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Dynamite 5/31/23 Review Double or Nothing Fall Out Edition.

Writer's picture: Johnny AmanJohnny Aman

Dynamite aired from San Diego, California. This is their debut in that city. Excalibur opened with his usual 'It's Wednesday Night and you know what that means!" Taz, The American Dragon, and the one and only Tony Schiavone joined also comprised the announce team.

Disclaimer. All reactions are written as they happen live. So if foreshadowing occurs in the episode it may be reflected in the review.

Starting with BCC is nice for fans of the group. Makes me wonder if injuries linger. Bandido is wearing a themed gear tonight. Not sure but he seems to be honoring If you know leave a comment. Daniel talked up Wheeler Yuta as having one the Anarchy in the Arena match. Just like at Double or Nothing the Lucha Bros took prevented anyone from stopping Bandido's delayed vertical suplex. This is a nice addition to matches. Yuta wins the match for the BCC. After pinning Omega and Daniel Bryan focusing on Yuta maybe he is in for a big push coming up.

Alex Marvez gets an update on The Elite. Matt says they are better together. Adam Page mentions that Omega is not in the US or Canada. I assume he is in Japan and this is setting up Okada and Kota Ibushi to be at Forbidden Door. Dark Order interrupts to say Page is hanging with his new friends. Page would leave the interview following the Dark Order.

Some one doesn't know the meaning of next. Because when they came back from a commercial instead of the triple threat we heard from Bullet Club Gold. Jay nestled Tony Schiavone between him and Juice. Juice Robinson picks up on the FTR helping Ricky Starks. FTR's music hit which was inevitable since they are setting up a program with FTR. Bullet Clun Gold against FTR would make a good program. Jay White is egotistical and says FTR just wants to join and has to ask politely. Juice started the brawl with a loaded punch. Starks out to return the save.

Yet another delay in getting to the match was Tony Khan's major announcement. The announcement was the return of CM Punk. The crowd erupted. However, if you follow rumors this isn't big news. In fact it has been discussed on the Real Rasslin Round up.

Excalibur said this three-way was a result of the Casino Battle Royal from Sunday. Finally after two segments Trent Baretta came to the ring. Excalibur mentioned the fact that Trent saved Orange Cassidy's title reign. That was a stupid move yes they are Best Friends but that doesn't matter in a Battle Royal. Trent played a more heelish character in the early openings. Throwing Swerve into the ring and waiting for a distraction before attacking Big Bill. They teases a massive double chokeslam from the top ropes. That would have been cool. I noticed that more and more they will tease massive moves like that. For the sake of the wrestlers, it is best they are only teased. Schiavone and Taz take their time to say they think Big Bill will win. Then Swerve wins with a quick pin. Nice match. It had practically no storyline to it which is nice. You can only book the same encounter so much before fans get tired of it.

The video package of Chris Statlander being back was nice. She deserved a much bigger pop than what she got Sunday. After that it was scissoring time. This very much felt like a filler piece. The Acclaimed are still going for the Trios Titles.

Although there was only two matches, that first half hour went by fast. The top of the second hour started with Tony Schiavone bringing Don Callis and Konoske Takeshita to the ring. Don Callis essentially repeated his promo from last week. It is nice that the crowd is booing him; it shows they are awake. When Callis does finally say something new he talks up Takeshita naming several Javanese legends. Having Don as a mouth piece is great for Takeshita as when he took the mic it showed he still needs to work on his English.

With how Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin are booked this match did not look good for Gates of Agony. It does not make the RoH champions look good. A jump start to the match gave Orange and Darby the early disadvantage. The usual Modis Operandi. Swerve sat down at the top of the ramp. A nice and subtle way to further the International Championship. Depending on how Tony Khan wants to do it, it would be a nice debut for Nick Wayne to debut against and win the International Championship off Swerve Strickeland. That match is July 12 in Toronto. Focusing back on the match Gates of Agony are still beating the snot out of Darby and Orange. Specifically they are isolating Darby Allin. This opens up for Orange Cassidy to make the hot tag and where he evaded some before a drop kick. Nice evasion to make Gates of Agony to take each other out. As anyone could predict Darby Allin and Orange Cassidy win. Sting reappears as the Mogul Embassy started to circle the ring.

Hook interrupts Tony Schiavone while he was in the ring. Excalibur made a mistake saying Hook was successful in teaming with Matt and Jack Hardy. Jose the Assistant interrupts and Preston and Dralistico attack. Jungle Boy Jack Perry with a chair for the save.

Interesting fact by Excalibur is Nyla's first opponent when she was Women's champion was Kris Statlander. Now Nyla Rose is Statlander's first defense. It is mentioned that Kris Statlander's knee braces add punishment when she has her opponents in a scissors. Bryce Remsburg is becoming a distraction as a ref for me. It was even more apparent during this match as his arms are flopping about for no reason as the two women compete. During the commercial break Nyla can be seen working over Kris' legs. Statlander wins with a 450 splash. Kris Statlander signed something after her match to the camera. They did not say what and i do not know ASL. I do know that she signed thank you as she went to exit the ring.

This match was set for one fall or TV time remaining. I really would like to see a match stopped because they ran out of TV time it has been a while. Mix tag rules meaning no contact should be made between men and women. However history proves that never happens. Nothing really happened in the match worth noting until the Outcasts interfered and Shida come in to run them off. At such time Baker slapped Jericho as he was talking trash. Baker putting the Lockjaw on Jericho was nice. Winner Adam Cole and Britt Baker.

There isn't really any ups or downs for this episode. It was acceptable in my opinion.


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