This week’s episode of Impact airs ON MY BIRTHDAY! Let’s hope that it is a good show! We are one night away from Against All Odds, so I shall be making my predictions in this review and we can see how I do when I do my Against All Odds review tomorrow.
The action begins Before the Impact with a match.
Tara Rising vs Seleziya Sparx

Sparx and Rising start with a lockup. The ladies exchange offence, Rising attempting a pin, but Sparx able to quickly kick out. Rising with a bulldog out of the corner and again attempts a pin, but Sparx is able to kick out. Sparx showing her strength against Rising. Sparx drops Rising on her face on the turnbuckle. Sparxs throws Rising into the ring post, then follows that up with a big boot to the side of Rising’s head. Sparx attempts a diving crossbody from the top rope, but Rising is able to move out of the way. Rising hits Sparx with a crossbody of her own, attempts a pin but Sparx is able to kick out. Sparx with a number of kicks and she captures Rising into an armbar, but Rising clasps her hands together and rolls Sparx into a pin but Sparx is able to kick out. Sparx goes for a low clothesline, but Rising is able to catch her and gets her in another pinning predicament. Sparx again is able to kick out. The women exchanging blows in the middle of the ring. Masha Slamovich comes out and gets into the ring. She attacks both women with a steel chain. She chokes out both women with the chain, clearly sending a message to her opponent at Against All Odds Killer Kelly. The match ends in a No Contest due to the run in from Masha.

This was actually a decent match. There were clearly some parts that were a bit off, but that didn't take away from the effort these women put into the match. I think these may be two women to watch in the future. Having Masha interfere and end the match in that way was probably the best call as it didn't take anything away from Sparx and Rising, but it did add to the upcoming Dog Collar match. Grade C
After the match, Masha gets a microphone, cuts a promo in Russian and then says “preview, Dog Collar Match”. This gets a good pop from the crowd.
Impact Wrestling is now on the air!
Match 1: Chris Bey w/Ace Austin vs Jason Hotch w/John Skyler & Brian Myers

As we head into the Tag Team TItle Match at Against All Odds, this match will be for momentum. Skyler attempts to grab the leg of Bey from the outside, Hotch then takes advantage of this and grabs Bey into a roll up, Bey is able to kick out. A lot of back and forth. Bey goes for a springboard but Hotch is able to cut him off and pushes him out of the ring. While Bey is down on the outside, Skyler comes up to Bey, but Austin cuts him off. Bey attempts to get back into the ring, but Hotch with a dropkick, knocking Bey off the apron. Hotch rolls Bey back into the ring and covers Bey, but Bey is able to kick out. Hotch remains in control, he goes to the top and attempts to hit Bey with a top rope move, but Bey is able to roll out of the way, forcing Hotch to land on his feet. Bey able to come back and get some momentum. He hits Hotch with the Flatliner, but Hotch is able to kick out at two. Bey goes for the Art of Finesse, but Hotch is able to counter it into the Blue Thunder Bomb. Hotch covers Bey, but only gets a 2 count. Hotch is clearly getting frustrated. There are several pin attempts from both men, Bey is able to counter another pin attempt from Hotch with a pin attempt of his own, and manages to score the victory.

A good opening match. Bey showing off his athleticism and Hotch putting on a good show. The match at Against All Odds between these two teams looks to be a good one. Grade B
After the match, Bey is jumped by Skyler. Ace Austin gets involved to try and even up the numbers, but the numbers game becomes too much when Brian Myers gets involved. The Good Hands and Brian Myers take out Ace & Bey.

Backstage Interview:
Gia Miller welcomes Heath back to Impact after he was taken out by Steve Maclin, Champagne Singh and Shera. Heath declares that he will win the 8-4-1 Match at Against All Odds and then go onto Slammiversary to defeat Steve Maclin for the Impact World title, but before he does that, he is out for a measure of revenge against Champagne Singh.
Backstage Segment:

Dirty Dango shares his views on what has changed in his demeanour, what his views of professional wrestling are and his views on his opponent at Against All Odds, Joe Hendry are.
Match 2: Champagne Singh w/Shera vs Heath

Champagne Singh immediately ducks into the ropes, so the ref separates Heath from Singh. Heath on the offence, he slides out of the ring and throws a punch at Shera. Heath attempts to get back into the ring, but Singh distracts the ref while Shera grabs the leg of Heath allowing Shera to kick out the leg of Heath, causing him to fall to the mat. Now Singh is on the offence. Singh trying to take out the left leg of Heath. Singh goes for a cover but Heath kicks out at 2. Heath is able to hit Singh with The Wake Up Call, covers him and gets the victory.

