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AEW Collision Review 16/11/2024

Craig Inglis

Hello everyone, I am one half of your Irn Bruiserweights bringing you your AEW Collision Review. So let's get into it.

We are live to tape from the MVP Arena, and you just know the Hurt Syndicate are going to milk that one for all it’s worth. Anna Jay WALKS backstage and says “No DQ, no problem”. Mariah May say this is for Mina.


Welcome back, Mina! Harley does a little shimmy and goes for a kick, but Mina counters. Mina slides under a lariat attempt and dances on the mat, before nailing a drop toe hold and bashing the knee into the canvas. Surfboard knee stomp, Mina continues her focus on the legs of Cameron but Harley makes it to the ropes. Side Russian Legsweep gets a 1 count for Cameron.

Harley brings Mina to the apron and rubs her ASSETS into the face of Shirakawa. Elbows to the side of the neck, enziguri, but Shirakawa comes back with a tilt-a-whirl Russian leg sweep. Back elbow in the corner, Mina rebounds off the top rope with a gamegiri for 2. She sweeps the legs and again drives the knee into the mat. Figure four applied! Harley claws her way to the ropes to break it. Backstabber by Cameron levels the playing field. She tries to get Mina on her shoulders but the leg gives way! Both women trade strikes until Mina goes to the knee again. Mina looks for the Glamorous but Harley avoids it. Backdrop suplex by Cameron, 1, 2, no!

Roll up by Cameron, and she blatantly gets her feet on the ropes for leverage in front of the ref. Rolling forearm by Mina, springboard enziguri….slingblade from the middle rope! 1, 2, NO. Spinning back fist connects, and Shirakawa is feeling it now. Glamorous driver! 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner - Mina Shirakawa

Time: 8:11

Official thoughts – Great little opener here! Cameron looked fantastic, selling the leg offence very well, and I would have been very happy for this to go on longer (…well, wouldn’t we all?!).

We see the ScapegoatBus pull up and Jack Perry makes his way into the building.


Matt Menard has joined the commentary desk for this one. Johnny knocks Garcia down with a shoulder block in the early goings. They trade shoulder blocks, and Johnny gets the advantage once more. MxM likes what they see from Johnny. Garcia finally knocks Johnny down with a shoulder block of his own and chops him in the corner. Mansoor distracts the ref while Madden gets up on the apron on the opposite side and chokeslams Garcia! Johnny makes the cover but just gets a 2.

Running basement knee by Johnny TV, he tosses Garcia to the floor, whipping him into the barricades. MxM double team Garcia while the referee is again distracted. Garcia is returned to the ring, and MxM mocks his dance. Johnny again sends Garcia back out and follows up with a tornillo to the floor, almost landing on his face! Jack Perry attacks Matt Menard from behind, coming through the crowd! Back in the ring, Garcia manages to hit a Saito suplex to create some space. They trade blows, Garcia building steam in the corner. Running face wash kick, spinning neckbreaker, and a cover for 2.

To the floor again, MxM tries to attack, but Garcia sends them both into the ringpost. In the ring, the springboard Disaster Kick connects. But Starship Pain is avoided! John Woo dropkick from Garcia, and he locks in a cobra clutch…and Johnathan Television taps!

Official Winner - Daniel Garcia

Time: 9:15

Official thoughts – No real complaints, but it was kind of just ‘there’ – the MxM Collection component felt tacked on, and I was hoping we’d see more from their new alliance with Johnny TV. Is it just me, or does it feel like there is a bit of a stop-start momentum with Garcia at the moment?

Garcia asks what happened to Daddy Magic, and we see cameras catch up with Jack Perry backstage, tossing Menard all over the place. Perry bashes Menard into the ScapegoatBus and says ‘do you think he’s ready?’ Perry grabs a heavy-looking chain wraps it around the neck of Daddy Magic…and ties it to the trunk of the bus!! “We all have to sacrifice.” Perry is about to drive off, but here comes Garcia for the save. He stomps Perry down and manages to untie Menard before any damage is done. Garcia has ideas for what he will do with Perry, but Menard grabs the camera and seemingly turns it off as we head to the commercial.

