Welcome guys to AEW Collision Grand slam. We have eight matches tonight so its going to be a good one and were kicking it off with Sarayas rules match so we have no idea what to expect so lets go.

Harley Cameron takes the microphone before the match and says that there is one more rule. The match does not start until Saraya slaps the slag. Hayter puts her hands behind her back. Cameron tries to hold her back, taking Jamie’s attention, allowing Saraya to get that slap in, and the bell rings.
Saraya smashes a VCR player over the head of Hayter, and then smacks a PC keyboard over her back, before wrapping a cord around her throat, all of which gets just a 1 count. Hayter gets tossed to the outside, where Cameron mounts her and slams the back of her head into the floor, before whipping her into the barricade. Saraya smacks Hayter repeatedly in the head with a baking tray, until she ducks one and Saraya hits Cameron instead. Hayter nails a German suplex on the floor! Cameron attacks from behind, choking Hayter out with a baseball bat, but Jamie shrugs her off and tosses her into the barricade. Saraya comes in from behind with the baseball bat to the back. She now pulls out a backpack and dumps a load of toy cars all over two set up tables. She tries to suplex Jamie, but Jamie reverses and sends Saraya into the steel steps instead.
Saraya tries to dive off the apron, but Hayter catches her and powerslams her on the floor! Hayter chases Cameron off and then ascends the buckles with Saraya…but Cameron interferes and tries to suplex Hayter. Saraya comes in with a chair shot to Hayter, knocking her and Cameron backwards off the apron through the tables!

Hayter manages to get back in the ring to beat the count and then kicks out of a pin attempt at 2. Saraya places a chair on the mat, but Hayter lifts her on her shoulders and tackles her through a table propped in the corner. Saraya props a chair in the opposite corner, but Hayter blocks it. Tombstone piledriver connects from Hayter. Big clutching lariat connects from Hayter for the 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winner: Jamie Hayter
This was a fun opening match. This was probably one of Sarayas better showings recently. Hopefully this is over now and Hayter can move on to something new.

As the bell rings, all six men collide. We are left with Jericho and OC in the ring, and Orange still has his backpack on. Jericho runs at him, OC spins round and Jericho runs straight into the backpack, which seems to hurt him. OC pulls out a brick! Keith comes in from behind to break it up and hits a t-bone suplex on O’Reilly. Stundog millionaire on Keith and an O’Reilly back elbow. Big Bill is in, tries a double chokeslam, but the Conglomeration numbers game catches up to him. O’Reilly flies off the apron with a flying knee, and OC follows up with a suicide dive while Briscoe sets up the chair. Jericho cuts him off and hits a DVD onto the chair!
Bryan Keith tosses O’Reilly into the steel steps as we go to PIP. Jericho and Bill double-team Mark Briscoe in the ring as Keith joins the fun too. Body slam from Jericho, Keith is poised on the middle rope but OC rolls out of the way. Jericho again slams him as Keith prepares to dive, but OC once more slowly rolls to the other side of the ring. Jericho tries one more body slam, but OC evades it…only to walk into a huge boot from Big Bill! Boss Man Slam to O’Reilly follows. Briscoe is a house of fire taking on the Learning Tree, but Big Bill comes in for Big Bill Kung Fu. He misses a splash in the corner, Briscoe capitalizes with a dropkick off the middle rope. Codebreaker with a chair by Jericho! 1, 2, O’Reilly makes the save.
OC sits Jericho on a chair, sits Keith on top of him too, and OC and Kyle wail away with kicks. Big Bill puts a stop to all of that and gets some big cheers from the crowd. O’Reilly and Bill fight to the apron, with Kyle kicking away at him. Orange Punch connects, and Bill drops off the apron onto Keith! Jericho in with some chair shots, Briscoe counters and finally hits the chair-assisted senton to the outside, knocking Jericho down. Briscoe pulls out a table and slides it in the ring. Rollup by Jericho for 2, Briscoe straight up into a Jay Driller! He signals for the table, lays Jericho out on it, and climbs the ropes. Froggy Bow through the table…no, Bill is there to meet him! Chokeslam through the table! 1, 2, 3!

Here is your Winners: The Learning Tree
I am so glad the learning tree won this. I feel they needed it more. Big Cass looks great right now. He needs a singles run and some gold. Crowd are hot for him.
Post-match, Chris Jericho signals that he wants the Trios championships.

Andretti takes a cheap shot at King to start this one early! Dropkick to King, standing SSP, but just gets a 1 count. Andretti runs into a double-handed slap, and King gets him up on his shoulders…but Andretti avoids the Gonzo Bomb. Moonsault evasion by Andretti, enziguri, but he dives into a BIG right hand! Splash and the cannonball connect and this one is all over.
Here is your Winner: Brody King
Yes please. Give me more of this. Brody King is a monster and is so good.

