they talk about winning the titles to defend them in two different companies. Wes is going to text Axiom, and then they decide to get high while they’re waiting. (Hey, it’s not PG here, I don’t need to beat around the bush.)

It’s time for the Joe Hendry concert! Joe’s in the ring already and the fans are singing his theme song! He says “Say his name and he appears!” Welcome to the first-ever Joe Hendry concert in WWE. He says his concerts are acclaimed around the world and he knew he had to create something special, so they needed a song everyone loves — well, almost everyone.

He sings (sorry, I don’t lyric transcribe) about how Joe Hendry makes things better for everyone in NXT, and says there’s a wrestler from Scotland repping TNA and how Shawn Michaels is in the kitchen summoning him up. He calls Booker his biggest fan complete with a photoshopped image of him in a kilt and says Joe Coffey says he’s Scottish but is the son of Dutch Mantell. He tells the fans to wave their hands if they hate Gallus and they got deported for having awful facial hair.

Joe continues turns chorus into a clap-along and finishes the song to the fans’ happiness. We get a “WE BELIEVE!” chant. Joe says the fans are really in a party mood tonight, so it’s time for an encore with his theme song. He says the people have spoken

BUT HERE’S GALLUS! Joe says there will be no encore and says Hendry is a flash in the pan, a one-hit wonder, an internet meme and a one-trick pony. He says if he hears the sone one more time, someone’s getting decked. Joe tells Joe if he wants some, come get some! Joe swings but the numbers take over and they beat Joe down, then Wolfgang and Mark hold him as Joe slams the guitar over Hendry’s back! They stand over Hendry and pose.

Hank and Tank walks up and butter up Roxy, and Hank suggests breaking a Guinness World record by putting the post-its on his face in the quickest time. Roxy says no, Tank tries and Roxy snaps at them. Jadia walks by and says she might not have the title after tonight.

Ethan Page and Oro are arguing at the contract signing table and Ava tells them both to shut up. Ethan says Oro doesn’t deserve the title shot and it’s a gift, while Oro says Page attacked Noam and then him, then talks about pinning Page which Page can’t handle. Page says nothing Oro’s done to him matters, and he can’t and won’t beat him.

Oro tells Page to sign the contract, he does. He says Page may be the champion, but Oro has no respect for anything he does. He says Page doesn’t respect him, but when he beats him the title will fit perfectly around the main man’s waist. He signs the contract and walks off.

Match 4 Kendall Grey vs. Jaida Parker

Lockup to start, Jaida backs Kendall into the corner, they break. Waist lock by Kendall into a fireman’s carry takedown. Jaida takes over, Kendall escapes her and runs up the corner for a takedown and shoulder lock. Jaida breaks it though and front suplexes her over the top, then beats away at her. Jaida slams Kendall into the turnbuckle and hits an inverted suplex for two.

Jaida wraps Kendall up with a crossface from the knees, Kendall gets back to her feet and Jaida goes for a body slam but Kendall avoids it and slides down Jaida’s back. Back elbow takedown as Wren and Myles Borne come out to distract Carlee Bright. Kendall comes out and tosses Myles, comes into the ring, Olympic Slam for two.

Kendall charges at Jaida in the corner but gets caught, put against the middle rope, teardrop and then a front suplex drop. Running hip smash for three.

Winner: Jaida Parker (4:03)

Rating: ** 1/4

Thoughts: Fine for a four-minute extended squash.

Ridge and Thea are backstage and Ridge says what Thea said last week meant a lot to him. He hypes her up and says no towel is being thrown in, do what it takes. Chase U walks in and are a touch more skeptical of “do whatever it takes” but Thea is hyped.

Nathan Frazer walks up on Axiom talking with Joaquin Wilde and Cruz Del Toro. Robert Stone walks up with a contract for a Tag Title match with The Rascalz. Frazer says they’ll think about it but Axiom signs it. Frazer asks for a moment and is not happy with Axiom, but Axiom says he’s locked in as soon as he wins his Speed match.

Match 5 Jacy Jayne, Fallon Henley & Jazmyn Nyx vs. Lola Vice, Karmen Petrovic and Sol Ruca

Fallon and Sol start off, Sol with a waist lock that Fallon back elbows out of. Fallon rides Sol like a surfboard and hits a slam, but Sol comes back with an X-Factor and rides Fallon back! (Phrasing.)

Karmen tags in and takes Fallon down, but Fallon is back up and backs Karmen into the corner. Nyx tags in, wristlock but Karmen reverses it. They roll on the ground, Karmen up and kicks Jazmyn in the face for a two-count. Karmen counters an Irish whip with a back kick and then locks in an inverted crossface. Hold breaks but Karmen puts Jazmyn in the hostile corner and Lola tags in!

Lola knocks Nyx down, she tags in Jacy who gets a quick rollup for two. Lola and Jacy trade blows, Jacy into the ropes and rolls through, they trade roll-ups. Lola with a spinebuster for two. She tags in Karmen, double team takedown on Jacy for two.