Lio Rush is sick and tired of how he’s been feeling lately. Lost and confused, who is he when he loses this much? He’s the Man of the Hour. He came here to collect titles. He prays the people he calls friends are on the same page. It’s only a matter of time before Lio Rush is rushing to the top.

We’re back with Daniel Garcia Plays Manhunt. Perry is chained to the front of the bus! Menard is behind the wheel and we get an over-the-shoulder camera shot of them driving off. Ha, that looked pretty cool actually.


Benjamin with a big boot to begin. A flurry of strikes ensue, and he casually tosses Komander with a release suplex. Hard whip into the corner, with Benjamin looking calm and collected. Komander tries to rally but is cut off with a running elbow. Powerslam attempt is avoided by Komander, and he fires off an armdrag off the ropes. Pop-up dropkick connects, and Komander goes for his springboard hurracanrana but Shelton catches him and tosses him overhead. To the floor, Komander is whipped between the ring skirting and the barricade, before Benjamin applies a neck vice in the ring as we head to the commercial.

Back from break, Benjamin tosses Komander with a release flapjack. He sits Komander on the top rope and tries to jump up for a suplex but Komander kicks the legs. Springboard dropkick by Komander, and he manages to lock in an abdominal stretch. Arm drag counter by Benjamin is evaded and Komander hits a satellite tijeras. The rope walks from one side of the ring to the other into the twisting senton to the floor!

Tiger feint kick connects as they make their way back into the ring. Komander goes for the Shooting Star, but Benjamin avoids it and hits a couple of release German suplexes. Running knee! HUGE thrust kick from Shelton. Exploder powerslam gives Shelton the 1, 2, 3.

Official Winner - Shelton Benjamin

Time: 9:57

Official thoughts – Shelton is such a great addition to the roster, and his experience is going to be so valuable. He slowed the pace down to ensure Komander’s big spots weren’t thrown away and has already fit in very well in his TV matches so far.

Benjamin attempts to take off the mask of Komander after the match, but Alex Abrahantes gets involved! MVP grabs him by the throat and lariats him for his efforts. See ya, Alex!

Renee Paquette is with Kris Statlander, asking about her out-of-control feud with Kamille and Mercedes Mone. Kris says you can expect anything and everything from her match with Mone next Saturday. Statlander is still standing now, and she will be standing next Saturday as the new TBS champion.

Hikaru Shida rocks up, applauding, and says it’s about time someone beats Mercedes’ bony ass. She wants to be Kris’ first challenger once Statlander wins the title. They’ll have a warm-up match this Wednesday on Dynamite, as Kris Statlander vs Hikaru Shida is made official.

Lexy Nair is with the Acclaimed, but she asks where Billy Gunn is. Max Caster says more importantly, they are just a week away from Full Gear and potentially getting the tag titles back. Bowens says Billy Gunn will be here, don’t worry. MVP and Benjamin enter the shot to wish them well and offer advice. They say Caster should use his size and strength, and remind him that it’s a big opportunity.


Jameson on the mic says the people are expecting a ‘meat match’. Jameson says they’re all going on a vegan diet tonight as there will be NO MEAT when they take everyone to Titty City. Boulder runs the ropes and runs straight into the chest of Hobbs. Hobbs dares him to hit the ropes again and knocks Boulder down with a shoulder tackle. Multiple body slams from Hobbs. Boulder staggers Hobbs with a few right hands and pounds away on the back of Hobbs. He looks for a suplex, but Hobbs completes the suplex instead.

Corner clotheslines from the Powerhouse as the crowd chant ‘MEAT!’ One more clothesline connects in the middle of the ring. Hobbs drops the straps, and Jameson gets up on the apron but gets knocked off. Spinebuster to Bronson. Argentine Backbreaker submission to Boulder…and he taps!

