Tony Khan is getting his money's worth with "November Rain" by Guns and Roses. As he started the show off with a recap set to that music. Recaps are nice after big events as some do not purchase them. Once they go live, the commentary team is hyping the Continental Classic.

This match makes me think of Andy playing with both Buzz and Woody. Briscoe is Woody; Benjamin and the rest of the Hurt Syndicate are Buzz Lightyear. After a promo that feels like it was there to take up time, MVP and Bobby Lashley left as Mark Briscoe comes out for this one fall 20 min time limit. Shelton has a nice over the shoudler throw. Broiscoe isn't down for long as he knocks Shelton out of the ring. Shelton Benjamin with another nice belly to belly suplex on the outside. Benjamin has control and is the one hitting the bigger moves in the first five minutes of the match. Shelton Benjamin delivers a vertical suplex to bring Briscoe back in the ring. Mark Briscoe starts to mount a comeback as the two atheletes exchange blows. Briscoes goes up top for a froggy bow. He does not get the pin. Tony Schiavone has called Shelton Benjamin Bobby Lashley twice now. Come on Schiavone, you are way better than that. A second froggy bow and Benjamin gets his knees up. This starts a series of suplexs. Can we say Suplex City has a new mayor? Just kidding let's not do that gimmick infringement. Running Knee Thrust kick combo almost gets Benjamin his first points in the Continetnal Classic Tournament. Explosder into a powerslam does get Shelton Benjamin the first three points of the tournament. I see Benjamin being one of the top scorers this year. The Blue Bracket does have tough competition.

MY GAWD, THE CHOPS!!!. These men are just beating each other. Jericho finally gets some form of an advantage when he pokes Ishii in the eyes. That is followed by a DDT on the apron. Back to the chops as if they are chopping down a real Redwood. Ishii has caused Jericho to bleed from the mouth. Jericho and Ishii take a break from the chops for Jericho to execute a superplex but a no sell from Ishii. Judas Effect Codebreaker combo for a one count. Lariat by Ishii who is also bleeding from the mouth gets him a two count. Judas Effect out of no where both men get back up. Judas Effect for the third time gets Jericho the win.
Hangman mentions he should be AEW World Champion. However, Christain failed at his end of the deal. Adam Page is coming off as some weird Angry Emo Cowboy. Luckily Jay White comes out to break up the anger. Looks like they will have another match as they both want the AEW World Title. The Bastard PAC and the Death Riders attack both men. Moxley saves Marina Shafir from a Blade Runner.

After the beat down, Claudio arrogantly saunters to the ring threw the crowd. A nice old school scoop slam starts the match. Claudio uses his strength to stop Ricochet. I don't see Ricochet losing but at least he lost to Konosuke at Full Gear. It would be a let down for his first pin fall or submission to have happened in a tournement. Claudio lunges to the rope to knock Ricochet down. Ricochet and his dives are not hitting well tonight. Claudio gets a two count off a big boot. Ricochet is starting to be able to use his luchador background to take down Castagnoli. Moonsault off the second rope for a two count. Sharpshooter on Ricochet. Ricochet struggles to get to the ropes to be pulled back. Castagnoli then transistions to a crossface. The crossface is ended due to a pin. Ricola Bomb reversed into a huricanrana. Backdrop on the barricade puts Ricochet on the wrong end of Ref Rick Knox starting a ten count. Claudio wins with a Lariat. That makes Claudio the first member of the Gold League to have points.

Queen Aminata is booked well. However, I don't think she has the same international gravitas that Hayter has and therefore I don't feel like it is really competitive. Hayter runs Aminata's face into the turnbuckle and it looks painful. The power of Jamie Hayter is being showcased. Aminata is able to exchange blows with Hayter in the corner. Hayter still doesn't give much. Aminata has made her comeback. Aminata climbs to the top and misses a double stomp. Hayter wins with a Hayteraide. She advances in the Interntional Women's Qualifier Tournament. Lights go out and a lone spot light shines on an empty spot on the stage.

The main event on a show full of main event calibur matches is another edition of Brody King against Darby Allin. I don't think either of them will win the tournament. The two men will at least give good matches. A battered Darby stretches out his hand for BRody to shake. The men shake hands. Brody then start to beat down Darby Allin. I know Darby is an ultimate underdog but if he wins this match the booking is further off than I want to admit. As much of a fan of Darby Allin as I am this match should not go longer than five minutes. Darby goes for a Coffin Drop but Brody stops it. Brody then hits a massive cannon ball. Daby starts to bite Brody King as they battle on the top rope. Darby is making his come back. A duo of Coffin Drops from inside the ring to outside. Will this be a double count out? The commentary has certainly been hyping the fact that one point matters in the tournament. Brody King wins with a Gonzo Bomb.
So to end the night. Brody King, Claudio Castignoli, and Shelton Benjamin all have three points.