This week’s episode of Impact comes to us from St. Clair College Sportsplex in Windsor Ontario.
The action starts on Before the Impact.
Kenny King & Sheldon Jean vs Joe Hendry & Yuya Uemura

Kenny provides a distraction which allows Sheldon to chop-block Hendry from behind. Hendry is able to bounce back and hits a cutter out of the corner. He then makes a tag to Uemura. The pace quickens as Uemura hits Kenny with a running bulldog. Sheldon sends Hendry face-first into the steel ring post. Uemura sets up for his signature crossbody but Sheldon trips him up. Hendry takes Sheldon out of the equation with a clothesline as Uemura rolls up Kenny for the victory.
A good match. Four very talented men were involved in this one. Is this going to lead to Uemura getting a Digital Media Championship match? Could this also lead to dissension between Hendry & Uemura if Uemura does get a championship match? Regardless of what happens, I know that the matches will be good ones because these men can put on amazing matches. Grade C.
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Match 1: Trinity & Dani Luna vs The Coven (Taylor Wilde & KiLynn King)

Dani Luna makes her in-ring debut in this match.
Dani takes King off her feet with a diving back elbow. Taylor goes for a diving crossbody, but Dani catches Taylor in mid-air and hits a Fallaway Slam. King hangs up Dani on the ropes, allowing Taylor to gain control of the match. The Coven cut off the ring and make quick tags to begin wearing down Dani. King continues the assault with a series of powerslams on Dani. Dani counters into a vertical suplex on King to create some much-needed separation. This enables Dani to make the tag to Trinity. Trinity straight on the offence, hitting Taylor with a Samoan Drop. Trinity soars through the air with a top rope crossbody to Taylor, Trinity goes for the cover, but it gets broken up by King. Dani clotheslines King out of the ring. Trinity then hits a modified Full Nelson Slam on Taylor, covers her and picks up the victory.
A good opening match. Nice in ring debut for Dani Luna. Hope we see more of her wrestling. No surprises that Trinity picked up the win in this one. The Coven are a great team, hopefully they will still be featured prominently on Impact. Grade C
After the match, Deonna Purrazzo makes her way to the ring to speak to Trinity. Deonna tells Trinity that Trinity was the first person to make Deonna tap out when they faced each other at Slammiversary. Deonna then tells Trinity that she will be getting her contractually obligated rematch at Emergence.
Backstage Segment:
Lio Rush is backstage, he is approached by Brian Myers and Moose. Myers asks Lio why he left them hanging last week. Lio talks about them questioning his life choices, but Lio questions their life choices for siding with Bully Ray. Bully Ray then arrives, he says that Lio hasn’t been here long enough. Bully says that Lio is either with them, or against them, and Bully wants an answer by the end of the night.
Video Package:
We see a video of Dirty Dango answering questions. He says that he takes Santino as seriously as an MMA fighter as he takes Bhupinder as a professional wrestler. He then speaks about Johnny Bravo, who spent nearly a week in Vietnam. Dango says that he is no longer Johnny Bravo, he is now Dirty Dango’s personal security, Alpha Bravo.
Match 2: Johnny Swinger vs Zicky Dice - Loser Leaves Impact

This match has been months in the making. Since Swinger began his “Road to 50”, he has tried rigging the system. So now, if Swinger wins this match, he will get a World Championship Match. Whichever man loses, will have to leave Impact Wrestling.
Swinger hits the Finger Poke of Doom but Zicky tries to pull a fast one on Swinger with a rollup. Swinger delivers a thumb to the eye but Zicky comes back with a low blow. Swinger tricks Zicky into thinking he’s forfeiting the match, he gets out of the ring and tells the ref to count him out, Zicky tells Swinger to get back in the ring to finish the match but Swinger shows his true colours as he hits Zicky with a clothesline on the floor. Swinger throws Zicky back into the ring, Swinger puts his feet on the ropes to score the pinfall, and Zicky must leave Impact Wrestling.
Swinger has “earned” his shot at the Impact World Championship.
Well, not much really to say about this one. A comedy match really (as with all of Johnny Swinger’s matches). I wonder what kind of tactics Swinger will implement when he challenges for the title. It’s a shame that Zicky is leaving Impact, but I wish him well in whatever he goes on to do. Grade D
Backstage Segment:
Santino Marella is backstage with Joe Hendry and Yuya Uemura. Santino talks about Uemura pinning Kenny King on BTI, and he tells Uemura that he could become champion one day. Joe Hendry wants his championship opportunity all to himself, but Santino makes the match a Triple Threat match for the Digital Media Championship next week.
Backstage Segment:
Nick Aldis is backstage. He will face Eric Young tonight in the main event and he vows to serve Young a piece of traditional humble pie.
Match 3: Masha Slamovich w/Killer Kelly vs Gisele Shaw w/Savannah Evans & Jai Vidal