Official Winner - Powerhouse Hobbs

Time: 3:40

Official thoughts – Well this was always going to be a slightly one-sided affair! Good to have Hobbs back, and the feats of strength against bigger guys like Boulder are always impressive.

Lexy Nair is with the Undisputed Kingdom, congratulating Roderick Strong on gaining the 3 victories necessary to go on to Full Gear to meet MJF. Strong says Max has 7 days until he’s standing across the ring from him. Strong has a lot to say, and he’ll say it on Wednesday. He doesn’t think MJF knows what he’s got himself into. He’s the Messiah of the Backbreaker, and he will prove that he is better than MJF, and (and MJF knows it).

Private Party make their way to their VIP ringside seats for the following contest.

The Acclaimed make their way to the ring…and Billy Gunn is right there with them as normal. Was he just not around for the promo then? Caster makes a Kamala Harris dig in his rap as they make their entrance.


Bowens and Mortos start the action pretty fast. Mortos gets the upper hand, and Caster tags in as they continue to tease a little tension between the Acclaimed. RUSH in as well, with both guys trading shoulder blocks. Caster looks for an LFI fist bump, and RUSH is not amused, laying him out with a big right hand. RUSH pulls out a cord from under the ring and ends up tossing Caster from the apron to the floor, before whipping him across the back with it. Mortos tags in, neck crank and a cover for 2. Jake Roberts gives Caster a right hand while the referee is distracted, as LFI give quick tags to maintain control.

Back from the commercial, Bowens sends Mortos over the top rope to the floor and hits the Fameasser on RUSH. Diving crossbody from the top turnbuckle to Mortos! Cover, 1, 2, no. Bowens off the ropes, pop-up Samoan Drop from Mortos. RUSH in, overhead biel on Bowens into the corner.

Roaring elbow is blocked by Mortos. Bowens avoids a splash in the corner and then comes face to face with RUSH. Chops in the corner….RUSH gets tranquilo, faking out the corner dropkick. Powerslam connects, and RUSH goes up top but misses a senton bomb. Caster tags in, and the diving splash is broken up by Mortos. Backstabber by RUSH holds Caster there for Mortos to dive onto him. 1, 2, broken up by Bowens. Bull’s Horns is cut off by Bowens. Caster avoids the cannonball from Mortos. Mic Drop connects! 1, 2, 3.

Official Winners - The Acclaimed

Time: 10:35

Official thoughts – Good fast pace maintained throughout, but once again a shame to see LFI jobbed out when they consistently deliver the goods and the crowd buys into them as legit. RUSH in particular always gets a good reaction. Let’s hope he’ll be a factor in the Continental Classic again this year.

The Acclaimed join the Outrunners, House of Black & Private Party in the Four-way at Full Gear next week. Private Party make their way to the ring after the match, but we cut backstage before anything of note happens.

Lexy Nair is with Mina Shirakawa, who is excited for Mariah May’s match later. Lexy asks what her goal is, and Mina just says she’s excited about her next match too…and starts shaking her assets as she slides off screen.

MxM Collection promo for their new gear, available at

We’re reminded that the Continental Classic returns on November 27th and I’m already STOKED.

Lexy Nair is with some of the Conglomeration, and she asks Tomohiro Ishii how he’s feeling about facing Jericho for the ROH World Title. Ishii is stoic as always, but Mark Briscoe takes over and says Jericho’s about to learn a lesson about an ass kicking. Rocky Romero asks about the word of the day, and Briscoe says it’s a menagerie of words…it’s tenacious, it’s tenacity, it’s verocity, it’s veracity…Briscoe is so fired up, he runs off barking.

Next, Lexy Nair is standing by with FTR, wondering where their heads are after losing their qualifying match. Cash says they lost the tag titles over a year ago, and they’ve had opportunities since then but couldn’t capitalize. Dax says on that one night at Dynamite, the better team won. Maybe it’s not their time right now…but it is the Outrunners time. Maybe down the line, they can have FTR vs The Outrunners.