Karmen with a wristlock, Jacy breaks it with a shot to the face. Fallon tags in, double suplex — but Sol in and catches Karmen! Kicks to all three heels and it’s all broken down, Lola puts Fallon on the apron and kicks her to the floor. Karmen dives onto Jacy, Sol with a top-rope moonsault onto all the heels as we go to PIP break.

We’re back from break and Nyx has Karmen in a headscissors submission in the middle of the ring. Karmen gets Nyx’s shoulders on the mat for two to cause the break. Karmen ducks a charge by Nyx and gets the hot tag to Lola, who launches the feet on all the heels! Sol goes for a flipping clothesline on Fallon and Jacy, the heels are in different corners triple hip attacks! Jazmyn and Jacy gets put on the apron and super kicked, Sol with a powerbomb to Fallon for two.

Sol goes for the tag but Jacy and Jazmyn pull them off. Sol goes up top, Fallon crotches her, she gets the double tag and Sol eats a cutter off the top rope, fisherman’s suplex but Karmen and Lola tackle Jacy and Jazmyn in to break up the pin.

Jacy and Fallon put Lola on the outside, Jacy divs onto her with a senton. Nyx and Sol are trading kicks in the ring, Karmen tags in and runs over Jazmyn. Kicks to the chest and thigh, bulldog off the ropes for two. She goes for a suplex, Nyx blocks it and hits the Pele Kick! Jacy with a big forearm, Fallon hits the Cutter, that’s three.

Winner: Team “We Hate Rookies” (12:55)

Rating: *** 1/4

Thoughts: Shockingly good, everyone delivered here. The heels needed a win to get some momentum, but everyone did their part here. Not everything was perfectly crisp but all in all, very entertaining.

Tatum ambushes Kelani and wants to play, but Kelani doesn’t want to. Tatum suggests playing with the title and Kelani says she doesn’t play with that. Tatum says neither does she and leaves. Kelani turns and sees Wendy and is freaked out.

Thea and Roxy WALK backstage.

Joe Hendry is asked about his concert being wrecked and says he was excited about it too, it was a milestone in his career and Gallus ruined it. He says they’re driven by jealousy and are led by Coffey. He’s driven by proving he belongs here so they’re competing next week.

Match 6 NXT Women’s Championship Match

Roxanne Perez vs. Thea Hail

Thea offers the handshake and Roxy kicks it away. Lockup, Roxy with a wristlock, Thea flips through and covers for two, they trade a couple pins and Thea goes for the Kimura, but Roxy gets to the ropes. Roxy with a cheap kick as the ref has Thea’s attention, and she gets Thea on the mat with control of the arm. Roxy shot into the ropes, Thea catches her for the rana, but Roxy lands on her feet. Into the ropes again, Thea hits a half and half suplex, Roxy to the outside and Thea up top for a moonsault as we go to break.

We’re back as Thea rolls Roxy up for two. Roxy goes for a suplex but Thea turns it into a DDT to stop the momentum Roxy built up during the break. Roxy blocks a kick and knocks Thea down, then says Thea is just a little girl and shoves her. Thea gets pissed! She’s up and sends Thea into the ropes, forearm strike! She kicks Roxy and comes off the ropes for a flipping neckbreaker, World’s Smallest Slam, senton and then a coffin drop but it misses and Roxy rolls Thea up for two, then locks in a crossface! Thea rolls over and gets to the ropes for the break.

Thea out of the ring, Roxy dives through the ropes onto Thea and tosses her into the ring. Roxy mocks Chase U and Thea dives through the ropes (mostly) onto her! Thea rolls ROxy in and goes up top high crossbody! Michinoku Driver, cover gets two-plus!

Thea grabs Roxy, but Roxy blocks a suplex and snaps the arm. She goes for Pop Rocks; Thea counters into a roll-up for two, then a Kimura! Roxy rolls through into a crossface, Ridge is staring like he wants to put her foot on the rope but he doesn’t and Thea powers to her feet! She rolling Samoan Drop, coffin drop and cover for a nearfall!

Roxy gets a eye poke behind the ref’s back and then a splash in the corner! But Thea moves a second leap and locks in the Kimura! She rolls to the bottom rope, they roll to the outside and Roxy slams Thea into the steps to break the hold. She throws Thea into the steps again, rolls her in, locks in the crossface but Thea shifts her weight for two and then locks in the Kimura! Roxy counters into the crossface, Thea crawls to get to the bottom, but Roxy rolls through Pop Rocks gets it.

Winner: Roxane Perez (11:25)

Rating: *** 1/2

Thoughts: Fantastic. They really had me believing Thea might do it and they worked amazingly well together. Badass match, Roxy wins which I’m more or less okay with as much as I would have liked seeing Thea win here.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

Overall thoughts

We had a very decent episode of NXT this week, with some very good matches and one great one along with set-up for next week. The main event is a must-see and outside of the squash, the rest of the matches were very enjoyable as well. It's not one of the most memorable special NXT episodes, but was still a good two-hour show.


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