There is a lot on this card. Three segments dedicated to hearing from people. A falls count anywhere match where mayhem is sure to take place. Then several other matches for their debut in Bridgeport, Ct.

Adam Page and Jay White the two real focuses of this match in my opinion start off the match. Nothing too exciting happens in the opening minutes of the match. Cracks do show when Christian tags himself in. Juice comes in looking crazy as usual. Juice does start to unload his fists on his two opponent but Christian is able to hey Juice from behind when Adam Page comes in. Another rough tag between Christian and Page. Belly to belly into a pin gets Adam Page the two count. Christian gets tagged in and stands on Juice Robinson's face. Hook appears from the crowd as Nick Wayne was about to interfere in the match for a second time. Jay White gets tagged in and he starts to get the better of Hangman Page who is also tagged in. Hangman Adam Page is able to hit an avalanche fall away slam on Juice Robinson. The fall away slam is a nice old school move. Jay White dodges a Buckshot Lariat. Lots of big moves happening as they are probably "going home"; a Blade Runner into the barricade onto Christian. Juice Robinson almost pins Hangman. Deadeye by Page after Kip Sabian hits Juice Robinson with the clipboard finished the match.

Will says he isn't interested in the International title but wants Kyle Fletcher to give him some answers. Kyle looked really muscular in the tunnel lights. Will suspects Kyle has something up his sleeve and is correct as it is a screwdriver. Kyle claims that Will was only nice for his own glory. This story seems to be is Kyle an Ospreay clone or nothing like him. A very decent story premise. Will points out that Kyle Fletcher has not individual accomplishments. Looks like we will have Will Ospreay against Kyle Fletcher at Full Gear. Cool but we have already had that on free TV. What will up the ante? This segment ends with a brawl between Davis, Ospreay, and Hobbs against Archer, Brain Cage, and Fletcher.

Roderick Strong then attacks from behind to start the Falls Count Anywhere match. A choke slam by archer in a poorly lit back stage area almost ends the match as soon as it begins. Archer dominated the picture in picture for those who watch on TBS in America. Braiin Cage sporting a nice beard has made himself known. That is the que for the Undisputed Kingdom to come out. I always enjoy Matt Taven. Impressively Archer choke slams Taven from a barricade. Only half of Archer's foot fits on it. Roderick Strong gets his third consecutive victory.

Tony Khan is wasting no time between segments tonight. As Konosuke attacked Strong Adam came out for the save. Takeshita and Cole's match then started with the previous ref Bryce Remsburg. Konsouke with a stiff right knocks Adam Cole down as he went for a Panama Sunrise. After that punch Takeshita has had his way. Suspiciously missing tonight is Don Callis. Adam Cole is able to hit a neck breaker and pin for two. Adam Cole is starting to fight his way back. A little rough going into the Blue Thunder Bomb. Just as Adam Cole looks to be getting the advantage Takeshita hits a massive punch or kick. Konosuke Takeshita hits a tombstone kasadora slam combo. Adam Cole is forced to kick out after two. Cole hits a Panama Sunrise then goes to lower the boom but Takeshita roles out of the ring. Konosuke Takeshita puts on MJF's Dynamite Diamond Ring. Adam Cole tastes the ring. Takeshita wins. Full Gear will as of right now officially be MJF against Roderick Strong. Strong comes back out to attack Takeshita but does not get revenge. Kyle O'Reilley runs of Takeshita.

MVP interrupts Renee and blows smoke up Bobby Lashley's bum. Typical I am a dominant powerhouse set to destroy.

If Mox cutting a promo is him seizing control of the Superstation TBS then that blows. The coolest thing from this was Orange Cassidy calling out Wheeler Yuta for next week. For me, this was a waste of five minutes and the low point of the show so far. There is a lame brawl that breaks out as Darby Allin leapt from the crowd. I also noticed that Darby and Marina Shafir dress alike.

Both of these ladies are still in the returning from injury phase. Britt Baker tries to end the match quickly. Penelope is dodging the dentist. Penelope showing off her athleticism once she does decided to engage. A nice over the rope knee to the Britt Baker's stomach. Ford puts Britt in a surfboard. Britt is able to stop a cartwheel attack in the corner. Slingblad by Baker takes the Superbad Penelope Ford down. That does not keep Penelope down long as she stops Britt Baker mid D-M-D. Penelope hooks on a Mutalock. Baker transforms that into a Lockjaw. Penelope Ford taps out

I really hope that the Hurt Syndicate stops this match before it gets going. I can not find interest in a Lio Rush match. Lots of flipping starts the match. Lio stops the flippy dippy stuff by clawing Swerve's eyes. Swerve goes to the top and hits an uppercut. As the speed of the match picks up it becomes a typical Lio Rush match. For those who have not noticed a typical Lio Rush match is Lio either avoiding or reversing his opponents moves. Lio gets a two count off a frog splash. Speaking of Frog Splashes it has been 19 years since Eddy Guerrero passed. Swerve wins the match with a Big Pressure. Swerve calls out the Hurt Syndicate after the match. MVP's promo was all over the place before Shelton Benjamin attacks Swerve from behind. Hurt Syndicate beats down Strickland.

I think AEW is missing out on some money by not selling Malaki Black Masks. This is a good main event. I think it is PPV caliber. Negative to the match is there is five minutes left in the show. Brody and Dax start the match. Dax gets chopped down like a tree. Black and Cash get in their portion was very old school looking with arm drags and arm locks. Both teams are shinning and showing that they are worthy of being part of the 4-Way match at Full Gear. Black sits down that seems to anger Dax. Double team on the outside gets Malachi. Both FTR members then mock Malachi by sitting with their legs crossed. Heel hook by Cash keeps Brody King from being tagged in. Big Brody King finally tagged back in. He is taking both member of FTR down. Cannonball to both FTR then a pin on Cash Wheeler is only good for a two count. FTR almost wins with a powerbomb lariat combo. Power and Glory by FTR but Malachi hits a foot stomp on Cash. Malachi puts Brody in a pin on Dax. Two count. Shatter Machine. Black pulls Dax off the cover. Spike piledriver to Black on the apron. Brody then makes a massive dive to the outside. House of Black almost wins but Dax barely kicks out. Brody chokes Dax out for the win.