Masha Slamovich takes the early advantage in the match following a series of headbutts. Gisele dumps Masha to the outside to gain control of the match. Back in the ring, Gisele hits Masha with a diving uppercut, covers Masha and gets a two. Gisele then delivers a double foot stomp for another near fall. Gisele connects with Shock & Awe but it’s still not enough to keep Masha down. Masha is able to avoid the knee strike, she then follows up with a spin kick. Killer Kelly neutralises Jai Vidal at ringside but she falls victim to the numbers game as she’s blindsided by Savannah Evans. Gisele capitalises on this and hits the Denouement to pick up the victory.
A great match. I enjoy watching Masha Slomovich’s matches. She is an incredible wrestler. Gisele seems to just get better and better at being a heel. Her character work is brilliant. It’s a shame that the match ended with the numbers game taking out Masha, but again, this is a credit to Gisele’s character work. She manages to pull out a win. Grade C+
Backstage Segment:
Frankie Kazarian and Traci Brooks are backstage. Traci says that she wants to speak to Scott D’Amore to give her 5 minutes with Alisha Edward. Kaz reminds Traci that she isn’t a wrestler anymore, and that Alisha isn’t worth it.
Match 4: The Time Splitters (Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA) vs Moose and Brian Myers

KUSHIDA knocks Moose off the apron with a handspring. Shelley chases Myers around the ringside area but he runs right into a clothesline from Moose. Back in the ring, Moose and Myers slow the pace of the match as they attempt to wear Shelley down. Shelley counters into a pinning predicament on Myers to score the victory.
An OK match. I love Time Machine, they have great chemistry. I'm not a huge fan of Moose & Myers as a team, I prefer Moose to be a solo competitor, but that's not to say they aren’t a good team. I expected a little bit more from this match to be honest, but it was still OK. Grade C
After the match, the attack from last week continues as Bully Ray, Moose & Brian Myers continue theri beat down on Alex Shelley & KUSHIDA. Josh Alexander runs out to make the save, but Lio Rush makes his decision and aligns with Bully Ray, Moose & Brian Myers. The beatdown continues until Chris Sabin’s music hits and he comes out, bringing the fight to Lio Rush. Sabin, Shelley, KUSHIDA & Alexander clear the ring.
Backstage Segment:
Alan Angels is backstage. He talks about Heath thinking he is a rockstar, when in reality Alan Angels is the real rockstar. Angles says that Heath is jealous of him. Angels says that he is going to let Heath prove how much of a rockstar he really is.
Match 5: Mike Bailey vs Zachary Wentz w/Trey Miguel
Trey tries to trip up Bailey from the outside, which allows Wentz to capitalise with a mini-Stunner on the ropes. Bailey bounces back with a series of kicks, and he follows that up with a standing Shooting Star. He covers Wentz and gets a two. Bailey hits Wentz with a kick to the head, goes for the pin but Trey puts Wentz’s leg on the bottom rope. Bailey hits a springboard Moonsault, taking out Wentz on the floor. Bailey goes face-to-face with Trey but that provides Wentz with the opportunity to drive Bailey into the ring apron. Bailey attempts the Tornado Kick but Trey gets involved once again, this time pulling Wentz to safety. The referee ejects Trey from ringside. Wentz blinds Bailey with spray paint while the referee’s back is turned. He then follows that up with the Headlock DDT, covers Bailey and picks up the victory.
A good match, but I would have expected more with the match involving Mike Bailey. He showed some amazing offence, but I think this match was hampered by too much interference. Slight interference would have been better to enable the men to showcase their wrestling styles more rather than stop/starting because of the interference. Grade C
Main Event Match: Eric Young vs Nick Aldis

The early advantage in this match goes to Eric Young as Nick Aldis retreats to the outside for a breather. Aldis then traps Young in the ring apron before sending him into the steel ring post. Back in the ring, Aldis begins to wear Young down with a headlock. Young is able to make a comeback with a series of running clotheslines, followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Young heads to the top rope but Aldis trips him up, then connects with a Superplex. Aldis attempts some high-risk offence, but Young counters into an Atomic Drop. Aldis responds to that with a Michinoku Driver, covering Young for two. Aldis locks in the Kingsley Cloverleaf but Young crawls to the bottom rope to break the hold. Young spikes Aldis with the Piledriver to pick up the victory.
A great match from these two veteran wrestlers. I wouldn’t have been mad if this one went on longer. I’m wondering where this feud is going, but it is going to be an enjoyable one to watch. Grade B-
After the match, Eric Young is blindsided by his former teammates, Deaner and Kon. Deaner is shouting orders to Kon. Kon hits Young with three chokeslams. Deaner then adds insult to injury as he takes out Young with the Antidote DDT as Impact goes off the air.
Overall, a consistent episode of Impact. Definitely a building episode after Slammiversary. I'm excited to see where all the new feuds are building to, and it is good to see different people heading into the title picture (such as Yuya Uemura). I’m also excited to see where The Design go now that they have just attacked Eric Young following his return. That will be a good feud to rekindle.
I’m also extremely excited about the announcement of Impact Wrestling returning to the UK! I will be trying to get tickets to attend at least one of the events!