The start has Swerve cutting a promo and hyping Forbidden Door. He really put his opponent over as an "Assassin". Swerve then took shots at The Elite. They answer with Okada saying it is "My house, Bitch!" The Elite set up Blood and Guts them against the best in AEW. Swerve cuts down Matt's appearance and tosses the shoes he was given to the crowd. The Acclaimed comes out to save Swerve before The Elite can inflict Swerve with the injury bug. Christopher Daniels comes out and cue the opening match.
Perry tries to jump Dustin before the bell but it does not work. Jack does get the advantage after poking the eyes. Dustin and Jack pull off a turnbuckle. This is a nice match in the early going. Jack Perry continues to show his more vicious side by pulling up the padding on the outside of the rings. Backfires on him as Dustin reverses the piledriver. Looks like Dustin may have bladed as he is bleeding. That or his forehead has become wafer thin. Perry is having some sort of wardrobe malfunction with his boot. Dustin reverses a EVP trigger with a massive powerslam. Shattered Dreams on Jack who recovers quickly as he escaped a Cross Rhodes. Dustin hits a Cross Rhodes after a series of punches but Jack Perry kicks out. Dustin gets rammed into the turnbuckle that was exposed in the early goings. Nice story telling. DDT to Dustin on the exposed cement. Again going full circle to the beginning of the match. Almost a count out. I was really wishing for that. Low bow by Perry. Jack Perry hits a defiant Dustin with a running knee.
An angry Rush just pummeled his opponent. It was a squash going in and everyone knew it since it just said "Rush in Action" as the title for the match. After the match he cuts a promo starting it with his foot on the throat of his beat foe. MJF without being called out comes out to save the enhancement talent. Rush and MJF trade punches then take out the security. Rush looked to have hurt his arm as he started holding it after hitting a few security guards. The fight goes into the audience. They also take the fight to the back of the arena. AEW was taped above the table and on the trash can thrown. That set up a match for next week that will not have commercials.
Trios match with a 20 min time limit. Roderick Strong seems like the odd man out on one side and Mark Briscoe on the other. Which Kyle Fletcher just got some tattoo work done within a week. Bumping on that arm will hurt extra and probably not proper after care. Strong and Cassidy start the match but both tag out before any hits are exchanged. Fletcher and O'Reilly square off. Mark Briscoe comes in and hit Fletcher right in the new tattoo. Takeshita gets in and dominates. This is why he is the alpha. Double 'Ranna by Orange Cassidy. Cassidy would after a bit get a near fall off a DDT. Konosuke prevented a Orange Punch. Everyone started to then get their spots in. Fletcher pulled out a superb brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle. NEar fall abd people start to get thier spots in again. Fletcher wins by a pile driver on Mark Briscoe.
Samoa Joe and Hook attack their opponents at the top of the ramp. The Premier Athletes never really stood a chance. I don't see the point in this mini-feud. Surprisingly it is not as squash as Neese and Daivari do get some offense in. Red Rum ends the match. Mark Sterling, Tony Neese, and Ari Daivari all chocked out.
This is one of those forgone conclusion matches I hate. This sucks not only because it zaps the interest but because I can only assume Zeuxis is a heck of a luchadora. Zeuxis powers Mone into the ropes. The representative from CMLL is really showing off her power. Mone does one reversal and dances just to be smacked. Mercedes doe a big move in and a near fall. Zeuxis does continue to get the advantage. This just makes when she losses worse. Mone escapes a surfboard but has trouble putting on on Zeuxis. Zeuxis with a near fall off a Liger Bomb. Mercedes Mone nearly won with a Meteora. Double underhook into a lungblower was cool for a person who does not often see them. Mone wins after all the damage done by Zeuxis.
TV Time with the Learning Tree. Week two and Jericho still has a full set. The corn bit is funny Bryan Keith is not funny or good. Jericho basically calls Private Party shit wrestlers by saying their basics are not sound. Jericho would then show them how "Owen Hart showed me" to climb the rope. Private Party would then attack the host of TV Time. This is building to be a nice little rivalry and build the tag division.
Daniel Garcia definitively squashed Nick Comandoro.
This match is going to be super fast paced and awesome. If only it kicked of the show and went to the time limit. The early moments of the match has both men showing off their athleticism with counters. Fenix does seem to inch out an advantage. Fenix spins into an octopus lock which Ospreay powers out. Both men are selling like pros on the appropriate moves. Will Ospreay lands on his feet after a top rope hurricanrana. Ospreay missed a Hidden Blade. Ospreay chops down Rey Fenix. Fenix's chops seems to have no effect on the Billy Goat. Fenis goes back to the well with the submission spin in. Near fall with a crucifix pin. First Oscutter caught second hit the mark. Near fall for Fenix off a huricanrana. Hidden Blade out of no where. WIll then climbs to the top looks at Swerve and hits a Swerve Stomp. Hidden Blade agains for the win.