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Welcome gu bys to thigffrs weeks edition of AEW Collision. We have seven matches and were kicking things off with the Dr DMD



Cameron and Britt trade early pinfall attempts, suplex by Baker gets 2. Cameron kicks Baker as she steps through the ropes and takes her down with a lariat for 2. Side Russian Leg Sweep from Harley gets 2 as well. Baker counters and sends Harley face-first into the buckles, hits a running neckbreaker for 2. Baker pulls out the glove, puts it on but Cameron with  a shining wizard which gets a 2. Cameron again goes for a Russian Legsweep, Baker puts the breaks on, kick to the back of the head, but Cameron back with an enziguri. Slingblade from Baker and a stomp, 1, 2, 3.



Here is your Winner: Britt Baker


Mercedes Mone music hits as the CEO and Kamille come out, and Baker pulls a kendo stick out. Kamille grabs the kendo stick and breaks it over her knee before delivering a pump kick. Kamille gets Britt on her shoulders, steps into the ring with her and hits a big time Dominator. The CEO places a foot on top of Baker and poses with the TBS championship.




Dustin and Bennett start the match, with Dustin taking on both members of the Kingdom in the corner. He goes for his signature uppercut but Bennett avoids. Taven in, ducks and Dustin nails the uppercut this time. Sammy in with a crossbody, dropkick to Taven. Tope suicida to Bennett on the outside, tope tornillo to Taven on the opposite side. Dustin and Sammy both act tranquilo and pose in the ring together. Rebound shot from Bennett misses, Guevara hits a superkick instead.


Back in the ring, Bennett and Taven double team Sammy, mocking Dustin’s Goldust pose. Suplex gets 2 for Taven, Guevara rolls up Bennett but the referee is distracted. Bennett and Taven with the backpack drop/running knee combo, snapmare and a running kick gets 2. Brainbuster by Bennett, Sammy manages to head up the ropes and hit a Spanish Fly on Taven though. Enziguri to Bennett and Sammy makes the tag to Dustin. Manhattan Drop and the bulldog connect, snap powerslam and the Destroyer on Taven! Dustin splits the legs of Taven in the corner, sends a running Bennett into the crown jewels. Cross Rhodes! 1, 2, Bennett makes the save. Spinebuster by Bennett, but he walks right into a Cross Rhodes. And out comes the Beast Mortos and Roderick Strong but the Von Erichs have come to assist but the Gates of Agony have now joint but the Conglomeration have now joined the fight and a brawl has broken out to the back. Back in the ring Taven has a tight package on Dustin but just gets a 2. Guevara hits the top rope cutter on Taven and Dustin nails an elevated Cross Rhodes, allowing Sammy to deliver the flipping senton for the 1, 2, 3.



Here is your Winners and NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions: Dustin Rhodes & Sammy Guevara


We know im not going to agree with this due to my love for the Bennett and Taven but massive props to Dustin who is still delivering. Lets be honest for a second though the tag team title scene in ROH is a bit of a joke at the moment. But that’s a ROH issue not a collision issue so lets stay on track with Collision.



Angelico works on the arms, but Hologram uses his feet to escape. Leg whip takedown from Hologram, Angelico sent to the floor, huge tope suicida follows! Hologram covers back in the ring for 2. Angelico counters a roll and hits a double stomp, before driving Hologram head first into the middle buckle. More stomps and a knee to the midsection, Hologram escapes to the ropes a few times and hits an enziguri. Rope walk into a diving hurracanrana, goes back to the apron, springboard DDT is caught…but Angelico takes too long, and Hologram nails an elevated DDT for 2.


450 evaded by Angelico, kick to the head and a back suplex into a mahistral cradle for 2. Spin kick , Hologram jumps onto the back of Angelico and stands there! Jumps up and nails a slick hurracanrana! Quick series of covers and pinning combinations from both men. Victory roll, 1, 2, no, Hologram with the crucifix pin, 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winner: Hologram



Hologram is fun to watch but I think its time he had a real storyline and was pushed a bit more. Always great seeing Angelico getting some TV time.




Lariat in the corner and some vicious strikes as Perry lays into Orion. Rebound lariat turns him inside out. Running knee and this one is all over.


Here is your Winner: Jack Perry




Post-match, Perry pulls out some tools from under the ring, including a body bag. He has some white spray paint and sprays Danny Orion to mimic the facepaint of Darby Allin. Perry zips Orion in the body bag, spits on the TNT title and slides it in the bag too.

Heel Jack Perry is excellent. I really hope he doesn’t drop the title to Darby at All In.



