The night kicked off with the TBS title on the line. Hikaru Shida challenging Mercedes Mone for the TBS championship. Shida made this match at Collision as a way to get to Wembley and face Britt Baker. Shida looks strong for the opening of the match. However, Mone is a wrestler who specializes in reversals. Shida gets the frist near fall off a vertical press. The first interference from the "Brickhouse" Kamille is her holding down Mercedes Mone preventing a suplex into the ring. Another distraction from Kamille earned Shida a Meteora. Mone turns a Falcon Arrow attempt into a backstabber. Mone does not capitolize with a pin. Mone is looking a bit one note hitting a meteora at least three times and not putting away Shida. After dos amigos, Shida hits a Falcon Arrow and tries to follow up with the Katana Kick but Kamille blocks it. Kamille gets the Kendo Stick for her trouble. Mone rips the Kendo stick from Shida allowing Kamille to give Shida a big boot. Boot was followed by a Banks Statement for the win. TBS Champion Mercedes Mone retains.
Britt Bakers music hits. Kamille attacks a plant. Baker comes in from the back of the crowd. Lock Jaw hooked on Mone. Kamille pulls Mone out of the ring.
This is the fourteenth encounter between Lethal and Page. Lethal has nine wins. Page may have attacked in the back but Lethal hits a series of five suicide dives once they get to the ring. Deadeye on the apron early on. I am liking this fast paced match. A nice chop from Lethal tries to mount a comeback. Jay Lethal regardless of if you like him or not is a very talented individual. Back to the match Page hit a belly to belly pin combo; Jay Lethal kicked out at two. Death Valley Driver gets Page another near fall. Lethal does a series of pins that Taz said was an attempt to get a "flash pin". Figure Four attempt by Lethal ends up getting a Crossface locked in on Lethal. Buckshot Lariat gives Adam Page his fifth win over Jay Lethal.
There is the first match for All Out. Hopefully Tony Khan can do a better build in two weeks than he did last year.
A running knee by Jack Perry flattens Darby as he was coming out. Jack continues to beat Darby as they go to the back. Jack Perry lowers a roll up door onto Darby as he talks smack. Security stops Jack Perry from shoving an equipment case into Darby who is still pinned by the door. Jack Perry issues a challenge for a Coffin Match as the security drag him away. The below video was played before the beat down.
Mariah May's video sets a nice tone. It isn't really a movie but a monologue. It did a decent job about setting a serious tone for their feud. However, it did nothing to up the ante; it also did nothing to stop it. Mina Shirakowa is shown after that and asked about the feud. She just hopes no one gets hurt at Wembley.
Next is a Triple Threat for the Number 1 Spot in the Casino Gauntlet. Roderick Strong is definitely the odd man out here. The other two are part of the Conglomerate. Nice opening sequence of reversal and dodges, similiar to something you would see in an opening to a lucha match. Orange Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly did avoid hitting each other. Kyle held the ropes for Orange to get in but Orange rolled under the bottom rope. During the picture in picture for those watching on TBS Kyle O'Reilly and Orange Cassidy hooked up and fought the entire commercial break. Roderick reintroduces himself by braking a guillotine held by O'Reilly with a back breaker on him. Rear Choke on Orange Cassidy lets Roderick Strong put on a double Boston Crab. The fans are into this with AEW chants. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett come out but before they could do anything Jay Briscoe and Ishii also comes out to beat them back to the locker rooms. Orange avoids a lariat in a fashion for which fans grew to love him. He sat down in a chair that Mark Briscoe had used to dive out of the ring. O'Reilly has to break up a Texas Clover Leaf which Strong had on Cassidy. Orange kicks to both men. The kicks started slow but then became rapid. Roderick Strong is once again taking the beating from his two opponents. Orange Cassidy steals the win with a Crucifix pin.
Tony Schiavone calls out Hook so the fans can hear from him. Hook comes out wearing a white bandage over his left eye. Supposedly unable to see out of it. This is very reminiscent of Jon Moxley about five years ago with the spike and can't see. Hook wants "his title" back. Jericho comes out. Calls Hook a stupid SoB. Jericho teases a fight for tonight but backs out to make the challenge for All In. One of the caveats for Hook to get this is to face Big Bill next week in Cardiff. The other is this is his last chance to get the title back.
The Acclaimed attacked while the Young Bucks were on the ramps. Stereo Back Body Drop by the Acclaimed. Bowens Cannonball of the ramp hits both of the Young Bucks. Bucks gets some offense in with stero Crossbodies over the top. Max and Matt officially start the match. The crowd goes wild as Daddy Ass walks down the ramp. Don't know if it was on purpose or accident but Daddy Ass slapped Max Caster's boot. They exchanged some words not sure what was said. Scissor Me Timbers prevented by Matthew Jackson. Daddy Ass gets kicked out of ringside as he was caught holding a chair in a threatening manner towards Matthew Jackson. Nicholas is using this time to beat down Max Caster. Nickolas is scrapping the back of Max Caster. Caster starts to fight back on the outside. That ends once both men are back in the ring. Hot tag to Bowens. Superkick by Nicholas stops that. Slice Bread almost puts Bowens away. Matthew Jackson power bombs Bowens on the ramp. Max has to kick out with Nicholas holding his trunks. Rick Knox taken down. Matthew low blows Max. DQ win for the Young Bucks as FTR came out to maintain some order while the ref was down.
The TV Main Event is set for One Fall. This will work as a warm up match for Swerve as he put it. Bryan Danielson is sitting ringside in the crowd. Justin Roberts announced a twenty minute time limit. There is only seven minutes left in the scheduled broadcast time. Swerve is showing technical knowledge and keeping Yuta down. Wheeler is able to get Swerve into a ankle lock but Swerve gets out. Wheeler does his bottom rope rebound. Swerve pounds Wheeler Yuta into a TKO.