Perry makes his way to ringside, and the man answering the call for the open challenge is Minoru Suzuki!
Perry attempts some forearms on Suzuki, who no sells the strikes and knocks Perry to the mat with one of his own. Perry chops him, but Suzuki just laughs it off again. Perry hurts his own hand with the chops while Suzuki continues to be unaffected. Big boot in the corner from Suzuki, snapmare, and a little joint manipulation. Suzuki looks for a kneebar and grounds Perry with it, who continues to try to slap and chop Suzuki. Suzuki hooks the ankle for added pressure until Perry grabs the ropes.
Suzuki delivers some short knees in the corner. Back from commercial, Perry manages to deliver a neckbreaker for 2. Perry with knees to the face, Suzuki shrugs them off, but Perry rakes the eyes instead. Go-behind from Suzuki and he applies the rear naked choke! Looks for the piledriver, Perry counters with a backbody drop. Cross-armbreaker draped over the ropes! Suzuki has to let go but the damage may be done. Suzuki grabs a chair, but Aubrey Edwards puts herself in harm’s way and takes it from Suzuki. Knee lift and a forearm to Perry, sliding him back in the ring, but Perry comes right back with a knee of his own to send Suzuki to the floor. DRAPING DDT from the apron to the floor, and Suzuki landed on his head!! Perry follows up with a running knee into the steel steps, while Aubrey makes the 10 count! And that’s done it, Perry slides back in the ring, leaving Suzuki to be counted out.
Here is your Winner and STILL AEW TNT Champion: Jack Perry
Genius finish to this one. Perry is great but was never beating someone like Suzuki clean. A count out was genius and AEW very rarely use count outs so this worked well.

Quinn takes it to Pac as the bell rings. Claudio takes a cheap shot at Quinn as he runs the ropes, allowing Pac to take control. Claudio in, rapid uppercuts in the corner. Claudio goes to tag Yuta in, but Yuta is motionless on the apron, just watching. Pac kicks away at Quinn, making quick tags with Castagnoli. Body slam and the stalling double stomp connects, while Claudio locks eyes with Yuta. Uranage across the knee, and Yuta still won’t tag in. Pac stands on the back of Quinn’s head, takes a run up, but Quinn fights back. He rolls and makes the tag to Isaiah, who sends Claudio out to the apron and fires away on Pac. DDT to Pac, folding him in half! 1, 2, and Claudio stomps the broken hand of Brother Zay to break it up.
Claudio forcefully tags Yuta in, nails the Giant Swing, but Yuta won’t hit the dropkick, turning his back on Claudio. Claudio stares a hole through him. Komander in, taking Claudio to the floor, and he hits a springboard crossbody to Castagnoli.
Brother Zays rolls Yuta up from behind, 1, 2, no. Yuta tries to get his head in the game now, but he apologizes to Zay for grabbing the bad hand. Nope, that didn’t last long, he wrenches the bad hand, and bites it! Hammer and anvil elbows and Yuta has snapped! Cattle Mutilation locked in! And the ref
calls it.
Winners and STILL AEW Trios Champions: Pac, Wheeler Yuta & Claudio Castagnoli
This is the best work we have seen from Yuta. Im really intrigued to see how this plays out. He doesn’t want to be there but has no choice. Really good work from all involved.

Mortos charges through both men and knocks them down with a double clothesline. Corner lariats now. Tijeras traded by Hologram and Dralistico. And Mortos flips out of one. They try to roll each other up and come to a stalemate. Dralistico tries to enziguri Mortos, who ducks, and Dralistico hits Hologram instead. Dralistico dives, tope con hilo to the floor. Hologram with a tope suicida takes out Dralistico! Hologram brings Mortos back in, but Mortos shoulder blocks him out of the sky. Chops in the corner as Mortos attempts to slow the pace. Dralistico in, thrust kick to the side of the face of

Mortos headbutts Dralistico hard and slaps him in the corner. He kicks Dralistico in the thigh, hooking the leg over the middle rope. Mortos to the apron, Dralistico dumps Hologram with an overhead German and nails a tijeras on Mortos off the middle rope. Hologram slips and slides between the ropes, tijeras armdrag to Mortos, and a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Dralistico up to the top dives to the floor and hits a diving hurracanrana to Mortos. Hologram is there to walk the ropes and flipping senton to Mortos too!
Dralistico with a springboard codebreaker to Hologram, Mortos back in with the pop-up Samoan drop, goes for the cover but a top rope double stomp from Hologram breaks it up. Stand-on-the-shoulder poisonrana!! Crucifix driver, oh god this is insane. Another double clothesline from Mortos takes everyone down. Argentine backbreaker and a discus lariat by Mortos, Dralistico tries to make the cover for it haha, but Mortos doesn’t like that. All three men trade chops, then Dralistico tells Mortos to powerbomb Hologram over his knee! Springboard Canadian Destroyer! Roaring lariat from Mortos but he gets dumped to the floor. Crucifix pinning combination from Hologram, 1, 2, 3!
Here is your Winner: Hologram
Mortos and Dralistico get into it after the match, shoving each other…but here comes RUSH! RUSH pulls both guys in for a hug…and Hologram dives in out of nowhere to attack! All three guys beat Hologram down, and now Mortos joins in with the LFI salute.