A nice little match. I wasn’t expecting much out of this one, just some nice retribution for Heath after the attack by Champagne Singh and Shera. Grade C-
Backstage Segment:

The Design are talking about Sami Callihan. Angels says that he never trusted Sami from the beginning, that he always had a doubt about him in the back of his mind. He says that the Design will make Sami pay, and they will make him pay with blood in the cesspool of a city he calls home. Deaner tells Callihan to bring his brothers to war, but they will just take from them. They will destroy his family and at Against All Odds, they will take everything.
Match 3: Joe Hendry vs Sheldon Jean w/Kenny King

Before the match, Joe Hendry gets a microphone. He talks about how Sheldon Jean broke his nose. Hendry says how Jean is a reality star who is under the tutelage of another reality star in Kenny King. Hendry goes on to say that this isn't reality TV, this is Impact Wrestling and the people believe in Joe Hendry.
Hendry on the offence to start the match. He hits a vertical suplex on Jean, followed by uppercuts and a running cutter. Hendry then hits Jean with a Fallaway Slam and then kips up. Hendry goes for a Standing Ovation, but Jean is able to fight out of it. Hendry instead hits Jean with a Pop-Up Powerbomb followed by a Standing Ovation. He covers Jean and gets the win.

A pretty short match, clearly this was just a match to further the Hendry/Dango feud and get a measure of revenge against Jean for the broken nose. Grade C-

After the match, Hendry called out Dirty Dango. Dango comes out and says how he hates pro wrestling but he hates pro wrestling fans even more. Dango says that Joe will not trick him into fighting on his day off because he doesn’t get paid enough. Hendry says that he didn’t call Dango out to fight, he called Dango out because he has figured out why Dango has gotten so cranky all of a sudden. Hendry asks for the video to be shown, it’s a music video of Dango’s rise and fall, going from beating Chris Jericho in his debut match to being rejected by Summer Rae and Eva Marie on Total Divas. Kenny King and Sheldon Jean then come back into the ring and begin to attack Joe Hendry, Dango also gets into the ring to attack. Santino’s music hits and he runs down to the ring. Dango exits the ring, as does King. Jean gets hit with the Cobra by Santino.

Backstage Segment:
We see Jessicka and Courtney Rush getting ready for their Knockouts Tag Team title match against the Coven.
Promo Video:

Gisele Shaw is with Savannah Evans and Jai Vidal. She says that she has taken out Jordynne Grace indefinitely. She also says that Trinity thinks she can just come into the company and get the spotlight. Gisele says that this is her house and that the spotlight will always be hers. She goes on to say that she will put Trinity and Deonna Purrazzo in their place at Against All Odds.
Match 4: Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match - The Coven (Taylor Wilde & KiLynn King) vs The Death Dollz (Jessicka & Courtney Rush)

Jessicka and Wilde start the match. Jessicka chokes Wilde and throws her into the corner and hits a scoop slam. Wilde tags to KiLynn King and Jessicka tags to Courtney Rush. Wilde chokes Rush against the ropes in the corner. Rush tags out to Jessicka. Jessicka gets forearms from King who tags out to Wilde. Jessicka gets the hot tag to Rush who hits a running bulldog on King for two. Wilde then gets the tag and tries to hit a German Suplex but Rush drops her and hits a Sharpshooter. King and Jessicka are brawling outside and the referee is distracted by that as Wilde is tapping out. King comes in and they double team Rush and Wilde gets the pin. The Coven retain their tag team titles.

This was a good match and a good way to continue the feud between these two teams. I would have preferred the Death Dollz to have won, but hopefully we will get a rematch soon. Grade C
Promo Video:

We have a video package of Alex Shelley. He discusses his first title match against Josh Alexander, he believes he had a chance to win. He says that he has been at Impact for almost 2 decades and that he has seen the likes of AJ Styles, Kurt Angle and others be the champion, and that Josh Alexander is the best representation of the company. He goes on to say that he helped to cultivate talent like Seth Rollins, Johnny Gargano, The Young Bucks, and he helped to elevate Chris Sabin. He says that this time, he is doing it for himself.
Backstage Interview:

Gia Miller is interviewing Steve Maclin. Maclin says that people are coming at him from all directions for his title. Bully Ray comes in to interrupt. Bully says that Maclin doesn’t listen. Bully says that Maclin doesn’t have to worry about all those other people, he only needs to worry about Bully, but not until Slammiversary.
Match 5: Trey Miguel vs Bhupinder Gujjar