We go to an Outrunner VHS promo, highlighting their win over Top Flight to qualify for the Four-way at Full Gear.


Anna brings PLUNDAH to the ring inside a big black bag. Mariah brings a trash can and a baseball bat. Jay jumps the bell with a dropkick to May, sending her to the floor. Jay bounces May’s head off the steps and whips her into the barricade as we see Taya Valkyrie and Deonna Purrazzo watching backstage. Anna Jay smacks May in the back of the head with the ringbell, and May falls into the lap of Tony Schiavone. Nigel: “GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!” Amazing.

Back in the ring, Anna Jay with a nice blockbuster, but May turns the tables with a DDT onto a chair. She places the trash can over the head of Anna Jay, climbs the buckles, and nails a shotgun dropkick from the top! 1, 2, no. May pulls back the ring skirt and digs out a ladder, sliding it into the ring. May leans the ladder in the corner, and tries to whip Anna into it, but Anna reverses. Queenslayer is attempted, she jumps on the back of Mariah, but Mariah drops backwards, driving the challenger back-first into the ladder.

May pulls out a chair from under the ring as Anna does the same. They both pull out more chairs and slide them all in the ring. Jay with a chair shot to the back of May, and now she goes to the black bag. A crowbar and a wrench are pulled out. May has a belt though, and she whips Anna with it across the back. Anna fires up though and grabs the strap, whipping her in return. Suplex onto the chairs! 1, 2, no.

Jay drives the crowbar into the midsection of May, May comes back with a running knee. Michinoku Driver connects, 1, 2, Anna kicks out. Anna with the GORY BOMB INTO THE LADDER. 1, 2, no. Mariah gasps in pain as Anna pulls out a table and enters the ring with it. She sets it up with just one set of legs out like a ramp. Jay sits May on the top turnbuckle and climbs up with her…May counters, sunset flip powerbomb into the table! 1, 2, NOOO.

Now Mariah pulls out a safety rail from under the ring and sets up a couple of chairs in the ring to create a platform for the railing. Anna Jay with a backstabber though, May took too long! Jay completes the safety rail platform but May fires back with a headbutt. She lays out Anna on the platform and heads up top. Nope, Anna is back up! SUPERPLEX ON THE ELEVATED SAFETY RAIL PLATFORM! That must have sucked for both of them, yikes! Anna now brings out a roll of barbed wire, and wraps it around her arm…QUEENSLAYER WITH THE BARBED WIRE!! Mariah May is struggling…but has surreptitiously grabbed a bottle and sprays Anna in the face. Storm Zero is on a chair! 1, 2, 3!

Official Winner - STILL AEW Women’s World Champion - Mariah May

Time: 14:28

Official thoughts – Glorious work from both women; they went hardcore without going for a ton of blood, and those spots were very effectively pulled off. Anyone saying Anna Jay hasn’t improved since going to Stardom needs to watch this match, she killed it.

Post-match, Mina Shirakawa comes down to the ring to celebrate with Mariah May, and they hug! May can barely walk as Mina helps her up the ramp.

Jon Moxley is outside the arena with Marina Shafir and says he’s underestimated Orange Cassidy. He can see that for the first time now. OC acts like he’s sad about Yuta but he doesn’t care. Moxley can see that OC is a snake, reptilian. Will he strike with venomous intent? Or keep it clean? Moxley wishes he was cold-blooded, but he’s not, he feels everything. The weight of the last 5 years, the dreams and aspirations of every wrestler coming through these doors. Of every AEW fan who gives them their hard earned money because they believe in what AEW could be. Moxley tells OC to lob his head off and see if he can wear the crown instead. Moxley will smear the ground with the blood of Orange Cassidy and plant the flag.

And now, we get the Guns N’ Roses ‘November Rain’ video package for Full Gear, the entire 8min 14sec song, predominantly running down each feud for the PPV. Fantastic production values for this one and the song just works so well for this kind of thing. With that, we are done for the night. See you next week for Full Gear!


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