Match of the night. No questions. Mortos is genionely so amazing. And we now have another version of the LFI. When do we accept that they are never getting over.

Page gets sent to the apron first, but blocks a right hand and re-enters the ring. Jarrett goes for a crossbody, Page catches him and delivers a fallaway slam. Jarrett avoids a springboard clothesline, and Page heads outside but the Dark Order are right there, so he heads immediately back into the ring. Jarrett is sent to the floor, but it’s right by Lethal and Singh, so they just hug him. Oh, but now Jarrett is sent out by Juice, who whacks him hard with the strap.
Belly to back suplex from Page gets a 2 count. Page chops him in the corner but misses a lariat, and Jarrett mounts him for some punches, only for Page to knock him to the floor, where the Gunns give him a hiding. Death Valley Driver back in the ring gets a 2 for Page. Jarrett is on the apron now, trading right hands with Page. Side Russian legsweep connects, and he sends Page out to get whipped by the Gunns. Back inside, Page lariats Jarrett to the floor, again in front of Lethal, but then heads out after him. John Silver is right there, and Page knocks him out for no reason! Juice and Hangman go at it, meanwhile, Jeff is climbing the ropes…and Jarrett dives from the top turnbuckle with a crossbody to take out Page and a bunch of lumberjacks.

Jarrett goes for the stroke, but Page has a strap in his hand and manages to whip Jeff in the back. Karen Jarett gets involved now, and she covers Jeff, begging Page not to hit him again. Lethal slides in the ring too, and Page whips him instead. Now Jeff has a strap too and starts whacking away at Page, forcing him to the floor. And now the Dark Order start hitting Page with their straps! Everyone is gunning for Page on the floor. Lethal hold his arms, while Singh whips him. Karen Jarrett whips him too! Aubrey Edwards gets her out of the ring, allowing Page to lowblow Jeff Jarrett and deliver the Deadeye for the 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winner: Hangman Aam Page
I was looking forward to this one but felt kind of flat for the most part. Didn’t deliver like I hoped it would. I feel that there is no one to feud with Page anymore. Hes not in line for the title and now with Swerve out he has nothing to do. It will be interesting to see how they book him in the coming weeks.

Okada gives Guevara a clean break in the ropes in the early goings. Snapmare/basement dropkick combination connects for the champion but just gets a 1 count. We get word from commentary that Hangman Adam Page vs Juice Robinson is official for Dynamite 5, which should be niiiice. Okada is sent to the floor, and Sammy follows up with a Fosbury Flop. Sammy throws Okada back in the ring, goes to springboard in, but Okada casually rolls to the other side. Guevara runs round, uses the steel steps as a launch pad, and hits a diving cutter on the outside!
Okada avoids a moonsault and delivers a DDT to Guevara on the outside. Okada grabs a ‘Here for Sammy’ sign and screws it up but then hands it back to the fan. Back in the ring, Okada hits a running back elbow in the corner. Sammy tries to battle back, but there isn’t much sauce behind his shots. Okada applies the Money Clip! Guevara escapes, dives in a crossbody but Okada catches him in a tombstone…no, head-scissor DRIVER from Guevara, my God!
Uppercut from Okada takes Sammy down again, but he comes back with a flying forearm. Suicide dive by Guevara, but damn he flew into the barricade himself with that one. Sammy up top, diving moonsault to the floor, and he hits Okada flush. Guevara looks for GTH, can’t get it, but hits a pump kick instead. Okada with a back body drop to Guevara, who lands on the steel steps!
Back in the ring, Okada’s patented dropkick connects, followed by the elbow drop. Middle Finger Pose! Rainmaker is countered with a Spanish Fly! Sammy crawls to the apron, springboards in but Okada shoves the referee at him. Superkick from Guevara, GTH connects! But Okada is still up! Enziguri to the back of the head springboards in, but Okada catches him with the Rainmaker out of nowhere, 1, 2, 3.
Here is your Winner: Kazuchika Okada
This was a great main event. Sammy is back at his best but Okada is just too good. Great chemistry from both guys. Were just waiting for Takeshita to take the title from Okada at this point.

And with that that’s the end of this weeks Collision. A solid show of wrestling. Fast paced and lots of action. Thanks for joining me guys. See you next week