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Cody Rhodes Looks Back On Moment He Wanted to Punch a WWE Writer In The Face For Ignoring Him

Arran Hill

Cody Rhodes recalls wanting to punch a WWE writer in the face before his departure in 2016 and how Triple H told him he should have done it.

The American Nightmare spoke on this topic during a recent interview with Sam Roberts, where he revealed that the unnamed writer still works for WWE and how he’s finally ready to move past the moment that plagued him all those years ago.

That guy is still a writer here, and I have a great relationship with him. I think he doesn’t know it’s about him. I’m also like, ‘How do you not know? You were fake typing.’ I think a lot of wrestlers or superstars all feel, sometimes, helpless. ‘We’re bound to the creative, we’re bound to this writer.’ To a degree, there is a structure that you are part of, but we’re not helpless. I felt helpless and realized, I’m gonna have to get over that. I’m going to have to stop complaining and do something. I just didn’t want the thing I did to be outside. I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to be that. Being that and getting outside was the only way. It was the cage that needed to be rattled.

The moment is addressed in the former AEW superstar’s “Becoming Cody Rhodes” documentary that is now streaming on Peacock. Cody tells Roberts that there is a part that was cut out of the documentary, which is Triple H telling him that he should have trusted his gut and punched the writer.

There is a part that’s not in there, Hunter [Triple H] also told me that when I said I want to punch that writer in the face, he said, ‘Well, you should.’ There was a moment of thinking about, ‘I’m going to go do it.’ I’d be walking so slow, ‘does he know I’m going to punch him in the face.’ We weren’t fighting at the moment. They took that part out. Big HR problem,

One person Cody will be hitting in the face is the Beast Brock Lesnar, who he faces in a rubber match at Saturday’s SummerSlam premium live event. You can read some backstage news on that highly anticipated bout here.


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