Rush tries a satellite DDT, Claudio catches him with a gutwrench, but Lio avoids the suplex. Big boot connects to the face of Rush, follows up with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Another backbreaker delivered, and he holds Rush over the knee. Uranage across the knee, and now Claudio locks in a chinlock. Lio tries a sunset flip, Claudio catches him but trips a little. Uppercut in the corner, hammer throw to the opposite side. Claudio catches a dive from Lio and turns it into the Giant Swing, nicely done. Rush tries to stand up and carry on but the dizziness catches up with him. Another Giant Swing! One more! Judging by Claudio talking to the ref, I think he’s killing time during commercial. Rush avoids a shot in the corner, tries a poisonrana but Claudio catches it. Handspring kick catches Castagnoli on the apron, another sends him to the floor. Suicide dive is caught, but Lio bounces to the apron and hops back with a tijeras. Lio charges at Claudio by the barricade, and Claudio tosses him overhead to the floor by the crowd. Lio barely makes it back to the ring before the 10 count.


Uppercut in the corner, 1, 2, no. Rollup by Rush gets 2, he heads up top for the Frog Splash but misses. Pop-up European Uppercut! 1, 2, 3.


Here is your Winner: Claudio Castagnoli



Claudio is great. I feel like he will be picking up the Continental title next week.



Mariah May attacks her opponent early, stomping her in the corner. Hip attack, Storm Zero! It’s over.


Here is your Winner: Mariah May


Oh we all love a squash.





Rollup by Dax in the early goings gets 2. Caster and Cash go at it now, Cash gets the better of him, then its time for Bowens and Dax. Bowens chops Dax in the corner, climbs for mounted punches but Dax shrugs him off. Double back body drops from the Acclaimed, and they clothesline both FTR members to the floor. Diversion tactics from FTR, Cash delivers a sneaky lariat to catch Caster by surprise.


In the ring, sliding lariat from Cash connects and he applies a side headlock. Cash tags in Dax, leg sweep/elbow drop combo, and the headlock reapplied. Cash looks for a tag but Caster hits a back suplex to escape. Dax tags in anyway, but Caster makes the tag to Bowens. Roaring elbow, kick to Dax, running knee, 1, 2, no. Bowens goes for the Fameasser, Dax avoids it and hits a series of German suplexes. Standing switch, Dax elbows him and makes a tag, and Bowens rolls up the now legal Cash for 2. Awkward moment as they seem to get a bit lost somehow. Cash to the top, Caster goes up to meet him there, superplex, and the assisted crossbody suplex with Bowens gets 2 for the Acclaimed.


Cash with a sunset flip on Caster for 2, Caster battles back but Cash knocks his head off with a lariat. Cash with a release powerslam. Diving Steiner bulldog off the top from FTR. Dax and Max fire off chops on each other, Caster with a hotshot on the ropes and a tag to Bowens. He stands on the back of Dax, choking him over the bottom rope, and delivers some combination elbow strikes. Bowens draws the boos and administers a headlock. Bowens and Dax work into a strike exchange now, until Dax hits a desperation DDT and both men are down. Cash gets the tag and he’s a house of fire taking on both Acclaimed members. Uppercut to Caster, Gory Bomb! 1, 2, no. Another lariat connects, one more! Throat thrust from Caster and a powerbomb connects! But Cash rolls through on the pin attempt and gets a 2 count. Dax tags in, positions Bowens for the piledriver but Caster is there to deliver a crossbody to knock him over. Superkick by Bowens, double team attempted but Cash puts a stop to that. A double clothesline from Caster and Dax put both men down.


Dax looks for the Sharpshooter but gets kicked away. Bowens with a dragon screw and he looks for a Sharpshooter of his own. Dax kicks him away and finally gets the Sharpshooter he was originally looking for. Caster in, Sharpshooter to him! But Bowens rebounds off the ropes with a Fameasser to break it up. 1, 2, NO. Dax and Bowens jockey for position on a suplex, Dax gets him on the top rope, chopping away at him as we get the 5 minutes remaining. Cash crotches Bowens as Cash DDTs Caster on the apron. Power & the Glory superplex/splash. Tope suicida from Cash to take out Caster on the floor.


Dax and Bowens to their knees, exchanging forearms. Dax is setting up for the Shatter Machine but they’re out of position, Caster and Bowens hit a Shatter Machine of their own!! Mic Drop connects, 1, 2, NO, Cash bulldozers Bowens into the pin attempt. All four men to their knees and exchange  strikes. Bowens off the ropes, SHATTER MACHINE! But Caster is there to break it up! 1 minute remaining. Caster with a rollup for 2. Small package for 2. Cash and Bowens fight on the outside. Shoulder block/headbutt from Dax, and the bell rings as the 30 minutes has expired.


Here is your Winners and #1 Contenders: TIME LIMIT DRAW



I called it on Dynamite this week that this would be a three way title match at All in and I am fully here for it. Don’t be shocked if Acclaimed leave All in as tag team champions. This was a great half hour of tag team wrestling. The Acclaimed really have upped their game lately and belong in this title picture.


Thanks for joining me this week guys. All roads now lead to All in and I cant wait for it.



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