Gujjar hits a back elbow on Miguel and hits a single leg dropkick as Miguel retreats from the ring. Gujjar goes for a suicide dive but Miguel guillotines him against the ropes. Miguel throws Gujjar outside the ring and dropkicks him when he tries to get back in. Gujjar gets back in but Miguel hits a jumping knee. Gujjar hits a flapjack and kips up. Gujjar goes to the top rope and goes for the Five Star Frog Splash but Miguel gets out of the way. Miguel goes to the top rope and goes for the Meteora but Gujjar gets out of the way. Miguel hits the Lightning Spiral for the win.

A good match, but not one of the best Trey Miguel has had recently. Some great athleticism on display from Miguel as usual. Grade C
After the match, Miguel gets a microphone and declares that he is the best generational talent right now, but all he ever gets is “yeah, but”. He says that he doesn’t get the recognition that he deserves. He says that this time, there will be no “ifs” and no “yeah, buts”.
Backstage Interview:

Gia Miller is interviewing Johnny Swinger. She asks him if he thinks he can get 50 wins. Swinger says that he has beaten everyone and it is not his fault he isn't winning, it’s the crooked refs. He tells Gia that he has sent Zicky Dice to referee school in an attempt to jumpstart his road to 50.
Sit Down Interview with Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo

Deonna says Trinity and her have beaten Gisele multiple times. Trinity says Deonna can trust her when they team up and Deonna says she can put her ego aside and she doesn’t plan on losing at Against All Odds. Trinity says Deonna doesn’t need to worry about Against All Odds but she needs to worry about Slammiversary.
Against All Odds Card:
Gisele Shaw & Savannah Evans vs Trinity & Deonna Purrazzo
Dog Collar Match Masha Slamovich vs Killer Kelly
Digital Media Championship Match Joe Hendry vs Dirty Dango
Ohio Street Fight The Design vs OVE
X-Division Championship Match Trey Miguel vs Chris Sabin
Eddie Edwards vs Frankie Kazarian
Impact World Tag Team Championship Match ABC vs The Good Hands
8-4-1 Match Bully Ray, Jonathan Gresham, Heath & Nick Aldis vs Moose, Mike Bailey, Rich Swann & PCO
Impact World Championship Match Steve Maclin vs Alex Shelley
Main Event Match: Moose & Rich Swann vs Nick Aldis & Jonathan Gresham

Swann and Gresham start the match as Swann drops Gresham with a kick. Gresham tags in Aldis who gets dropped by hurrancanranas but he goes for the Kingsland Cloverleaf. Swann tags in Moose who whips Aldis into the ropes but Aldis hits a Lou Thesz Press on Moose and gets a headlock and we go to a break.
Back from the break and Aldis tags in Gresham as they retain control on Moose with a wristlock. Moose hits a scoop slam on Gresham and tags in Swann. Swann hits a splash for two. Gresham hits a couple of forearms on Swann but Moose hits him as he runs into his side of the ring. Swann hits a clothesline on Gresham in the corner and tags in Moose who hits a stalling Vertical Suplex on Gresham. Gresham goes for the Victory Roll and uses the momentum to tag in Aldis who hits a Michinoku Driver on Moose. Aldis goes to the top rope and hits an Elbow Drop for two. Aldis then goes for the Cloverleaf but Moose rolls him up for two before they clothesline each other. Both tag out and Gresham backslides Swann for two. Swann hits a cutter for two. Swann goes to the top rope but Moose tags himself in. Moose powerbombs Gresham for the win.

A pretty good match. I wasn’t too sure on these two teams but they seemed to work well together (apart from the ending). I’m a little apprehensive on how the 8-4-1 match will go at Against All Odds, but I’m looking forward to it. Grade B

After the match, Gresham, Aldis and Swann all seem to have a problem with Moose. All hell breaks loose as all the competitors in the match tomorrow join in. Swann attempts a suicide dive on the others, but Bully Ray comes out and attacks Swann. Bully Ray and Moose square off. PCO comes out, Bully leaves the ring. PCO then takes out everyone on the outside of the ring with a PCO-Sault. Bully Ray retreats up the ramp as PCO stands tall to end the show.
Overall, a good episode of Impact. I am really looking forward to Against All Odds tomorrow. This was a good final episode before the PPV. Here are my predictions for Against All Odds, lets see if I do well.
Trinity & Purrazzo